本文由Mathematrix译自由Jake Vanderplas撰写的Matplotlib Animation Tutorial
Matplotlib 1.1 版新添加了一些非常帅的用来制作动画的工具,你可以在Matplotlib的Example页看到一些非常棒的例子(OldExample, Example)。在这里我与大家分享下我使用这些工具的一些经验。
- “””
- matplotlib animation example
- author: jake vanderplas
- email:
- website:
- license: bsd
- please feel free to use and modify this, but keep the above information. thanks!
- “””
- import numpy as np
- from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
- from matplotlib import animation
- # first set up the figure, the axis, and the plot element we want to animate
- fig = plt.figure()
- ax = plt.axes(xlim=(0, 2), ylim=(-2, 2))
- line, = ax.plot([], [], lw=2)
- # initialization function: plot the background of each frame
- def init():
- line.set_data([], [])
- return line,
- # animation function. this is called sequentially
- def animate(i):
- x = np.linspace(0, 2, 1000)
- y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * (x - 0.01 * i))
- line.set_data(x, y)
- return line,
- # call the animator. blit=true means only re-draw the parts that have changed.
- anim = animation.funcanimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
- frames=200, interval=20, blit=true)
- # save the animation as an mp4. this requires ffmpeg or mencoder to be
- # installed. the extra_args ensure that the x264 codec is used, so that
- # the video can be embedded in html5. you may need to adjust this for
- # your system: for more information, see
- #
-‘basic_animation.mp4′, fps=30, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'])
- fig = plt.figure()
- ax = plt.axes(xlim=(0, 2), ylim=(-2, 2))
- line, = ax.plot([], [], lw=2)
下面我们就创建动画发生时调用的函数了。Init()是我们的动画在在创建动画基础框架(base frame)时调用的函数。这里我们们用一个非常简单的对line什么都不做的函数。这个函数一定要返回line对象,这个很重要,因为这样就能告诉动画之后要更新的内容,也就是动作的内容是line。
- def init():
- line.set_data([], [])
- return line,
- # animation function. this is called sequentially
- def animate(i):
- x = np.linspace(0, 2, 1000)
- y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * (x - 0.01 * i))
- line.set_data(x, y)
- return line,
- anim = animation.funcanimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=100, interval=20, blit=true)
这个对象需要持续存在,所有我们要将它赋给一个变量,我们选择了一个100帧的动画(译者注:你上边的代码还是200帧,怎么到这儿就变成100帧了……,另外,这里也不一定一定要是个数字,可以是个generator 或iterable,详见API说明)并且帧与帧之间间隔20ms,blit是一个非常重要的关键字,它告诉动画只重绘修改的部分,结合上面保存的时间, blit=true会使动画显示得会非常非常快。
- “””
- general numerical solver for the 1d time-dependent schrodinger’s equation.
- adapted from code at
- double pendulum formula translated from the c code at
- author: jake vanderplas
- email:
- website:
- license: bsd
- please feel free to use and modify this, but keep the above information. thanks!
- “””
- from numpy import sin, cos
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import scipy.integrate as integrate
- import matplotlib.animation as animation
- class doublependulum:
- “””double pendulum class
- init_state is [theta1, omega1, theta2, omega2] in degrees,
- where theta1, omega1 is the angular position and velocity of the first
- pendulum arm, and theta2, omega2 is that of the second pendulum arm
- “””
- def __init__(self,
- init_state = [120, 0, -20, 0],
- l1=1.0, # length of pendulum 1 in m
- l2=1.0, # length of pendulum 2 in m
- m1=1.0, # mass of pendulum 1 in kg
- m2=1.0, # mass of pendulum 2 in kg
- g=9.8, # acceleration due to gravity, in m/s^2
- origin=(0, 0)):
- self.init_state = np.asarray(init_state, dtype=’float‘)
- self.params = (l1, l2, m1, m2, g)
- self.origin = origin
- self.time_elapsed = 0
- self.state = self.init_state * np.pi / 180.
- def position(self):
- “””compute the current x,y positions of the pendulum arms”””
- (l1, l2, m1, m2, g) = self.params
- x = np.cumsum([self.origin[0],
- l1 * sin(self.state[0]),
- l2 * sin(self.state[2])])
- y = np.cumsum([self.origin[1],
- -l1 * cos(self.state[0]),
- -l2 * cos(self.state[2])])
- return (x, y)
- def energy(self):
- “””compute the energy of the current state”””
- (l1, l2, m1, m2, g) = self.params
- x = np.cumsum([l1 * sin(self.state[0]),
- l2 * sin(self.state[2])])
- y = np.cumsum([-l1 * cos(self.state[0]),
- -l2 * cos(self.state[2])])
- vx = np.cumsum([l1 * self.state[1] * cos(self.state[0]),
- l2 * self.state[3] * cos(self.state[2])])
- vy = np.cumsum([l1 * self.state[1] * sin(self.state[0]),
- l2 * self.state[3] * sin(self.state[2])])
- u = g * (m1 * y[0] + m2 * y[1])
- k = 0.5 * (m1 *, vx) + m2 *, vy))
- return u + k
- def dstate_dt(self, state, t):
- “””compute the derivative of the given state”””
- (m1, m2, l1, l2, g) = self.params
- dydx = np.zeros_like(state)
- dydx[0] = state[1]
- dydx[2] = state[3]
- cos_delta = cos(state[2] - state[0])
- sin_delta = sin(state[2] - state[0])
- den1 = (m1 + m2) * l1 - m2 * l1 * cos_delta * cos_delta
- dydx[1] = (m2 * l1 * state[1] * state[1] * sin_delta * cos_delta
- + m2 * g * sin(state[2]) * cos_delta
- + m2 * l2 * state[3] * state[3] * sin_delta
- - (m1 + m2) * g * sin(state[0])) / den1
- den2 = (l2 / l1) * den1
- dydx[3] = (-m2 * l2 * state[3] * state[3] * sin_delta * cos_delta
- + (m1 + m2) * g * sin(state[0]) * cos_delta
- - (m1 + m2) * l1 * state[1] * state[1] * sin_delta
- - (m1 + m2) * g * sin(state[2])) / den2
- return dydx
- def step(self, dt):
- “””execute one time step of length dt and update state”””
- self.state = integrate.odeint(self.dstate_dt, self.state, [0, dt])[1]
- self.time_elapsed += dt
- #————————————————————
- # set up initial state and global variables
- pendulum = doublependulum([180., 0.0, -20., 0.0])
- dt = 1./30 # 30 fps
- #————————————————————
- # set up figure and animation
- fig = plt.figure()
- ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect=’equal’, autoscale_on=false,
- xlim=(-2, 2), ylim=(-2, 2))
- ax.grid()
- line, = ax.plot([], [], ‘o-’, lw=2)
- time_text = ax.text(0.02, 0.95, ”, transform=ax.transaxes)
- energy_text = ax.text(0.02, 0.90, ”, transform=ax.transaxes)
- def init():
- “””initialize animation”””
- line.set_data([], [])
- time_text.set_text(”)
- energy_text.set_text(”)
- return line, time_text, energy_text
- def animate(i):
- “””perform animation step”””
- global pendulum, dt
- pendulum.step(dt)
- line.set_data(*pendulum.position())
- time_text.set_text(‘time = %.1f’ % pendulum.time_elapsed)
- energy_text.set_text(‘energy = %.3f j’ %
- return line, time_text, energy_text
- # choose the interval based on dt and the time to animate one step
- from time import time
- t0 = time()
- animate(0)
- t1 = time()
- interval = 1000 * dt - (t1 - t0)
- ani = animation.funcanimation(fig, animate, frames=300,
- interval=interval, blit=true, init_func=init)
- # save the animation as an mp4. this requires ffmpeg or mencoder to be
- # installed. the extra_args ensure that the x264 codec is used, so that
- # the video can be embedded in html5. you may need to adjust this for
- # your system: for more information, see
- #
-‘double_pendulum.mp4′, fps=30, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'])
这里我们建了一个类来保存二级摆的状态(包括摆臂的角度和角速度)并且提供了一些函数来计算这些动作。动画函数(animation functions)和上面是一样的,但是我们让更新函数(update function)要比以前稍稍复杂一些:现在我们不知要改变点的位置,还要让左上角显示两行字去追踪时间和能量状态(如果我们的数学公式没错的话能量应该是个定值)。下面的视频只录制了10s,但是通过观看运行后的脚本你可以看到二级摆不断混乱地(chaotically)摆动直到你笔记本跑完最后一点电力:
- “””
- animation of elastic collisions with gravity
- author: jake vanderplas
- email:
- website:
- license: bsd
- please feel free to use and modify this, but keep the above information. thanks!
- “””
- import numpy as np
- from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import scipy.integrate as integrate
- import matplotlib.animation as animation
- class particlebox:
- “””orbits class
- init_state is an [n x 4] array, where n is the number of particles:
- [[x1, y1, vx1, vy1],
- [x2, y2, vx2, vy2],
- … ]
- bounds is the size of the box: [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
- “””
- def __init__(self,
- init_state = [[1, 0, 0, -1],
- [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
- [-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5]],
- bounds = [-2, 2, -2, 2],
- size = 0.04,
- m = 0.05,
- g = 9.8):
- self.init_state = np.asarray(init_state, dtype=float)
- self.m = m * np.ones(self.init_state.shape[0])
- self.size = size
- self.state = self.init_state.copycopy()
- self.time_elapsed = 0
- self.bounds = bounds
- self.g = g
- def step(self, dt):
- “””step once by dt seconds”””
- self.time_elapsed += dt
- # update positions
- self.state[:, :2] += dt * self.state[:, 2:]
- # find pairs of particles undergoing a collision
- d = squareform(pdist(self.state[:, :2]))
- ind1, ind2 = np.where(d < 2 * self.size)
- unique = (ind1 < ind2)
- ind1 = ind1[unique]
- ind2 = ind2[unique]
- # update velocities of colliding pairs
- for i1, i2 in zip(ind1, ind2):
- # mass
- m1 = self.m[i1]
- m2 = self.m[i2]
- # location vector
- r1 = self.state[i1, :2]
- r2 = self.state[i2, :2]
- # velocity vector
- v1 = self.state[i1, 2:]
- v2 = self.state[i2, 2:]
- # relative location & velocity vectors
- r_rel = r1 - r2
- v_rel = v1 - v2
- # momentum vector of the center of mass
- v_cm = (m1 * v1 + m2 * v2) / (m1 + m2)
- # collisions of spheres reflect v_rel over r_rel
- rr_rel =, r_rel)
- vr_rel =, r_rel)
- v_rel = 2 * r_rel * vr_rel / rr_rel - v_rel
- # assign new velocities
- self.state[i1, 2:] = v_cm + v_rel * m2 / (m1 + m2)
- self.state[i2, 2:] = v_cm - v_rel * m1 / (m1 + m2)
- # check for crossing boundary
- crossed_x1 = (self.state[:, 0] < self.bounds[0] + self.size)
- crossed_x2 = (self.state[:, 0] > self.bounds[1] - self.size)
- crossed_y1 = (self.state[:, 1] < self.bounds[2] + self.size)
- crossed_y2 = (self.state[:, 1] > self.bounds[3] - self.size)
- self.state[crossed_x1, 0] = self.bounds[0] + self.size
- self.state[crossed_x2, 0] = self.bounds[1] - self.size
- self.state[crossed_y1, 1] = self.bounds[2] + self.size
- self.state[crossed_y2, 1] = self.bounds[3] - self.size
- self.state[crossed_x1 | crossed_x2, 2] *= -1
- self.state[crossed_y1 | crossed_y2, 3] *= -1
- # add gravity
- self.state[:, 3] -= self.m * self.g * dt
- #————————————————————
- # set up initial state
- np.random.seed(0)
- init_state = -0.5 + np.random.random((50, 4))
- init_state[:, :2] *= 3.9
- box = particlebox(init_state, size=0.04)
- dt = 1. / 30 # 30fps
- #————————————————————
- # set up figure and animation
- fig = plt.figure()
- fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1)
- ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect=’equal’, autoscale_on=false,
- xlim=(-3.2, 3.2), ylim=(-2.4, 2.4))
- # particles holds the locations of the particles
- particles, = ax.plot([], [], ‘bo’, ms=6)
- # rect is the box edge
- rect = plt.rectangle(box.bounds[::2],
- box.bounds[1] - box.bounds[0],
- box.bounds[3] - box.bounds[2],
- ec=’none’, lw=2, fc=’none’)
- ax.add_patch(rect)
- def init():
- “””initialize animation”””
- global box, rect
- particles.set_data([], [])
- rect.set_edgecolor(‘none’)
- return particles, rect
- def animate(i):
- “””perform animation step”””
- global box, rect, dt, ax, fig
- box.step(dt)
- ms = int(fig.dpi * 2 * box.size * fig.get_figwidth()
- / np.diff(ax.get_xbound())[0])
- # update pieces of the animation
- rect.set_edgecolor(‘k’)
- particles.set_data(box.state[:, 0], box.state[:, 1])
- particles.set_markersize(ms)
- return particles, rect
- ani = animation.funcanimation(fig, animate, frames=600,
- interval=10, blit=true, init_func=init)
- # save the animation as an mp4. this requires ffmpeg or mencoder to be
- # installed. the extra_args ensure that the x264 codec is used, so that
- # the video can be embedded in html5. you may need to adjust this for
- # your system: for more information, see
- #
-‘particle_box.mp4′, fps=30, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'])
这仅仅是个开始:往这些动画里加些别的元素是个很有趣的锻炼,像计算温度和气压来说明合理的油价(译者注:原话为like computation of the temperature and pressure to demonstrate the ideal gas law,考虑到美国油价以为加仑计量单位,原作者是名物理学的博士,所以这里应该是调侃油价计算应该仔细考虑温度和气压)或者是画速度分布的实时曲线来观察它能否接近麦克斯韦分布(译者注:麦克斯韦-玻尔兹曼分布,统计力学中的一个概率分布)。这个为可视化物理学演示打开了太多的可能……