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1. 首先下载定制版镜像


2. 上传并开启SSH

3. 将主机迁移到其他服务器并置于维护模式

4. 获取要到包的版本名称(注意一定指定绝对路径否则会报错)

[root@localhost:/vmfs/volumes/621641d5-dbe627f4-8462-f48e38c0a278]  esxcli software sources profile list -d /vmfs/volumes/DATA/VMware-VMvisor-Installer-7.0.0.update03-19482537.x86_64-DellEMC_Customized-A04.zip
Name                       Vendor     Acceptance Level  Creation Time        Modification Time
-------------------------  ---------  ----------------  -------------------  -----------------
DEL-ESXi-703_19482537-A04  Dell Inc.  PartnerSupported  2022-03-18T06:21:10  2022-03-18T06:21:10

5. 开始升级--报错了cpu不支持了
[root@localhost:/vmfs/volumes/621641d5-dbe627f4-8462-f48e38c0a278]  esxcli software profile update -d /vmfs/volumes/DATA/VMware-VMvisor-Installer-7.0.0.update03-19482537.x86_64-DellEMC_Customized-A04.zip -p DEL-ESXi-703_19482537-A04
 Hardware precheck of profile DEL-ESXi-703_19482537-A04 failed with warnings: <CPU_SUPPORT WARNING: The CPU in this host may not be supported in future ESXi releases. Please plan accordingly.>
 Apply --no-hardware-warning option to ignore the warnings and proceed with the transaction.
 Please refer to the log file for more details.

6. 加上--no-hardware-warning 选项忽略硬件警告强制升级

[root@localhost:/vmfs/volumes/621641d5-dbe627f4-8462-f48e38c0a278]  esxcli software profile update -d /vmfs/volumes/DATA/VMware-VMvisor-Installer-7.0.0.update03-19482537.x86_64-DellEMC_Customized-A04.zip -p
DEL-ESXi-703_19482537-A04 --no-hardware-warning

7.升级成功 提示重启生效


posted on   时光2020  阅读(3003)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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