2016 Multi-University Training Contest 1 J.Subway


Time Limit: 7000/3500 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 262144/262144 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 860    Accepted Submission(s): 126
Special Judge

Problem Description
jiefangxuanyan and yiyi cat are universally acknowledged model couples. Once jiefangxuanyan has time, he takes a train to yiyi cat’s city and meet her. This time, as usual, jiefangxuanyan gets out from the railway station, and enters the subway, only to find that the subway stations of the whole city changes their names!

As a direction idiot, jiefangxuanyan felt helpless with this situation. He called yiyi cat for help. Because the subway map is so complicated, she can’t remember it either. Fortunately, only the names of the stations changed, the structure of subway lines is the same. So she picks out the old map to make a mapping.

But mapping such a confused subway map is definitely a difficult task. So she has to use the computer. Unfortunately, she just spilt wonton soup into her computer. So, yiyi cat asked you for help, hoping you can help her with this problem.

The subway in the city forms a tree, with N subway stations and N-1 subway lines. Any pair of stations are connected with one or more subway lines. You need to find a bijective mapping from the old names to the new names, that for each pair of stations connected by exactly one line in the old map, their new names are also connected by exactly one line in the new map.


The input has multiple test cases, please process to the end of file.

For each test case, the first line is an integer N(1N100000).

In the following N1 lines, each line has two space-separated string, as two stations connected by one line in the old map.

In the following N1 lines, each line has two space-separated string, as two stations connected by one line in the new map.

Station names are no longer than 10 characters, and only consists of lowercase letters (a~z).


For each test case, output N lines.

Each line consists two space-separated string, as the old name and its corresponding new name.

Both the names appeared in the old and new subway map should appear exactly once in the output.

You can output the names in any order. And if there are multiple valid mappings, output any one.

Names in the old map and the new map may be the same, but this does not mean these two stations are the same.


Sample Input
3 a b b c b a a c


Sample Output
b a a b c c







    hashcode[u] = 1 + 
                sigma(primes[i % numberOfPrimes]^i * hashcode[child[u][i]])


  1 const int N = 100010;
  2 int n;
  4 struct Bijection {
  5     map<string, int> stringToInt;
  6     map<string, int>::iterator intToString[N];
  7     int tot;
  9     inline void init() {
 10         stringToInt.clear(), tot = 0;
 11     }
 13     inline int queryInt(const string &t) {
 14         if(stringToInt.count(t)) return stringToInt[t];
 15         intToString[tot] = stringToInt.insert(mk(t, tot)).first;
 16         return tot++;
 17     }
 19     inline const string& queryString(const int t) const {
 20         return intToString[t]->first;
 21     }
 22 } nameA, nameB;
 24 const int PRIMESTOT = 7;
 25 const unsigned int PRIMES[PRIMESTOT] = {
 26     313,
 27     5483, 
 28     85017, 
 29     451883, 
 30     6459271,
 31     37562047,
 32     142859339
 33 };
 35 struct cmpByHashCode {
 36     unsigned int *keys;
 37     cmpByHashCode(unsigned int *keys):keys(keys) {}
 38     inline bool operator ()(const int a, const int b) const {
 39         return keys[a] < keys[b];
 40     }
 41 };
 43 struct TreeHash {
 44     /**
 45      * 1. It will find tree's barycentre firstly and treat it as root.
 46      * 2. If it has two barycentres, it will add a new nodes between them.
 47      * 3. Then Hash Every nodes by it subtree's structure.
 48      * 4. O(n * number of primes).
 49      * 5. Choose several primes as keys to hash.
 50      * 6. The number of primes determine the accuracy of hash.
 51      * */
 53     static unsigned int factor[N];
 55     static void prepare(int N) {
 56         unsigned int tmp[PRIMESTOT];
 57         for(int i = 0; i < PRIMESTOT; ++i) tmp[i] = PRIMES[i];
 58         for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
 59             factor[i] = tmp[i % PRIMESTOT];
 60             tmp[i % PRIMESTOT] *= tmp[i % PRIMESTOT];
 61         }
 62     }
 64     int head[N], son[N * 2], nex[N * 2], tot;
 65     int n;
 66     int rot, bfsList[N], father[N], size[N], maxSubtree[N];
 67     unsigned int hashCode[N];
 68     vector<int> child[N];
 70     inline void init(int m) {
 71         n = m;
 72         for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) head[i] = -1;
 73         tot = 0;
 74     }
 76     inline void addEdge(int u, int v) {
 77         son[tot] = v, nex[tot] = head[u];
 78         head[u] = tot++;
 79     }
 81     inline void bfs(int st) {
 82         int len = 0;
 83         bfsList[len++] = st, father[st] = -1;
 84         for(int idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
 85             int u = bfsList[idx];
 86             for(int tab = head[u], v; tab != -1; tab = nex[tab])
 87                 if(father[u] != (v = son[tab]))
 88                     father[v] = u, bfsList[len++] = v;
 89         }
 90     }
 92     inline int getBarycentre() {
 93         bfs(0);
 95         for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) size[i] = 0;
 96         for(int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
 97             int u = bfsList[i];
 98             ++size[u];
 99             if(father[u] != -1) size[father[u]] += size[u];
101             maxSubtree[u] = n - size[u];
102             for(int tab = head[u], v; tab != -1; tab = nex[tab])
103                 if(father[u] != (v = son[tab]))
104                     maxSubtree[u] = max(maxSubtree[u], size[v]);
105         }
107         int rot = 0;
108         for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
109             if(maxSubtree[rot] > maxSubtree[i]) rot = i;
110         int anotherRot = -1;
111         for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
112             if(i != rot && maxSubtree[rot] == maxSubtree[i]) {
113                 anotherRot = i;
114                 break;
115             }
117         if(anotherRot != -1) {
118             int newRot = n++;
119             head[newRot] = -1;
120             addEdge(newRot, rot), addEdge(newRot, anotherRot);
122             for(int tab = head[rot]; tab != -1; tab = nex[tab])
123                 if(son[tab] == anotherRot) {
124                     son[tab] = newRot;
125                     break;
126                 }
127             for(int tab = head[anotherRot]; tab != -1; tab = nex[tab])
128                 if(son[tab] == rot) {
129                     son[tab] = newRot;
130                     break;
131                 }
133             rot = newRot;
134         }
135         return rot;
136     }
138     inline int hashTree() {
139         int rot = getBarycentre();
140         bfs(rot);
142         for(int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
143             int u = bfsList[i];
145             child[u].clear(), hashCode[u] = 1;
146             for(int tab = head[u], v; tab != -1; tab = nex[tab])
147                 if(father[u] != (v = son[tab])) child[u].push_back(v);
148             sort(all(child[u]), cmpByHashCode(hashCode));
149             for(int idx = 0; idx < sz(child[u]); ++idx)
150                 hashCode[u] += factor[idx] * hashCode[child[u][idx]];
151         }
152         return rot;
153     }
154 } treeA, treeB;
155 unsigned int TreeHash::factor[N];
157 inline void init() {
158     nameA.init(), nameB.init(), treeA.init(n), treeB.init(n);
159 }
161 inline void buildBijection(int u, int v) {
162     if(u < n && v < n)
163         cout << nameA.queryString(u) << ' ' << nameB.queryString(v) << "\n";
164     for(int i = 0; i < sz(treeA.child[u]); ++i)
165         buildBijection(treeA.child[u][i], treeB.child[v][i]);
166 }
168 inline void solve() {
169     int u = treeA.hashTree(), v = treeB.hashTree();
170     buildBijection(u, v);
171 }
173 int main() {
174     ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
175     cin.tie(NULL);
176     TreeHash::prepare(N);
177     while(cin >> n) {
178         init();
179         for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
180             string a, b;
181             cin >> a >> b;
182             int u = nameA.queryInt(a), v = nameA.queryInt(b);
183             treeA.addEdge(u, v), treeA.addEdge(v, u);
184         }
185         for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
186             string a, b;
187             cin >> a >> b;
188             int u = nameB.queryInt(a), v = nameB.queryInt(b);
189             treeB.addEdge(u, v), treeB.addEdge(v, u);
190         }
191         solve();
192     }
193     return 0;
194 }
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posted @ 2016-08-28 20:35  yanzx6  阅读(274)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报