Thanks, Zeno Gantner
2012-12-04 14:55 诸葛二牛 阅读(378) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报Hi Peppe,
> Warning: Reference 'nunit.framework, Version=, Culture=neutral,
> PublicKeyToken=96d09a1eb7f44a77' not found on system. Using
> 'nunit.framework, Version=, Culture=neutral,
> PublicKeyToken=96d09a1eb7f44a77' instead. (Tests)
This means you need to install NUnit.
By the way, which version of MonoDevelop and which version of Mono do you use?
Can you build all parts of the project except for Tests and Programs/MovieDemo?
You can do this by either hitting F7 in each of the sub-projects, or
by removing the two parts from the solution file.
Installing 'make' does not make too much sense on Windows, I guess,
except if you want to replicate a complete Unix development
environment, which you'd do with cygwin.
Perl for Windows can be downloaded here:
> I don't understand the question about bat file and make.
make calls a Unix shell script file, which usually cannot be run on Windows.
Instead, we _could_ have a Windows .bat file that essentially does the
same, but runs on Windows.
At least, that's what I thought when I answered your first e-mail.
Now I am not so sure any more, because we cannot assume that "wget"
and "unzip" are readily available on Windows.
Sorry for that.
Instead, we would need to rewrite the script e.g. in Perl or C#, not
use those programs, to be portable.
I added a ticket for this to our issue tracker:
Alas, I currently do not have the time to do this; so if anybody has
some free time and skills: step up - it should not be too hard.
However, you can re-create the steps in the scripts (attached):
Unzip the two files with whatever archiving program you have (e.g. WinZip).
The IMDB stuff should go into
the MovieLens stuff into
Then run
perl scripts/ --separator=:: data/ml-1m/ratings.dat >
Please let me know whether you have problems running the perl script.
> Then you can run the GUI demo e.g. by opening src/MovieDemo/Main.cs
> and hitting Ctrl-F5 in MonoDevelop.
> I must open main.cs in Monodevelop and I clic ctrl+f5?
Not necessarily. MovieDemo must be the current project. It does not
have to be exactly that file.
If you then hit ctrl-F5, you run that project.
No problem. Do not hesitate to ask if you have more problems.
From your feedback, we will try to improve the documentation so that
the next guy coming along will have less trouble...
Zeno Gantner
Machine Learning Lab
University of Hildesheim
Tel. +49 5121 / 883 856
MyMediaLite Recommender System Library: