因为每一步都是必要 所以每一步都要专注





    如果需要将应用程序应用于SharePoint下的任何站点,则可以将应用程序置于_Layouts下,在此虚拟路径下再新建虚拟路径即可,注意应用程序的Web.Config中的自定义配置要同步到当前SharePoint站点的配置文件中,最后通过访问 ../layouts/VirtualPath/Page.PageType


    将Bin中的DLL拷贝到_Layouts\bin下,将执行页面放到Layouts\app name\下,通过访问../_layouts/PageName.PageType



    1. Exclude the path of the application from Windows SharePoint Services by performing the following steps:

       A. On the Virtual Server Settings page in SharePoint Central Administration, click Define managed paths.

       B. In the Add a New Path section of the Define Manage Paths page, type the URL to exclude in the Path box, select Excluded path as the option for Type, and click OK.

    2. Clear out the ASP.NET handler used in Windows SharePoint Services and specify the default ASP.NET handler for all pages by opening the web.config file of the application and adding lines as follows:
<clear />
<add verb="*" path="*.aspx" type="System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory, System.Web, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />

    3. Because Windows SharePoint Services maintains a restrictive trust policy, you may need to adjust the trust level by adding a line like the following to the web.config file of the application.
<trust level="Full" originUrl="" />

    4. You may need to enable the session module by adding the following lines to the web.config file of the application. In the top-level web.config file for Windows SharePoint Services, the default value for the enableSesstionState attribute is false.
<add name="Session" type="System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule"/>


posted on 2006-05-17 13:43  TOKY  阅读(900)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报