随笔分类 - 作业讲解
摘要:title: "PTA数据结构和答案解析" author: Sun-Wind date: January 8, 2022 背景:期末数据结构复习题 绪论和线性表 判断题 The Fibonacci number sequence {F N } is defined as: F 0 =0, F 1 =
摘要:title: "一些作业错题" author: Sun-Wind date: January 6, 2022 A graph with 30 vertices and 40 edges must have at most twenty one connected component(s). 要计算最
摘要:title: "给大一新生的礼物" author: Sun-Wind date: October 22, 2021 本帖背景:此帖讲解大一新生团队作业 截止日期10-31 17:09 #P1150(Peter的烟) ##算法简介 本题主要考察的是模拟算法 模拟算法一般考察一些比较基础的题目,它将生活