SomeThing About GIS BY GoodChild Nov02

Some GIS applications are more compatible with the IT mainstream than others
–discrete objects离散对象
–location as an attribute将位置作为一个属性
Other applications are much less compatible
–GIS in scientific research科学研究中的GIS
    •dominance of fields of continuous variation特征的连续变化
    •rasters vs discrete vector objects 栅格对阵离散矢量对象
–network applications 网络分析应用
    •arbitrary chunking of networks
Economies of scale will continue to pull GIS into the mainstream
–applications that are more specialized will have to pull hard in the opposite direction
􀂄GIS data sets require highly specialized tools for search and retrieval
–a new generation of search engines is badly needed
Because of the diversity of GIS, it will always be difficult to bound and regulate the field
–except in limited, well-defined areas such as the cadaster
􀂄The special characteristics of GIS will continue to foster鼓励GIS的专有特征
–a science of geographic information地理信息科学的孕育和诞生
–education in GIS at all levels普及GIS教育
–a need for training at all levels普及GIS培训

posted on 2006-03-06 20:46  StinJia  阅读(252)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
