import os M = 15 # 校园景点数量 INF = 0x3f3f3f3f class Campus: att = ["","正门","科技楼","第一教学楼","基础教学楼","图书馆","北小门","宿舍区","西操场","学二食堂","澡堂","体育馆","学一食堂"] #景点 inf = [['']] * M edges = [[INF] * M] * M #边 Nodes_Num = 0 edges_Num = 0 #总结点数,总边数 def putMap(): print(" ") print(" 石家庄铁道大学校园导游图 ") print(" ") print(" ") print(" =================================================================================================== ") print(" ----1:正门 ") print(" / \\ / | \\ ") print(" / \\ / | \\ ") print(" / ----- | | ----- 2:科技楼------ ") print(" / \\ | | | | | ") print(" 9:学二食堂 --- ----3:第一教学楼 --------- | | ") print(" =================================================================================================== ") print(" | | | | / | 5:图书馆 \ ") print(" | | | | / | \\ \8:西操场 ") print(" | / \\ | / | -- 11:体育馆 ") print(" 12:学一食堂 / -4:基础教学楼 | | ") print(" \\ / | / | ") print(" \\ / | / /------------ ") print(" =================================================================================================== ") print(" 7:宿舍区----------------- | / | ") print(" | \ | / | ") print(" | \ 10: 澡堂------- | ") print(" | \ | | ") print(" -----------------------6:北小门---------------------------------- ") print(" ") print(" =================================================================================================== ") def putMenu(): print("") print(" * * ******** * * ******** ") print(" * * * * * * * ") print(" ******* ******* * * * * ") print(" * * * * * * * ") print(" * * ******** ******* ******* ******** ") print(" ") print(" ") print(" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =") print(" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =") print(" = = = =") print(" = = 欢迎使用石家庄铁道大学校园导航系统 = =") print(" = = = =") print(" = = 请选择服务: = =") print(" = = = =") print(" = = 1.学校信息 可查询景点 当前地点和目的地 4.退出系统 = =") print(" = = = =") print(" = = 2.寻找两景点之间的最短路径 = =") print(" = = = =") print(" = = 3.寻找景点之间的最短路径 = =") print(" = = = =") print(" = = = =") print(" = = = =") print(" = = = =") print(" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =") print(" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =") print() op = input(" 请根据你的需求选择操作:") return op def getCampus(g): file = r'./map.txt' inff = r'./information.txt' for i in range(1,g.Nodes_Num+1): for j in range(1,g.Nodes_Num+1): if i == j: g.edges[i][j] = 0 with open(file) as f: i = 0 for line in f: if i == 0: tmp1,tmp2 = line.split(',') g.Nodes_Num = int(tmp1) g.edges_Num = int(tmp2) i = 1 else: x, y, w = line.split(',') g.edges[int(x)][int(y)] = g.edges[int(y)][int(x)] = int(w) with open('information.txt','r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: tmp1,tmp2 = line.split(' ') poi = int(tmp1) g.inf[poi] = tmp2 def getinf(g): poi = int(input("请输入您想了解到景点,0结束:")) while poi != 0: print("以下是该景点信息:") print(g.inf[poi]) poi = int(input("请输入您想了解到景点,0结束:")) def check(ch): if ch < 0 or ch > 12: print("\n您的输入有误,请输入0~12之间的数字!") return False else: return True def Search(g): number = 0 while True: putMap() print("请问您想查看哪个景点(请输入景点编号,输入0结束):") input(number) # system("cls") #清空屏幕 if(check(number)): if(number == 0): break else: print("景点编号:{}".format(g.att[number].num)) print("景点名称:{}".format(g.att[number])) class passing(): pathStack = [[0]*M] ##路径栈 top = 0 count = 0 #栈顶位置,路径数 visited = [[False]*M] #判断是否已经经过 #Floyd算法求两景点间的一条最短的路径 class DIS: distence = [[0] * M] * M #距离向量 path = [[0] * M] * M def shortPath(g,dis): for i in range(1,g.Nodes_Num+1): #初始化距离向量矩阵与路径向量矩阵 for j in range(1,g.Nodes_Num+1): dis.distence[i][j] = g.edges[i][j] if i != j and dis.distence[i][j] != INF: dis.path[i][j] = i #表示如果i和j相邻,i到j需要经过i else: dis.path[i][j] = -1 #否则用 -1代表当前两点不可达 for k in range(1,g.Nodes_Num+1): #递推求解每两景点的最短路径 for i in range(1,g.Nodes_Num+1): for j in range(1,g.Nodes_Num+1): if dis.distence[i][j] > (dis.distence[i][k] + dis.distence[k][j]): #如果发现引入k点可以使得路径更短 dis.distence[i][j] = dis.distence[i][k] + dis.distence[k][j] #更新最短路径长度 dis.path[i][j] = k # 更新最短路径上的经结点 # 递归实现打印两点间的最短路径(不包括起始点) def Floyd_Print(g,dis,start,end): #递归基:如果两点相邻或者两点不可达,结束递归 if dis.path[start][end] == -1 or dis.path[start][end] == end or dis.path[start][end] == start: return else: Floyd_Print(g,dis, start, dis.path[start][end]) #将中间点作为终点继续打印路径 print('{}->'.format(g.att[dis.path[start][end]]),end='') #打印中间景点名字 Floyd_Print(g, dis,dis.path[start][end], end) #将中间点作为起点继续打印路径 #输出并打印两点间的最短路径 def print_shortPath(g,dis): start = int(input(" 请输入起点编号:")) end = int(input(" 请输入终点编号:")) print(" {}到{}的最短距离是{}M".format(g.att[start],g.att[end],dis.distence[start][end])) print(" 最佳游览路线:",end='') print('{}->'.format(g.att[start]),end='') #输出路径上的起点 Floyd_Print(g,dis,start, end) #输出路径上的中间点 print(g.att[end]) #输出路径上的终点 def bestPath(g,dis): vNum = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] count = 1 #记录用户输入的编号信息 len = 500 #统计全程路径总长 vNum[count] = int(input(" 请输入你要游览的景点的编号(输入0结束输入):")) while vNum[count] != 0 and count <= 12: if vNum[count] == 0: break count += 1 vNum[count] = int(input(" 请输入你要游览的景点的编号(输入0结束输入):")) print(" 已为您挑选最佳访问路径:") i = 1 while vNum[i] > 0 and vNum[i + 1] > 0 : #遍历所有输入的景点 print("{}->".format( g.att[vNum[i]]),end='') #输出路径上的起点 Floyd_Print(g,dis, vNum[i],vNum[i + 1]) #利用Floyd算法得到这两点之间的最短路径 len += dis.distence[vNum[i]][vNum[i + 1]] #算出最短路长度 i += 1 print(g.att[vNum[count - 1]]) #输出路径上的终点 print(" 全程总长为:{}m".format(len)) if __name__ == '__main__': g = Campus() dis = DIS() p = passing() getCampus(g) #从文件读取信息建立校园地图 shortPath(g,dis) #通过Floyd求出distence表与path表 while True : op = putMenu() while op != '0': #打印主菜单 if op == '1': putMap() getinf(g) os.system("pause") os.system('cls') op = putMenu() elif op == "2": putMap() print_shortPath(g,dis) #两景点间最短路径查询 os.system("pause") os.system('cls') op = putMenu() elif op == "3": putMap() bestPath(g,dis) #多景点间访问最优路线查询 os.system("pause") os.system('cls') op = putMenu() elif op == '4': print("感谢使用!") exit() else: print(" 对不起!没有该选项对应的操作.") os.system("pause") os.system('cls') op = putMenu()
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