原文译文First Year Radiological ErosiveProgression Is a New Predictor of Further Erosive Progression inEarly Arthritis: Results of the ESPOIR Cohort Ga... 阅读全文
原文译文Frequency and Duration of Drug-FreeRemission After One Year of Treatment with Etanercept Vs.Sulfasalazine in Early Axial Spondyloarthritis – 2 ... 阅读全文
原文译文Can Ultrasound (PDUS) Easily DetectErosions? Evaluation of Physiological and Abnormal Cortical Breaksof Small Joints in Healthy Individuals (HI... 阅读全文
原文译文Serial Ultrasonography Documents NewBone Formation At Entheses in Spondyloarthritis Ralf G. Thiele1, Bethany A. Marston1,Darren Tabechian2, Al... 阅读全文
原文译文Application of Ultrasound to Treat toTarget Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis -Multicentre International Observational Experience Sibel Aydin... 阅读全文
原文译文Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis OnAnti-TNF Therapy; Responders with Major Reduction In Power DopplerActivity Can Be Identified After One Mon... 阅读全文
原文译文Defining Rheumatoid Arthritis FromRadiographic Erosive Abnormalities in the Light of the ACR/EULAR2010 Criteria CédricLukas, Montpellier 1 Uni... 阅读全文
原文译文Evaluation of the Patients with EarlyArthritis by 2010 RA Criteria in Conjunction with MRI of Wrists andFinger Joints Mami Tamai 1, Kazuhiko Ar... 阅读全文
原文译文The Impact of Ultrasonography on theClassification of Rheumatoid Arthritis with 2010 ACR/EULARCriteria: Ultrasound-Combined Classification with... 阅读全文
原文译文Prevalence of Remission in Early RA –A Comparison of New Remission Criteria to EstablishedCriteria Bindee Kuriya1, Ye Sun2, GillesBoire3, Boul... 阅读全文
原文译文Successful Maintenance of RemissionDefined by the New ACR/EULAR Criteria Leads to Better FunctionalOutcomes in RA in Daily Practice, Especially... 阅读全文
原文译文What Is A Realistic Treatment Target inRheumatoid Arthritis: Remission or Minimal DiseaseActivity? Yvonne M.R. dePunder 1, Jaap Fransen1, Wiet... 阅读全文