VS code 的变量设定



  • ${workspaceFolder} - the path of the folder opened in VS Code
  • ${workspaceFolderBasename} - the name of the folder opened in VS Code without any slashes (/)
  • ${file} - the current opened file
  • ${relativeFile} - the current opened file relative to workspaceFolder
  • ${fileBasename} - the current opened file's basename
  • ${fileBasenameNoExtension} - the current opened file's basename with no file extension
  • ${fileDirname} - the current opened file's dirname
  • ${fileExtname} - the current opened file's extension
  • ${cwd} - the task runner's current working directory on startup
  • ${lineNumber} - the current selected line number in the active file
  • ${selectedText} - the current selected text in the active file


posted @ 2018-08-17 09:56  SupperMary  阅读(1743)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报