Setting for storage location
Enterprise Structure:
OX09 Maintain storage location
SM30:V_T320 Assign warehouse number to plant/storage location
Inventory Management:
OMB2 Create Storage Location Automatically for Goods Issue / Transfer Postings
OMB3 Create Storage Location Automatically for Goods Receipt
OMJ1 Allow Negative Stocks
OSPX Define Strategies for Stock Determination
OMJ3 Printer Determination by Plant/Storage Location
OMJ4 Printer Determination by Plant/Stor.Loc./User Group
SM30:V_001L_B Authorization Check for Storage Locations
Physical Inventory:
OMBP Allow Freezing of Book Inventory Balance in Storage Location
Consumption-Based Planning:
OMIZ Define MRP Areas -/ Assign storage locations
OMIR Define Storage Location MRP per Plant
Warehouse Management:
Define Storage Location Control
SM30:V_T3201 Control of Assignment "Plant / Stor.Loc. - Whse Number"
SM30:V_T320A Stor. Location Control in Warehouse Mgmt