
none of them dared to express it, but every one of them felt, in his heart, that if a way could be found of nurturing the timid dream of his own potential greatness which he brought from his family and school, if somehow he could tie on to the greatness in the faculty and the administration, then his dream might be coming out differently.


Attitude Toward the Undergraduate


My first proposal concerns the attitude of the university towards the undergraduate.

We find that in other areas in modern life, the attitude toward individuals is changing very, very rapidly. Thus, coming into a university from industry, one is surprised to see that entering pupils are treated as young and immature. To anybody on the outside it is self-evident that these boys coming in are not boys. It is self-evident that these men coming in are men. These are the ones who, at seventeen, would have been fighting the bears in the caves of old: who, at seventeen, would have been diverting the streams that came to flood their nomadic valleys.
我们发现在现代生活里的其他方面,这对个体的态度的转变是非常之快的。因此,从工业领域来到大学,其中的一个惊奇就是看到了灌输给小学生的都是些使其变得 年轻和幼稚的东西。对于大部分来自外面的人来说,不言而喻这些进来的男孩都不是男孩。很明显这些进来的男人是男人。这些是谁在17岁时,将会像在老洞穴里 跟熊搏斗:谁,17岁,将快乐的像一条小溪从他们的柚木地区流过。

The fact that civilization is becoming more intricate must not mean that we treat men for a longer period as immature. Does it not mean, perhaps, the opposite: that we must skillfully make them mature sooner, that we must find ways of handling the intricacy of our culture?

Now this error in attitude -- mistaking these men for boys -- permeates the whole scholastic domain, permeates it so thoroughly that it is hard for anyone within the domain to recognize it.

What do I mean by saying that a man is treated as a boy? I mean that he is told, the moment he arrives, that his secret dream of greatness is a pipe-dream; that it will be a long time before he makes a significant, personal contribution -- if ever.

He is told this not with words. He is told this in a much more convincing way. He is shown, in everything that happens to him, that nobody could dream that he could make a significant, personal contribution.

He is given courses, he is instantly given tests, and he is given examinations. Now I ask you, if this is preparation for life, tell me where, where in the world, where in the relationship with our colleagues, where in the industrial domain, where ever again, anywhere in life, is a person given this curious sequence of prepared talks and prepared questions, questions to which the answers are known? Where again is he ever marked in this way? Where again is a structure of authoritarianism masked by the genuine friendliness of the democratic people who are his leaders? Where ever again is a person brought to the day of judgment every single week?
他要接受课程,他更要立即参与考试与测试。现在我问你,如果这是为生命预演,告诉我在哪里,在世界的哪里,在同学间的关系的哪里,在工业领域的哪里,在曾 经在你生命中发生过的,有人问你这么古怪的顺序的讲话和问题,这些问题答案已经知道的?重复的地方是他曾经在这些方式中被记录了

One may be inclined to say: After all, it's just part of a system. But consider this: The first thing a mark tells you is whether what you said is true. When the professor says, "Hand back what I said," the professor is telling the student that what he, the professor, said is true. Now the role of science is to be systematic, to be accurate, to be orderly, but it certainly is not to imply that the aggregated, successful hypotheses of the past have the kind of truth that goes into a number system.
有人可能会想这样说:毕竟,这只是体系的一部分。但考虑到这点:第一件事一个记号告诉你你所说的是否正确。当这教授说,“跟这我做,”,这教授正在告诉这 学生,他所说的是正确的。现在这科学定律变成一个系统的,精确的,有秩序的了,但这并不是意味着这总体的,过去成功的假定就是真理而进入一个计算系统。

If we wonder why so few pupils survive the university system in the country today -- survive to come out asking the right questions, feeling free to question the authority of science although they have mastered the techniques -- I suspect it starts here.

I say that our system of tests and grades, as it now exists, is one source of the low yield of great men from our universities. The marking system is a traumatic experience from which most students emerge with a deep determination never to get into a situation where they can be marked again. They just won't ever again take a chance.

Another example of the attitude toward these incoming men is the honor system. In this survey of scholastic enthusiasm that I mentioned earlier, there is a good deal of discussion of the honor system, of its use in other colleges, and of whether or not we ought to have it at M.I.T. Is it too much to hope that an inspired undergraduate body would need no policing system, even that of its own "honor"?

One feels, when among our young students, that they are honest and honorable and full of ideals, that they come to the door of our universities with the dream of being our colleagues; that if we could provide them intimate leadership there would be no discipline to which they would not subject themselves and no task so arduous in the pursuit of knowledge and science that they would not devote themselves fully to it. But if we imply, as I believe we do by our present attitude, that we do not have this kind of faith in them, then their own strength wanes and they cannot believe the best of themselves. What then should our attitude be, and how might we express it?
一些感受,当我们身边的年轻学生,他们是诚实的,有荣誉感的和充满了理想,那他们带着这些成为了我们的学生;如果我们能够鼓励他们建立领导能力,那将不会 有纪律对他们进行约束,对知识与科学的追求中将不会有任务,他们将不会全身心投入进去。但如果我们暗示,就如我们相信我们现在所做的,我们将不会这么相信 他们,那么他们所拥有实力将降低,他们不会相信自己是最好的。那么我们的做法应该是什么?我们将怎么表达呢?

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