from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from drf_yasg.utils import swagger_auto_schema
from drf_yasg import openapi
class BatchTestSuiteView(CustomViewSet):
custom batch delete or single delete with suite_ids
:doc 一个用户自定义swagger参数的接口演示,不需要定义模型model和序列化器serializer
penapi.TYPE Includes:
TYPE_OBJECT = "object" #:
TYPE_STRING = "string" #:
TYPE_NUMBER = "number" #:
TYPE_INTEGER = "integer" #:
TYPE_BOOLEAN = "boolean" #:
TYPE_ARRAY = "array" #:
TYPE_FILE = "file" #:
in_ includes:
IN_BODY = 'body' #:
IN_PATH = 'path' #:
IN_QUERY = 'query' #:
IN_FORM = 'formData' #:
IN_HEADER = 'header' #:
with swagger_auto_schema:
:param str name: parameter name
:param str in_: parameter location
:param str description: parameter description
:param bool required: whether the parameter is required for the operation
:param schema: required if `in_` is ``body``
:type schema: Schema or SchemaRef
:param str type: parameter type; required if `in_` is not ``body``; must not be ``object``
:param str format: value format, see OpenAPI spec
:param list enum: restrict possible values
:param str pattern: pattern if type is ``string``
:param .Items items: only valid if `type` is ``array``
:param default: default value if the parameter is not provided; must conform to parameter type
lookup_field = 'id'
parser_classes = [JSONParser, FormParser]
serializer_class = SerialTestSuite
queryset = TestSuite.objects.all()
query_param = openapi.Parameter(name='suite_ids', in_=openapi.IN_QUERY,
description="套件id", type=openapi.TYPE_STRING)
@swagger_auto_schema(method='delete', manual_parameters=[query_param])
@action(methods=['delete'], detail=False, )
def batch_delete(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
suite_ids_string = request.query_params.get('suite_ids', None)
suite_ids = suite_ids_string.split(',')
if not suite_ids: