QString与const char *相互转换
int main(int argc, char **argv) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QString str1 = "Test"; QByteArray ba = str1.toLatin1(); const char *str2 = ba.data(); printf("str2: %s", str2); return app.exec(); }
Note that it is necessary to store the bytearray before you call data() on it, a call like the following
const char *c_str2 = str2.toLatin1().data();//wrong
const char *c_str2 = str2.toLatin1().data();//wrong
will make the application crash as the QByteArray has not been stored and hence no longer exists.
To convert a char* to a QString you can use the QString constructor that takes a QLatin1String, e.g:
QString string = QString(QLatin1String(c_str2));
char *str2 = "Test";
QString str1(QLatin1String(str2));
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