前言:显而易见,这三次的题目集呈现出了与以往不同的难度,题目4有四道题,而题目5和6都只有一道题,而且完成时间变成了两个星期。题目4主要难度在于是菜单计价程序3,其是在菜单2的基础上增加了更多的细节,而后面题目5,6都是在菜单3上增加了更多要求的两个不同迭代分支,同属菜单计价程序系列,但是难度却比3增加了很多,而且代码的长度肉眼可见的增加了很多行。菜单计价程序3比菜单2增加了两项内容,桌号标识和代点菜信息,需要注意的是最后每一桌总价的计价方式出现了一些微小的变化;菜单计价程序4本体大部分内容与菜单计价程序-3相同,只是增加了特色菜的形式以及异常情况的分析,而且需要注意的是特色菜的计价方式折扣也都与普通菜系不太一样;菜单计价程序5在3的基础上增加了如下要求:1、菜单输入时增加特色菜,其中与4非常不同的就是有一个口味度的分析,特色菜的输入格式:菜品名+英文空格+口味类型+英文空格+基础价格+"T" 2、考虑客户订多桌菜的情况,输入时桌号时,增加用户的信息:格式:table+英文空格+桌号+英文空格+":"+英文空格+客户姓名+英文空格+手机号+日期(格式:YYYY/MM/DD)+英文空格+ 时间(24小时制格式: HH/MM/SS)。由此可见菜单计价程序的难度有多大。而期中考试呢,主要就是对我们进行一个很基础的测试,所以题目难度不大,但是由于有时间限制,很多人可能没有及时写出来,其中最难的当属最后一题,它也是一个迭代的题目,需要利用到很多的设计模式,也需要小心一点。
1. PTA4:
每条菜品记录包含:菜名、基础价格 两个信息。
删除记录格式:序号 delete
如果序号不对,输出"delete error"
代点菜信息包含:桌号 序号 菜品名称 份额 分数
如果下单时间不在营业范围内,输出"table " + t.tableNum + " out of opening hours"
import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); Order order = new Order(); Menu menu = new Menu(); String line = ""; line = scanner.nextLine(); String[] items = new String[10]; int dishCount = 0; int recordCount = 0; while (!line.equals("end")) { items = line.split(" "); if (items.length == 2 && !items[1].equals("delete")) { int portion = Integer.parseInt(items[1]); Dish dish = menu.addDish(items[0], portion); if (dish != null) { menu.dishes[dishCount] = dish; dishCount++; } } if (items.length == 4) { int orderNum = Integer.parseInt(items[0]); int portion = Integer.parseInt(items[2]); int num = Integer.parseInt(items[3]); Record record = order.addRecord(orderNum, items[1], portion, num, menu); if (record != null) { System.out.println(record.orderNum + " " + record.dish.name + " " + record.getPrice()); order.records[recordCount] = record; recordCount++; } } if (items.length == 2 && items[1].equals("delete")) { int orderNum = Integer.parseInt(items[0]); order.deleteRecordByOrderNum(orderNum); } line = scanner.nextLine(); } System.out.println(order.getTotalPrice()); } } class Dish { String name; int unitPrice; int getPrice(int portion) { switch (portion) { case 1: return unitPrice; case 2: if (unitPrice == 15 || unitPrice == 9) return ((int) (unitPrice * 1.5)) + 1; else return unitPrice * 3 / 2; case 3: return unitPrice * 2; } return 0; } } class Student { private String num; private String name; private int chinese; private int math; private int physics; public Student(String num, String name, int chinese, int math, int physics) { this.num = num; this.name = name; this.chinese = chinese; this.math = math; this.physics = physics; } public String getNum() { return num; } public String getName() { return name; } public int getChinese() { return chinese; } public int getMath() { return math; } public int getPhysics() { return physics; } public int getTotal() { return chinese + math + physics; } public double getAverage() { return (double) getTotal() / 3; } } class Menu { HashMap<String, Dish> dishes = new HashMap<>(); int dishCount = 0; Dish searchDishByName(String dishName) { return dishes.get(dishName); } Dish addDish(String dishName, int unitPrice) { if (dishes.containsKey(dishName)) { System.out.println(dishName + " already exists in the menu"); return null; } Dish dish = new Dish(); dish.name = dishName; dish.unitPrice = unitPrice; dishes.put(dishName, dish); dishCount++; return dish; } } class LeapYearChecker { public static void main(String[] args) { int year = 2024; if (isLeapYear(year)) { System.out.println(year + " is a leap year"); } else { System.out.println(year + " is not a leap year"); } } public static boolean isLeapYear(int year) { if (year % 4 != 0) { return false; } else if (year % 100 != 0) { return true; } else if (year % 400 != 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } } class Record { int orderNum; Dish dish; int portion; int num; Record(int orderNum, Dish dish, int portion, int num) { this.orderNum = orderNum; this.dish = dish; this.portion = portion; this.num = num; } int getPrice() { return num * dish.getPrice(portion); } } class Order { Record[] records = new Record[10]; int recordCount = 0; int getTotalPrice() { int totalPrice = 0; for (int i = 0; i < recordCount; i++) { if (records[i] != null && records[i].dish != null) totalPrice += records[i].getPrice(); } return totalPrice; } Record addRecord(int orderNum, String dishName, int portion, int num, Menu menu) { if (recordCount >= records.length) { System.out.println("Order is full"); return null; } Dish dish = menu.searchDishByName(dishName); if (dish == null) { System.out.println(dishName + " does not exist in the menu"); return null; } Record record = new Record(orderNum, dish, portion, num); records[recordCount] = record; recordCount++; return record; } void deleteRecordByOrderNum(int orderNum) { for (int i = 0; i < recordCount; i++) { if (records[i] != null && records[i].orderNum == orderNum) { records[i] = null; return; } } System.out.println("No record found with order number: " + orderNum); } }
1、菜谱信息与订单信息混合,应忽略夹在订单信息中的菜谱信息。输出:"invalid dish"
2、桌号所带时间格式合法(格式见输入格式部分说明,其中年必须是4位数字,月、日、时、分、秒可以是1位或2位数),数据非法,比如:2023/15/16 ,输出桌号+" date error"
4、重复删除,重复的删除记录输出"deduplication :"+序号。
5、代点菜时,桌号不存在,输出"Table number :"+被点菜桌号+" does not exist";本次作业不考虑两桌记录时间不匹配的情况。
9、份额超出范围(1、2、3)输出:序号+" portion out of range "+份额,份额不能超过1位,否则为非法格式,参照第13条输出。
10、份数超出范围,每桌不超过15份,超出范围输出:序号+" num out of range "+份数。份数必须为数值,最高位不能为0,否则按非法格式参照第16条输出。
11、桌号超出范围[1,55]。输出:桌号 +" table num out of range",桌号必须为1位或多位数值,最高位不能为0,否则按非法格式参照第16条输出。
12、菜谱信息中菜价超出范围(区间(0,300)),输出:菜品名+" price out of range "+价格,菜价必须为数值,最高位不能为0,否则按非法格式参照第16条输出。
13、时间输入有效但超出范围[2022.1.1-2023.12.31],输出:"not a valid time period"
15、每桌的点菜记录的序号必须按从小到大的顺序排列(可以不连续,也可以不从1开始),未按序排列序号的输出:"record serial number sequence error"。当前记录忽略。(代点菜信息的序号除外)
16、所有记录其它非法格式输入,统一输出"wrong format"
17、如果记录以“table”开头,对应记录的格式或者数据不符合桌号的要求,那一桌下面定义的所有信息无论正确或错误均忽略,不做处理。如果记录不是以“table”开头,比如“tab le 55 2023/3/2 12/00/00”,该条记录认为是错误记录,后面所有的信息并入上一桌一起计算。
例如:麻婆豆腐 9 T
周一至周五 7折, 周末全价。
Dish { String name;//菜品名称 int unit_price; //单价 int getPrice(int portion)//计算菜品价格的方法,输入参数是点菜的份额(输入数据只能是1/2/3,代表小/中/大份) }
Menu { Dish[] dishs ;//菜品数组,保存所有菜品信息 Dish searthDish(String dishName)//根据菜名在菜谱中查找菜品信息,返回Dish对象。 Dish addDish(String dishName,int unit_price)//添加一道菜品信息 }
Record { int orderNum;//序号 Dish d;//菜品\\ int portion;//份额(1/2/3代表小/中/大份) int getPrice()//计价,计算本条记录的价格 }
Order { Record[] records;//保存订单上每一道的记录 int getTotalPrice()//计算订单的总价 Record addARecord(int orderNum,String dishName,int portion,int num)//添加一条菜品信息到订单中。 delARecordByOrderNum(int orderNum)//根据序号删除一条记录 findRecordByNum(int orderNum)//根据序号查找一条记录 }
import java.text.*; import java.time.*; import java.util.*; public class Main { public static boolean isNumeric(String string) { int intValue; try { intValue = Integer.parseInt(string); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return false; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException { Menu menu = new Menu(); ArrayList<Table> tables = new ArrayList<>(); Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String str1; int i; int size, number; while (true) {// 输入菜单 Dish t = new Dish(); int isrepeat; str1 = input.nextLine(); if (str1.matches("\\S* [1-9]\\d*")) { String[] take = str1.split(" "); t.name = take[0]; t.u_price = Integer.parseInt(take[1]); if (t.u_price > 300) { System.out.println(t.name + " price out of range " + t.u_price); continue; } t.isT = false; isrepeat = menu.searchDish(t.name); if (isrepeat != -1) { menu.dishs.remove(isrepeat); } menu.dishs.add(t); } else if (str1.matches("\\S* \\d* T")) { String[] take = str1.split(" "); t.name = take[0]; t.u_price = Integer.parseInt(take[1]); if (t.u_price > 300) { System.out.println(t.name + " price out of range " + t.u_price); continue; } t.isT = true; menu.dishs.add(t); } else if (str1.equals("end")) { break; } else if (str1.matches("tab.*")) { break; } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } while (!str1.equals("end")) { Table t = new Table(); boolean isrepeat = false; int repeatNum = 0; if (str1.matches("table.*")) { if (str1.matches("table [1-9]\\d* \\d*/\\d\\d?/\\d\\d? \\d\\d?/\\d\\d?/\\d\\d?")) { String[] take = str1.split(" "); String[] Date = take[2].split("/"); String[] Time = take[3].split("/"); int[] intDate = new int[3]; int[] intTime = new int[3]; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { intDate[i] = Integer.parseInt(Date[i]); intTime[i] = Integer.parseInt(Time[i]); } t.num = Integer.parseInt(take[1]); if (t.num > 55) { System.out.println(t.num + " table num out of range"); str1 = input.nextLine(); continue; } try { t.time = LocalDateTime.of(intDate[0], intDate[1], intDate[2], intTime[0], intTime[1], intTime[2]); t.getWeekDay(); } catch (DateTimeException e) { System.out.println(t.num + " date error"); str1 = input.nextLine(); continue; } if (!(t.time.isAfter(LocalDateTime.of(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) && t.time.isBefore(LocalDateTime.of(2024, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)))) { System.out.println("not a valid time period"); str1 = input.nextLine(); continue; } // 判断桌号是否重复 if (t.isOpen()) { for (Table table : tables) { if (t.num == table.num && table.isOpen() && t.time.toLocalDate().isEqual(table.time.toLocalDate())) { Duration duration = Duration.between(t.time, table.time); if ((t.weekday > 0 && t.weekday < 6) && (t.time.getHour() < 15 && table.time.getHour() < 15)) { t = table; isrepeat = true; repeatNum = i; break; } else if (!(t.weekday > 0 && t.weekday < 6) && duration.abs().toMinutes() <= 60) { t = table; repeatNum = i; isrepeat = true; break; } } } } if(!isrepeat) { System.out.println("table " + t.num + ": "); } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); str1 = input.nextLine(); continue; } // 本桌开始点菜 while (true) { str1 = input.nextLine(); if (str1.matches("[1-9]\\d* \\S* \\d [1-9]\\d*")) { String[] take = str1.split(" "); size = Integer.parseInt(take[2]); number = Integer.parseInt(take[3]); if (t.order.records.size() > 0) { if (Integer.parseInt(take[0]) <= t.order.records.get(t.order.records.size() - 1).orderNum) { System.out.println("record serial number sequence error"); continue; } } // 菜品不存在 if (menu.searchDish(take[1]) == -1) { System.out.println(take[1] + " does not exist"); continue; } // 尺寸超出范围 if (size > 3 || size < 1) { System.out.println(Integer.parseInt(take[0]) + " size out of range " + size); continue; } // 数量超出范围 if (number > 15) { System.out.println(Integer.parseInt(take[0]) + " num out of range " + number); continue; } t.od(menu, take[0], take[1], size, number); } // 判断是否为删除订单 else if (str1.matches("[1-9]\\d* delete")) { String[] take = str1.split(" "); t.order.delARecordByOrderNum(Integer.parseInt(take[0])); } // 判断是否为夹杂菜单 else if (str1.matches("\\S* \\d*")) { System.out.println("invalid dish"); } else if (str1.matches("\\S* \\d* T")) { System.out.println("invalid dish"); } // 判断是否为代点 else if (str1.matches("\\d* \\d* \\S* \\d [1-9]\\d*")) { String[] take = str1.split(" "); // 判断代点桌号是否存在 boolean exist = false; for (Table table : tables) { if (table.num == Integer.parseInt(take[0])) { exist = true; break; } } if (exist) { System.out.print(Integer.parseInt(take[1]) + " table " + t.num + " pay for table " + Integer.parseInt(take[0]) + " "); Record treat = new Record(); treat.d = menu.dishs.get(menu.searchDish(take[2])); size = Integer.parseInt(take[3]); number = Integer.parseInt(take[4]); treat.size = size; treat.number = number; System.out.print(treat.getPrice() + "\n"); t.sum += treat.getPrice(); } // 若不存在则输出内容 else { System.out.println("Table number :" + Integer.parseInt(take[0]) + " does not exist"); } } else if (str1.equals("end")) { break; } else if(str1.matches("ta.*")){ break; } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } } else if (str1.matches("t.*")) { isrepeat = true; t = tables.get(tables.size()); while (true) { str1 = input.nextLine(); if (str1.matches("[1-9]\\d* \\S* \\d [1-9]\\d*")) { String[] take = str1.split(" "); size = Integer.parseInt(take[2]); number = Integer.parseInt(take[3]); // 判断订单号是否由小到大排列 if (t.order.records.size() > 0) { if (Integer.parseInt( take[0]) <= t.order.records.get(t.order.records.size() - 1).orderNum) { System.out.println("record serial number sequence error"); continue; } } if (menu.searchDish(take[1]) == -1) { System.out.println(take[1] + " does not exist"); continue; } if (size > 3 || size < 1) { System.out.println(Integer.parseInt(take[0]) + " size out of range " + size); continue; } if (number > 15) { System.out.println(Integer.parseInt(take[0]) + " num out of range " + number); continue; } t.od(menu, take[0], take[1], size, number); } // 判断是否为删除订单 else if (str1.matches("[1-9]\\d* delete")) { String[] take = str1.split(" "); t.order.delARecordByOrderNum(Integer.parseInt(take[0])); } // 判断是否为夹杂菜单 else if (str1.matches("\\S* \\d*")) { System.out.println("invalid dish"); } else if (str1.matches("\\S* \\d* T")) { System.out.println("invalid dish"); } // 判断是否为代点 else if (str1.matches("\\d* \\d* \\S* \\d [1-9]\\d*")) { String[] take = str1.split(" "); // 判断代点桌号是否存在 boolean exist = false; for (Table table : tables) { if (table.num == Integer.parseInt(take[0])) { exist = true; break; } } if (exist) { System.out.print(Integer.parseInt(take[1]) + " table " + t.num + " pay for table " + Integer.parseInt(take[0]) + " "); Record treat = new Record(); treat.d = menu.dishs.get(menu.searchDish(take[2])); size = Integer.parseInt(take[3]); number = Integer.parseInt(take[4]); treat.size = size; treat.number = number; System.out.print(treat.getPrice() + "\n"); t.sum += treat.getPrice(); } // 若不存在则输出内容 else { System.out.println("Table number :" + Integer.parseInt(take[0]) + " does not exist"); } } else if (str1.equals("end")) { break; } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } if (tables.size() != 0) { tables.get(tables.size() - 1).order.records.addAll(t.order.records); } } else { str1 = input.nextLine(); continue; } // 本桌点菜结束,进入下一桌 if (isrepeat) { tables.remove(repeatNum); } t.getSum(); tables.add(t); } // 最终输出桌号订单信息 for (i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) { if (tables.get(i).isOpen()) { System.out .println("table " + tables.get(i).num + ": " + tables.get(i).origSum + " " + tables.get(i).sum); } else System.out.println("table 1 " + tables.get(i).num + " out of opening hours"); } } static class Dish { String name; int u_price; boolean isT = false; } static class Record { int orderNum; Dish d; int size; int number; boolean isDeleted = false; int getPrice() { int price; switch (size) { case 1: price = (int) Math.round(d.u_price); break; case 2: price = (int) Math.round(1.5 * d.u_price); break; case 3: price = (int) Math.round(2 * d.u_price); break; default: System.out.println(orderNum + " portion out of range " + size); return -1; // 返回 -1 表示非法格式 } return price * number; } } static class Menu { List<Dish> dishs = new ArrayList<>(); int searchDish(String dishName) { for (int i = 0; i < dishs.size(); i++) { if (dishName.equals(dishs.get(i).name)) { return i; } } return -1; } Dish addDish(String dishName, int u_price) { Dish newDish = new Dish(); newDish.name = dishName; newDish.u_price = u_price; return newDish; } } static class Order { // Record[] records = new Record[20]; ArrayList<Record> records = new ArrayList<>(); Record addARecord(int orderNum, String dishName, int size, int number, Menu menu) { Record newRecord = new Record(); newRecord.orderNum = orderNum; newRecord.d = menu.dishs.get(menu.searchDish(dishName)); newRecord.size = size; newRecord.number = number; System.out.println(newRecord.orderNum + " " + newRecord.d.name + " " + newRecord.getPrice()); return newRecord; } int searchRecord(String name) { Record recordToFind = new Record(); recordToFind.d.name = name; int index = records.indexOf(recordToFind); if (index == -1) { System.out.println("Record not found."); } return index; } boolean delARecordByOrderNum(int orderNum) { int i, flag = 0; for (i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) { if (records.get(i).orderNum == orderNum) { if (!records.get(i).isDeleted) { records.get(i).isDeleted = true; } else { System.out.println("deduplication " + orderNum); } flag++; } } if (flag == 0) { System.out.println("delete error;"); return false; } return true; } } static class Table { Order order = new Order(); int num; LocalDateTime time; int weekday; long sum = 0; long origSum = 0; void od(Menu menu, String str1, String str2, int size, int number) { { order.records.add(order.addARecord(Integer.parseInt(str1), str2, size, number, menu)); } } void getWeekDay() { weekday = time.getDayOfWeek().getValue(); } void getSum() { for (int i = 0; i < order.records.size(); i++) { if (!order.records.get(i).isDeleted) { origSum += order.records.get(i).getPrice(); if (order.records.get(i).d.isT) { if (weekday > 0 && weekday < 6) { sum += Math.round(order.records.get(i).getPrice() * 0.7); } else { sum += order.records.get(i).getPrice(); } } else { if (weekday > 0 && weekday < 6) { if (time.getHour() >= 17 && time.getHour() < 20) sum += Math.round(order.records.get(i).getPrice() * 0.8); if (time.getHour() == 20) { if (time.getMinute() <= 30) sum += Math.round(order.records.get(i).getPrice() * 0.8); } if (time.getHour() >= 10 && time.getHour() < 14) sum += Math.round(order.records.get(i).getPrice() * 0.6); if (time.getHour() == 14) { if (time.getMinute() <= 30) sum += Math.round(order.records.get(i).getPrice() * 0.6); } } else sum+=order.records.get(i).getPrice(); } } } } boolean isOpen() { if (weekday > 0 && weekday < 6) { if (time.getHour() >= 17 && time.getHour() < 20) return true; if (time.getHour() == 20) { if (time.getMinute() <= 30) return true; } if (time.getHour() > 10 && time.getHour() < 14) return true; if (time.getHour() == 10) { if (time.getMinute() >= 30) return true; } if (time.getHour() == 14) { return time.getMinute() <= 30; } } else { if (time.getHour() > 9 && time.getHour() < 21) return true; if (time.getHour() == 9) { if (time.getMinute() >= 30) return true; } if (time.getHour() == 21) { return time.getMinute() <= 30; } } return false; } } public class Calculator { public int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; } public int subtract(int a, int b) { return a - b; } public int multiply(int a, int b) { return a * b; } public double divide(int a, int b) { if (b == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Divisor cannot be zero."); } return (double) a / b; } } public class Book { private String title; private String author; private String publisher; private boolean borrowed; public Book(String title, String author, String publisher) { this.title = title; this.author = author; this.publisher = publisher; this.borrowed = false; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public String getAuthor() { return author; } public void setAuthor(String author) { this.author = author; } public String getPublisher() { return publisher; } public void setPublisher(String publisher) { this.publisher = publisher; } public boolean isBorrowed() { return borrowed; } public void borrow() { if (borrowed) { System.out.println("This book has already been borrowed."); } else { borrowed = true; System.out.println("Successfully borrowed " + title); } } public void returnBook() { if (borrowed) { borrowed = false; System.out.println("Successfully returned " + title); } else { System.out.println("This book has not been borrowed yet."); } } } public class Person { private String name; private int age; private String gender; public Person(String name, int age, String gender) { this.name = name; this.age = age; this.gender = gender; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } public String getGender() { return gender; } public void setGender(String gender) { this.gender = gender; } public void eat() { System.out.println(name + " is eating."); } public void sleep() { System.out.println(name + " is sleeping."); } } }
- 输入:用户需要输入点菜信息,包括菜品名称和数量。
- 输出:程序需要输出点菜总价。
- 功能:根据用户输入的菜品和数量,计算并输出点菜总价。
- 菜单:可以使用字典或者数据库存储菜单信息,其中菜品名称作为键,对应的价格作为值。
- 点菜信息:可以使用列表或者字典存储用户点菜信息,其中菜品名称作为键,对应的数量作为值。
- 初始化菜单和点菜信息为空。
- 显示菜单供用户选择,并提示用户输入菜品和数量。
- 根据用户输入更新点菜信息。
- 当用户不再点菜时,计算点菜总价。
- 输出点菜总价。
例如:麻婆豆腐 川菜 9 T
周一至周五 7折, 周末全价。
例如:麻婆豆腐 川菜 9 T
例如:1 麻婆豆腐 4 1 9
单条信息在处理时,如果口味度超过正常范围,输出"spicy/acidity/sweetness num out of range : "+口味度值,spicy/acidity/sweetness(辣度/酸度/甜度)根据菜品类型择一输出,例如:
acidity num out of range : 5
例如:table 1: 60 36 川菜 2 爆辣 浙菜 1 微甜
格式:table+英文空格+桌号+英文空格+":"+英文空格+客户姓名+英文空格+手机号+日期(格式:YYYY/MM/DD)+英文空格+ 时间(24小时制格式: HH/MM/SS)
例如:table 1 : tom 13670008181 2023/5/1 21/30/00
import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); Dish[] dishes = new Dish[20]; SpecialDish[] specialDishes = new SpecialDish[20]; ArrayList<Table> tables = new ArrayList<>(); Table table = new Table(); Record[] records = new Record[20]; PersonPay[] personPays = new PersonPay[10]; Order order = new Order(); Menu menu = new Menu(); lastPrint print = new lastPrint(); int x = 0 , y = 0 , z = 0 , z1 = 0 , p = 0 , tableNum , dishNum , portion , num , unit_price , deleteNum , tasteNum; String menuName , dayTime , hourTime , name , tableName , telephoneNum , taste; boolean isHaveTable = false , forOther = false; for(;;){ String input = in.readLine(); if(input.equals("end")){ if(x!=0){ table.order = order; tables.add(x-1 , table); } print.tables = tables; print.personPays = personPays; print.print(); print.payPrint(); break; } String[] getInput = input.split(" "); if(input.matches("^(table)( )([1-9][0-9]*)( )(:)( )(\\S+)( )((136|133|135|180|181|189)[0-9]{8})( )([0-9]{4})(/)([0-9]|[0-9]{2})(/)([0-9]|[0-9]{2})( )([0-9]|[0-9]{2})(/)([0-9]|[0-9]{2})(/)([0-9]|[0-9]{2})$")) { if(x != 0) { table.order = order; tables.add(x-1 , table); table = new Table(); y = 0; } isHaveTable = true; tableNum = Integer.parseInt(getInput[1]); tableName = getInput[3]; telephoneNum = getInput[4]; dayTime = getInput[5]; hourTime = getInput[6]; table.tableNum = tableNum; table.tableName = tableName; table.telephoneNum = telephoneNum; table.mainTime = dayTime; table.remainTime = hourTime; if(!table.timeJudgement1()){ isHaveTable = false; System.out.println("table " +table.tableNum + " out of opening hours"); continue; } order = new Order(); records = new Record[10]; if(x==0){ personPays[p] = new PersonPay(); personPays[p].name = tableName; personPays[p].telephoneNum = telephoneNum; p++; print.p = p; } else{ for(int i=0;i<p;i++){ if(personPays[i].name.equals(tableName)&&personPays[i].telephoneNum.equals(telephoneNum)) break; if(i==p-1){ personPays[p] = new PersonPay(); personPays[p].name = tableName; personPays[p].telephoneNum = telephoneNum; p++; print.p = p; } } } System.out.println("table "+tableNum+": "); x++; } else if(input.matches("^(\\S+)( )([1-9][0-9]*)$")){ int i = 0; menuName = getInput[0]; unit_price = Integer.parseInt(getInput[1]); if(z == 0) { dishes[0] = menu.addDish(menuName , unit_price); z++; } else{ for(;i < z ; i++) { if(menuName.equalsIgnoreCase(dishes[i].name)) { dishes[i].unit_price = unit_price; break; } } } if(i == z){ dishes[z] = menu.addDish(menuName , unit_price); z++; } menu.dishes = dishes; menu.dishNum = z; } else if(input.matches("^(\\S+)( )(\\S+)( )([1-9][0-9]*)( )(T)$")){ int i = 0; menuName = getInput[0]; taste = getInput[1]; unit_price = Integer.parseInt(getInput[2]); if(z1 == 0) { specialDishes[0] = menu.addSpecialDish(menuName , unit_price , taste); z1++; } else{ for(;i < z1 ; i++) { if(menuName.equalsIgnoreCase(specialDishes[i].name)) { specialDishes[i].unit_price = unit_price; break; } } } if(i == z1){ specialDishes[z1] = menu.addSpecialDish(menuName , unit_price , taste); z1++; } menu.specialDishes = specialDishes; menu.dishNum1 = z1; } else if(input.matches("^([1-9][0-9]*)( )(\\S+)( )([1-9][0-9]*)( )([1-9][0-9]*)$")){ if(!isHaveTable) continue; dishNum = Integer.parseInt(getInput[0]); name = getInput[1]; portion = Integer.parseInt(getInput[2]); num = Integer.parseInt(getInput[3]); if(menu.searthDish(name) != null) { records[y] = new Record(); records[y] = order.addARecord(dishNum , name , portion , num , menu); records[y].isSpecialDish = false; System.out.println(records[y].orderNum+" "+records[y].d.name+" "+records[y].getPrice()); y++; order.records = records; order.dishNum = y; } else{ System.out.println(name+" does not exist"); } } else if(input.matches("^([1-9][0-9]*)( )(\\S+)( )([0-9]+)( )([1-9][0-9]*)( )([1-9][0-9]*)$")){ if(!isHaveTable) continue; dishNum = Integer.parseInt(getInput[0]); name = getInput[1]; tasteNum = Integer.parseInt(getInput[2]); portion = Integer.parseInt(getInput[3]); num = Integer.parseInt(getInput[4]); if(menu.searthSpecialDish(name) != null) { if(((menu.searthSpecialDish(name).taste.equals("川菜") && tasteNum >= 0 && tasteNum <= 5) || (menu.searthSpecialDish(name).taste.equals("晋菜") && tasteNum>=0 && tasteNum <= 4) || (menu.searthSpecialDish(name).taste.equals("浙菜") && tasteNum>=0 && tasteNum <= 3))){ records[y] = new Record(); records[y] = order.addASpecialRecord(dishNum , name , portion , num , menu , tasteNum , forOther); records[y].isSpecialDish = true; System.out.println(records[y].orderNum+" "+records[y].d.name+" "+records[y].getPrice()); y++; order.records = records; order.dishNum = y; } } else{ System.out.println(name+" does not exist"); continue; } if(menu.searthSpecialDish(name).taste.equals("川菜")){ if(tasteNum<0||tasteNum>5) System.out.println("spicy num out of range :"+tasteNum); } if(menu.searthSpecialDish(name).taste.equals("晋菜")){ if(tasteNum<0||tasteNum>4) System.out.println("acidity num out of range :"+tasteNum); } if(menu.searthSpecialDish(name).taste.equals("浙菜")){ if(tasteNum<0||tasteNum>3) System.out.println("sweetness num out of range :"+tasteNum); } } else if(input.matches("([1-9][0-9]*)( )(delete)")) { if(!isHaveTable) continue; deleteNum = Integer.parseInt(getInput[0]); if(order.findRecordByNum(deleteNum) == 1){ order.delARecordByOrderNum(deleteNum); } else System.out.println("delete error;"); } else if(input.matches("^([1-9][0-9]*)( )([1-9][0-9]*)( )(\\S+)( )([1-9][0-9]*)( )([1-9][0-9]*)$")) { if(!isHaveTable) continue; int t = Integer.parseInt(getInput[0]); dishNum = Integer.parseInt(getInput[1]); name = getInput[2]; portion = Integer.parseInt(getInput[3]); num = Integer.parseInt(getInput[4]); for(int i = 0;i<x-1;i++){ if(tables.get(i).tableNum == t){ if(menu.searthDish(name) != null) { records[y] = new Record(); records[y] = order.addARecord(dishNum , name , portion , num , menu); records[y].isSpecialDish = false; System.out.println(dishNum+" table "+table.tableNum+" pay for table "+t+" "+records[y].getPrice()); y++; order.records = records; order.dishNum = y; } break; } } } else if(input.matches("^([1-9][0-9]*)( )([1-9][0-9]*)( )(\\S+)( )([0-9]*)( )([1-9][0-9]*)( )([1-9][0-9]*)$")) { if(!isHaveTable) continue; int t = Integer.parseInt(getInput[0]); dishNum = Integer.parseInt(getInput[1]); name = getInput[2]; tasteNum = Integer.parseInt(getInput[3]); portion = Integer.parseInt(getInput[4]); num = Integer.parseInt(getInput[5]); for(int i = 0;i<x-1;i++){ if(tables.get(i).tableNum == t){ if(menu.searthSpecialDish(name) != null) { if(((menu.searthSpecialDish(name).taste.equals("川菜") && tasteNum >= 1 && tasteNum <= 5) || (menu.searthSpecialDish(name).taste.equals("晋菜") && tasteNum <= 4) || (menu.searthSpecialDish(name).taste.equals("浙菜") && tasteNum <= 3))){ records[y] = new Record(); records[y] = order.addASpecialRecord(dishNum , name , portion , num , menu , tasteNum , !forOther); records[y].isSpecialDish = true; System.out.println(dishNum+" table "+table.tableNum+" pay for table "+t+" "+records[y].getPrice()); tables.get(i).giveTaste(name,num,tasteNum,menu); y++; order.records = records; order.dishNum = y; } } break; } } } else { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } } } class Dish{ String name; int unit_price; public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public void setUnitPrice(int unit_price) { this.unit_price = unit_price; } public int getPrice(int portion) { double getPrice = 0; // 用于存储计算后的价格 switch (portion) { case 1: getPrice = unit_price; break; case 2: getPrice = unit_price * 1.5; break; case 3: getPrice = unit_price * 2; break; default: // 处理其他份量的情况 System.out.println("Unsupported portion size"); break; } return (int) Math.round(getPrice); } } class SpecialDish extends Dish{ String taste; public void setTaste(String taste) { this.taste = taste; } } class Menu{ Dish[] dishes; SpecialDish[] specialDishes; int dishNum; int dishNum1; public Dish searthDish(String dishName){ for(int k=0;k<dishNum;k++) { if(dishName.equals(dishes[k].name)){ return dishes[k]; } } return null; } public SpecialDish searthSpecialDish(String dishName){ for(int k=0;k<dishNum1;k++) { if(dishName.equals(specialDishes[k].name)){ return specialDishes[k]; } } return null; } public Dish addDish(String dishName, int unitPrice) { Dish newDish = new Dish(); newDish.setName(dishName); newDish.setUnitPrice(unitPrice); return newDish; } public SpecialDish addSpecialDish(String dishName, int unitPrice, String taste) { SpecialDish newDish = new SpecialDish(); newDish.setName(dishName); newDish.setUnitPrice(unitPrice); newDish.setTaste(taste); return newDish; } } class Record{ int orderNum; Dish d; int portion; int num; int spicy; int acidity; int sweetness; boolean isSpecialDish; public int getPrice() { return d.getPrice(portion)*num; } } class Order { int dishNum; int allCommonPrice; int allSpecialPrice; Record[] records; public void addPortion() { int k = 0; while (k < dishNum - 1) { int l = k + 1; while (l < dishNum) { if (records[k].d.name.equals(records[l].d.name) && records[k].portion == records[l].portion) { records[k].num += records[l].num; records[l].num = 0; } l++; } k++; } } public void getTotalPrice(){ for(int k=0;k<dishNum;k++) { if(!records[k].isSpecialDish) allCommonPrice+=records[k].getPrice(); else allSpecialPrice+=records[k].getPrice(); } } public int getTotalPrice(double commonDiscount,double specialDiscount){ int all = 0; for(int k=0;k<dishNum;k++) { if(!records[k].isSpecialDish) all+=Math.round(records[k].getPrice()*commonDiscount); else all+=Math.round(records[k].getPrice()*specialDiscount); } return all; } public Record addARecord(int orderNum,String dishName,int portion,int num , Menu menu){ Record x=new Record(); x.d=menu.searthDish(dishName); x.orderNum=orderNum; x.portion=portion; x.num=num; return x; } public Record addASpecialRecord(int orderNum,String dishName,int portion,int num ,Menu menu,int tasteNum , boolean forOther){ Record x=new Record(); x.d=menu.searthSpecialDish(dishName); x.orderNum=orderNum; x.portion=portion; x.num=num; if(!forOther){ if(menu.searthSpecialDish(dishName).taste.equals("川菜")){ x.spicy = tasteNum; x.acidity = -1; x.sweetness = -1; } if(menu.searthSpecialDish(dishName).taste.equals("晋菜")){ x.spicy = -1; x.acidity = tasteNum; x.sweetness = -1; } if(menu.searthSpecialDish(dishName).taste.equals("浙菜")){ x.spicy = -1; x.acidity = -1; x.sweetness = tasteNum; } } else{ x.spicy = -1; x.acidity = -1; x.sweetness = -1; } return x; } public void delARecordByOrderNum(int orderNum){ for(int k=0;k<dishNum;k++) { if(orderNum==records[k].orderNum) { records[k].num=0; } } } public int findRecordByNum(int orderNum){ for(int k = 0; k<dishNum;k++) { if(records[k].orderNum==orderNum) { return 1; } } return 0; } } class Table { int tableNum; String tableName; String telephoneNum; String mainTime; String remainTime; Order order; double commonDiscount; double specialDiscount; int averageSpicy; int averageAcidity; int averageSweetness; double spicyNum; double acidityNum; double sweetnessNum; public boolean timeJudgement1() { String[] x = remainTime.split("/"); String[] y = mainTime.split("/"); int year = Integer.parseInt(y[0]); int month = Integer.parseInt(y[1]); int day = Integer.parseInt(y[2]); double hour = Double.parseDouble(x[0]); double minute = Double.parseDouble(x[1]); double second = Double.parseDouble(x[2]); LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(year, month, day); int weekOfDay = date.getDayOfWeek().getValue(); switch (weekOfDay) { case 6: case 7: if (hour >= 10 && hour < 21) { specialDiscount = commonDiscount = 1; return true; } else if (hour == 9 && minute >= 30 || hour == 21 && (minute < 30 || (minute == 30 && second == 0))) { specialDiscount = commonDiscount = 1; return true; } break; default: if (weekOfDay >= 1 && weekOfDay <= 5) { if ((hour > 17 && hour < 20) || (hour == 17 && minute >= 0) || (hour == 20 && (minute < 30 || (minute == 30 && second == 0)))) { commonDiscount = 0.8; specialDiscount = 0.7; return true; } else if ((hour > 10 && hour < 14) || (hour == 10 && minute >= 30) || (hour == 14 && (minute < 30 || (minute == 30 && second == 0)))) { commonDiscount = 0.6; specialDiscount = 0.7; return true; } } break; } return false; } public int tablePrice() { return this.order.getTotalPrice(commonDiscount, specialDiscount); } public void getTaste(){ for(int k = 0;k<this.order.dishNum;k++){ if(order.records[k].isSpecialDish){ if(order.records[k].spicy!=-1){ averageSpicy+=order.records[k].spicy*order.records[k].num; spicyNum=order.records[k].num+spicyNum; } if(order.records[k].acidity!=-1){ averageAcidity+=order.records[k].acidity*order.records[k].num; acidityNum=order.records[k].num+acidityNum; } if(order.records[k].sweetness!=-1){ averageSweetness+=order.records[k].sweetness*order.records[k].num; sweetnessNum=order.records[k].num+sweetnessNum; } } } averageSpicy = (spicyNum != 0) ? (int) Math.round(averageSpicy / spicyNum) : 0; averageAcidity = (acidityNum != 0) ? (int) Math.round(averageAcidity / acidityNum) : 0; averageSweetness = (sweetnessNum != 0) ? (int) Math.round(averageSweetness / sweetnessNum) : 0; } public String getTasteLevel(int level) { if (level == 0) { return "不"; } else if (level == 1) { return "微"; } else if (level == 2) { return "稍"; } else if (level == 3) { return ""; } else if (level == 4) { return "很"; } else { return "爆"; } } public String spicyLevel(){ return getTasteLevel(averageSpicy) + "辣"; } public String acidityLevel(){ return getTasteLevel(averageAcidity) + "酸"; } public String sweetnessLevel(){ return getTasteLevel(averageSweetness) + "甜"; } public void giveTaste(String name , int num , int tasteLevel , Menu menu){ if(menu.searthSpecialDish(name).taste.equals("川菜")){ averageSpicy+=tasteLevel*num; spicyNum+=num; } if(menu.searthSpecialDish(name).taste.equals("晋菜")){ averageAcidity+=tasteLevel*num; acidityNum+=num; } if(menu.searthSpecialDish(name).taste.equals("浙菜")){ averageSweetness+=tasteLevel*num; sweetnessNum+=num; } } } class lastPrint { ArrayList<Table> tables = new ArrayList<>(); PersonPay[] personPays; int p; public void print(){ for (Table table : tables) { table.order.getTotalPrice(); table.getTaste(); if(table.spicyNum==0&&table.acidityNum==0&&table.sweetnessNum==0) System.out.println("table " + table.tableNum + ": " + (table.order.allCommonPrice + table.order.allSpecialPrice) + " " + table.tablePrice()+" "); if(table.spicyNum!=0&&table.acidityNum==0&&table.sweetnessNum==0) System.out.println("table " + table.tableNum + ": " + (table.order.allCommonPrice + table.order.allSpecialPrice) + " " + table.tablePrice() + " 川菜 " +(int)table.spicyNum+" "+table.spicyLevel()); if(table.spicyNum==0&&table.acidityNum!=0&&table.sweetnessNum==0) System.out.println("table " + table.tableNum + ": " + (table.order.allCommonPrice + table.order.allSpecialPrice) + " " + table.tablePrice() + " 晋菜 " +(int)table.acidityNum+" "+table.acidityLevel()); if(table.spicyNum==0&&table.acidityNum==0&&table.sweetnessNum!=0) System.out.println("table " + table.tableNum + ": " + (table.order.allCommonPrice + table.order.allSpecialPrice) + " " + table.tablePrice() + " 浙菜 " +(int)table.sweetnessNum+" "+table.sweetnessLevel()); if(table.spicyNum!=0&&table.acidityNum!=0&&table.sweetnessNum==0) System.out.println("table " + table.tableNum + ": " + (table.order.allCommonPrice + table.order.allSpecialPrice) + " " + table.tablePrice() + " 川菜 " +(int)table.spicyNum+" "+table.spicyLevel()+" 晋菜 "+(int)table.acidityNum+" "+table.acidityLevel()); if(table.spicyNum!=0&&table.acidityNum==0&&table.sweetnessNum!=0) System.out.println("table " + table.tableNum + ": " + (table.order.allCommonPrice + table.order.allSpecialPrice) + " " + table.tablePrice() + " 川菜 " +(int)table.spicyNum+" "+table.spicyLevel()+" 浙菜 "+(int)table.sweetnessNum+" "+table.sweetnessLevel()); if(table.spicyNum==0&&table.acidityNum!=0&&table.sweetnessNum!=0) System.out.println("table " + table.tableNum + ": " + (table.order.allCommonPrice + table.order.allSpecialPrice) + " " + table.tablePrice() + " 晋菜 " +(int)table.acidityNum+" "+table.acidityLevel()+" 浙菜 "+(int)table.sweetnessNum+" "+table.sweetnessLevel()); if(table.spicyNum!=0&&table.acidityNum!=0&&table.sweetnessNum!=0) System.out.println("table " + table.tableNum + ": " + (table.order.allCommonPrice + table.order.allSpecialPrice) + " " + table.tablePrice() + " 川菜 " +(int)table.spicyNum+" "+table.spicyLevel()+" 晋菜 "+(int)table.acidityNum+" "+table.acidityLevel()+" 浙菜 "+(int)table.sweetnessNum+" "+table.sweetnessLevel()); } } public void payPrint(){ for(int k=0;k<p;k++){ for(Table table:tables){ if(table.tableName.equals(personPays[k].name)){ personPays[k].payPrice+=table.tablePrice(); } } } for(int k=0;k<p-1;k++){ for(int l=k+1;l<p;l++){ if(personPays[k].name.toLowerCase().compareTo(personPays[l].name.toLowerCase())>0) { PersonPay x; x=personPays[l]; personPays[l]=personPays[k]; personPays[k]=x; } } } for(int k=0;k<p;k++){ System.out.println(personPays[k].name+" "+personPays[k].telephoneNum+" "+personPays[k].payPrice); } } } class PersonPay{ String name; String telephoneNum; int payPrice; } class Calculator { public int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; } public int subtract(int a, int b) { return a - b; } public int multiply(int a, int b) { return a * b; } public double divide(int a, int b) { if (b == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Divisor cannot be zero."); } return (double) a / b; } } class Book { private String title; private String author; private String publisher; private boolean borrowed; public Book(String title, String author, String publisher) { this.title = title; this.author = author; this.publisher = publisher; this.borrowed = false; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public String getAuthor() { return author; } public void setAuthor(String author) { this.author = author; } public String getPublisher() { return publisher; } public void setPublisher(String publisher) { this.publisher = publisher; } public boolean isBorrowed() { return borrowed; } public void borrow() { if (borrowed) { System.out.println("This book has already been borrowed."); } else { borrowed = true; System.out.println("Successfully borrowed " + title); } } public void returnBook() { if (borrowed) { borrowed = false; System.out.println("Successfully returned " + title); } else { System.out.println("This book has not been borrowed yet."); } } } class Person { private String name; private int age; private String gender; public Person(String name, int age, String gender) { this.name = name; this.age = age; this.gender = gender; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } public String getGender() { return gender; } public void setGender(String gender) { this.gender = gender; } public void eat() { System.out.println(name + " is eating."); } public void sleep() { System.out.println(name + " is sleeping."); } } class Car { private String brand; private String model; private int year; public Car(String brand, String model, int year) { this.brand = brand; this.model = model; this.year = year; } public String getBrand() { return brand; } public String getModel() { return model; } public int getYear() { return year; } public void displayInfo() { System.out.println("Car: " + brand + " " + model + " (" + year + ")"); } } class Student { private String name; private int age; private String major; public Student(String name, int age, String major) { this.name = name; this.age = age; this.major = major; } public String getName() { return name; } public int getAge() { return age; } public String getMajor() { return major; } public void displayInfo() { System.out.println(name + " - Age: " + age + " - Major: " + major); } }
- 代码中定义了一个名为
方法作为程序的入口点。 - 程序通过读取用户的输入来执行相应的操作,比如添加菜品、点餐、结账等。
- 代码中定义了一个名为
- 程序中使用了多个自定义的类来表示不同的概念,比如
等,用于表示菜品、特色菜品、桌号、订单记录、支付记录等。 - 使用数组和ArrayList来存储这些对象,比如
- 程序中使用了多个自定义的类来表示不同的概念,比如
- 程序通过读取用户输入的命令来执行相应的操作,比如添加新的菜品、记录顾客点菜情况、结账等。
- 对用户输入的格式进行了正则表达式匹配,以确保输入的命令符合特定的格式要求。
- 代码中存在一些硬编码,比如数组长度的固定值、部分变量命名不够清晰等,可能会限制程序的扩展性和可维护性。
- 部分功能实现的逻辑比较复杂,可读性不佳。
,输入数据非法,则程序输出Wrong Format
import java.util.*; public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); int choice = input.nextInt(); switch (choice) { case 1://Circle double radius2 = input.nextDouble(); Shape circle = new Circle(radius2); double mj = circle.getArea(); System.out.printf("%.2f%n", mj); break; case 2://Rectangle double x1 = input.nextDouble(); double y1 = input.nextDouble(); double x2 = input.nextDouble(); double y2 = input.nextDouble(); Shape point = new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2); double width = x2 - x1; double height = y2 - y1; //double mj =width * height; System.out.printf("%.2f%n", width * height); break; } } } abstract class Shape { public abstract double getArea(); } // Circle 类 class Circle extends Shape { private double radius; public Circle(double radius) { this.radius = radius; } @Override public double getArea() { return Math.PI * radius * radius; } } // Rectangle 类 class Rectangle extends Shape { private double x1, y1, x2, y2; public Rectangle(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { this.x1 = x1; this.y1 = y1; this.x2 = x2; this.y2 = y2; } @Override public double getArea() { double width = x2 - x1; double height = y2 - y1; return width * height; } }
- 可以更多地利用面向对象的特性,比如封装、继承和多态,来简化代码并提高可维护性。
- 考虑使用动态数据结构,比如HashMap或者LinkedHashMap来存储菜品、桌号等信息,这样可以更好地应对不确定数量的数据。
- 在用户输入和其他操作中加入异常处理,以增强程序的稳定性。
- 将功能模块化,将相似功能的代码提取成方法,并考虑进行代码重构以提高代码的清晰度和可读性。
- 确保每个类和方法只负责一项功能,遵循单一职责原则,以提高代码的灵活性和可维护性。
- 编写单元测试,确保每个模块的功能正确性,减少潜在的bug。
- 如果是一个带有用户界面的点餐系统,可以考虑优化用户交互界面,使其更加友好和直观。
- 添加详细的注释,以解释代码的含义和逻辑,同时编写文档以便其他开发人员理解系统架构和功能。