ThinkPHP5 使用webuploader 大文件分片上传合并

webuploader 参考网址:

首先引入Jquery 引入webuploader插件 及js css

1 <!--引入CSS-->
2 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/webuploader/webuploader.css">
3 <!--引入Jquery--> 4 <script src=""></script>
5 <!--引入JS--> 6 <script type="text/javascript" src="/webuploader/webuploader.js"></script>


 1 <div class="demo">
 2     <div id="uploadfile">
 3         <!--用来存放文件信息-->
 4         <div id="the_2655" class="uploader-list"></div>
 5         <div class="form-group form-inline">
 6             <div id="picker" style="float:left">选择文件</div>
 7             <input type="hidden" value="" id="file" name="file">
 8             <button id="Btn_2655" class="btn btn-default" style="padding: 5px 10px;border-radius: 3px;">开始上传</button>
 9         </div>
10     </div>
11 </div>


 1 $(function () {
 2         var uploader = WebUploader.create({
 3             // swf文件路径
 4             swf: 'webuploader/Uploader.swf',
 5             // 文件接收服务端。
 6             server: "{:url('index/uploadFile')}",
 7             // 选择文件的按钮
 8             pick: "#picker",
 9             // 不压缩image, 默认如果是jpeg,文件上传前会压缩一把再上传!
10             resize: false,
11             // 选完文件后,是否自动上传。
12             auto:true,
13             // 图片name
14             fileVal:'file',
15             // 单文件
16             multiple:false,
17             //是否要分片处理大文件上传
18             chunked: true,
19             //分片上传,每片2M,默认是5M
20             chunkSize:5*1024*1024,
21             // 单个文件大小限制 5 G
22             fileSingleSizeLimit: 10*1024* 1024 * 1024,   
23             compress : {
24                 width: 100,
25                 height: 100,
26                 compressSize: 0
27             },
28         });
29         uploader.on( 'uploadSuccess', function( file,res ) {
30             $('#file').val(res.filePath)
31         });
32     })


  1 public function uploadFile(){
  2         header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
  3         header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
  4         header("Content-type: text/html; charset=gbk32");
  5         header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
  6         header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
  7         header("Pragma: no-cache");
  8         $folder = input('folder');
  9         if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'OPTIONS') {
 10             exit; // finish preflight CORS requests here
 11         }
 12         if ( !empty($_REQUEST[ 'debug' ]) ) {
 13             $random = rand(0, intval($_REQUEST[ 'debug' ]) );
 14             if ( $random === 0 ) {
 15                 header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error");
 16                 exit;
 17             }
 18         }
 19         // header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error");
 20         // exit;
 21         // 5 minutes execution time
 22         set_time_limit(5 * 60);
 23         // Uncomment this one to fake upload time
 24         usleep(5000);
 25         // Settings
 26         $targetDir = './Public'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'file_material_tmp';            //存放分片临时目录
 27         if($folder){
 28             $uploadDir = './Public'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'file_material'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$'Ymd');
 29         }else{
 30             $uploadDir = './Public'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'file_material''Ymd');    //分片合并存放目录
 31         }
 33         $cleanupTargetDir = true; // Remove old files
 34         $maxFileAge = 5 * 3600; // Temp file age in seconds
 36         // Create target dir
 37         if (!file_exists($targetDir)) {
 38             mkdir($targetDir,0777,true);
 39         }
 40         // Create target dir
 41         if (!file_exists($uploadDir)) {
 42             mkdir($uploadDir,0777,true);
 43         }
 44         // Get a file name
 45         if (isset($_REQUEST["name"])) {
 46             $fileName = $_REQUEST["name"];
 47         } elseif (!empty($_FILES)) {
 48             $fileName = $_FILES["file"]["name"];
 49         } else {
 50             $fileName = uniqid("file_");
 51         }
 52         $oldName = $fileName;
 54         $fileName = iconv('UTF-8','gb2312',$fileName);
 55         $filePath = $targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName;
 56         // $uploadPath = $uploadDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName;
 57         // Chunking might be enabled
 58         $chunk = isset($_REQUEST["chunk"]) ? intval($_REQUEST["chunk"]) : 0;
 59         $chunks = isset($_REQUEST["chunks"]) ? intval($_REQUEST["chunks"]) : 1;
 60         // Remove old temp files
 61         if ($cleanupTargetDir) {
 62             if (!is_dir($targetDir) || !$dir = opendir($targetDir)) {
 63                 die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 100, "message": "Failed to open temp directory111."}, "id" : "id"}');
 64             }
 65             while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
 66                 $tmpfilePath = $targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
 67                 // If temp file is current file proceed to the next
 68                 if ($tmpfilePath == "{$filePath}_{$chunk}" || $tmpfilePath == "{$filePath}_{$chunk}") {
 69                     continue;
 70                 }
 71                 // Remove temp file if it is older than the max age and is not the current file
 72                 if (preg_match('/\.(part|parttmp)$/', $file) && (filemtime($tmpfilePath) < time() - $maxFileAge)) {
 73                     unlink($tmpfilePath);
 74                 }
 75             }
 76             closedir($dir);
 77         }
 78         // Open temp file
 79         if (!$out = fopen("{$filePath}_{$chunk}", "wb")) {
 80             die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 102, "message": "Failed to open output stream222."}, "id" : "id"}');
 81         }
 82         if (!empty($_FILES)) {
 83             if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"])) {
 84                 die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 103, "message": "Failed to move uploaded file333."}, "id" : "id"}');
 85             }
 86             // Read binary input stream and append it to temp file
 87             if (!$in = fopen($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], "rb")) {
 88                 die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 101, "message": "Failed to open input stream444."}, "id" : "id"}');
 89             }
 90         } else {
 91             if (!$in = fopen("php://input", "rb")) {
 92                 die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 101, "message": "Failed to open input stream555."}, "id" : "id"}');
 93             }
 94         }
 95         while ($buff = fread($in, 4096)) {
 96             fwrite($out, $buff);
 97         }
 98         fclose($out);
 99         fclose($in);
100         rename("{$filePath}_{$chunk}", "{$filePath}_{$chunk}");
101         $index = 0;
102         $done = true;
103         for( $index = 0; $index < $chunks; $index++ ) {
104             if ( !file_exists("{$filePath}_{$index}") ) {
105                 $done = false;
106                 break;
107             }
108         }
110         if ($done) {
111             $pathInfo = pathinfo($fileName);
112             $hashStr = substr(md5($pathInfo['basename']),8,16);
113             $hashName = time() . $hashStr . '.' .$pathInfo['extension'];
114             $uploadPath = $uploadDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .$hashName;
115             if (!$out = fopen($uploadPath, "wb")) {
116                 die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 102, "message": "Failed to open output stream666."}, "id" : "id"}');
117             }
118             //flock($hander,LOCK_EX)文件锁
119             if ( flock($out, LOCK_EX) ) {
120                 for( $index = 0; $index < $chunks; $index++ ) {
121                     if (!$in = fopen("{$filePath}_{$index}", "rb")) {
122                         break;
123                     }
124                     while ($buff = fread($in, 4096)) {
125                         fwrite($out, $buff);
126                     }
127                     fclose($in);
128                     unlink("{$filePath}_{$index}");
129                 }
130                 flock($out, LOCK_UN);
131             }
132             fclose($out);
133             $response = [
134                 'success'=>true,
135                 'oldName'=>$oldName,
136                 'filePath'=>$uploadPath,
137 //                'fileSize'=>$data['size'],
138                 'fileSuffixes'=>$pathInfo['extension'],          //文件后缀名
139 //                'file_id'=>$data['id'],
140             ];
141             return json($response);
142         }
144         // Return Success JSON-RPC response
145         die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : null, "id" : "id"}');
146     }


posted @ 2021-03-15 19:43  Me爱码士  阅读(44)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报