
Creates a folder in the test log and activates this folder.(在Test Log中创建文件夹并激活该文件夹)


Log.AppendFolder(Str, StrEx, Priority, Attr, OwnerFolderID) Parameters
Str [in] Required Variant
StrEx [in] Optional Variant Default value: Empty string
Priority [in] Optional Integer Default value: pmNormal
Attr [in] Optional A LogAttributes object Default value: Default attributes
OwnerFolderID [in] Optional Integer Default value: -1
Result Integer


The AppendFolder method creates a new folder in the test log and activates it. Once activated, TestComplete can send all posted messages to this folder. The folder can hold messages of different types (they are posted by the Log.Error, Log.Warning, Log.Message, Log.Event, Log.Picture, Log.File and Log.Link methods) as well as other folders.


The method has the following parameters:


Folder caption. This text will be added to the Message column of the Test Log. Str can hold data of any OLE-compatible type. If it cannot be converted to text, its value is ignored.


Additional text to be displayed in the Remarks pane of the Test Log. StrEx can hold data of any type compatible with OLE. If it cannot be converted to text, its value is ignored.


Folder priority. You can use any integer number or any of the following constants:

Constant Value Description
pmLowest 100 The lowest priority of the folder.
pmLower 200 The folder priority which is lower than normal.
pmNormal 300 The normal (default) priority of the folder.
pmHigher 400 The folder priority which is higher than normal.
pmHighest 500 The highest priority of the folder.


The font and color settings that will be applied to the newly created folder in the log. They are represented by a LogAttributes object. If this parameter is omitted, default attributes will be applied.


Identifier of the test log's folder where a new folder will be created as a subfolder. To get this identifier, use the CreateFolder or AppendFolder method (they will create the parent folder). If this parameter refers to a non-existent folder, is omitted or is set to -1 (the default value), the AppendFolder method will either create the folder in the default folder of the test log or append it to the test log outside of any other folder (if the default folder is not set). The default folder is the folder that is currently at the top of the folder stack which is populated during the script run. To push a folder to or pop it out of this stack, use the PushLogFolder or the PopLogFolder method correspondingly.

Return Value

An integer value that represents the identifier of the newly created folder in the test log.


The AppendFolder method is similar to the CreateFolder method. The difference between them is that CreateFolder just creates a new folder, while AppendFolder creates a folder and activates it, so you do not need to call PushLogFolder after AppendFolder.


The following example creates a structure of folders and messages in the test log. This structure is shown in the image below.

VBScriptCopy Code

Dim FolderID(2)
For i = 0 To 2
FolderID(i) = Log.CreateFolder("Folder" & i)
Log.Warning("Warning" & i)
Call Log.CreateFolder("Folder5", , , , FolderID(2))

If you need to activate a log folder right after creating it, you can use the AppendFolder method instead of the combination of CreateFolder and PushLogFolder. The following code snippet shows how this can be done in the example above:

FolderID(i) = Log.CreateFolder("Folder" & i)
' is equal to
FolderID(i) = Log.AppendFolder("Folder" & i)

posted @ 2010-04-09 10:11  GeneJiang  阅读(408)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报