本文基于 flink 1.12.0
top n 官网: https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.12/dev/table/sql/queries.html#top-n
## sql
flink top n sql 如下,top n的写法支持如下两种:
1、rownum > 3 and rownum < 10 ( 如果 只写 rownum < 10 默认是 > 1 , 排名默认是从 1开始)
2、where rownum < source_table.column (rownum 的值小于源表,输入的第一条数据的一个列值)
insert into user_log_sink(user_id, item_id, category_id,behavior,sales,ts,sort_col) SELECT user_id, item_id, category_id,behavior,sales,sort_col,ts FROM ( SELECT user_id, item_id, category_id,behavior,sales, ts, sort_col, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY category_id ORDER BY ts desc) AS rownum FROM user_log) WHERE rownum < sort_col -- WHERE rownum < 5 -- 只支持两种 top n: -- rownum < 10 or rownum > 3 and rownum < 10 -- rownum < source_table.column -- rownum > 3 是不支持的: Rank end is not specified. Currently rank only support TopN, which means the rank end must be specified. -- 不输出 rownum 可以启动无排名优化,仅输出当前数据,对历史数据的排名更新,不再输出
## Top N 基类 AbstractTopNFunction
Top N 根据数据源包含的数据内容(Insert、Update、Delete 消息),支持 UndefinedStrategy、AppendFastStrategy、RetractStrategy、UpdateFastStrategy 四种处理策略(源码参见: RankProcessStrategy) 对应三个处理子类: AppendOnlyTopNFunction、UpdatableTopNFunction、RetractableTopNFunction,这里只讨论 AppendOnlyTopNFunction,类图如下:
AbstractTopNFunction( long minRetentionTime, long maxRetentionTime, InternalTypeInfo<RowData> inputRowType, GeneratedRecordComparator generatedSortKeyComparator, RowDataKeySelector sortKeySelector, RankType rankType, RankRange rankRange, boolean generateUpdateBefore, boolean outputRankNumber) { // 调用父类的构造函数,设置状态保留最小、最大的时间 super(minRetentionTime, maxRetentionTime); // TODO support RANK and DENSE_RANK // 只支持 ROW_NUMBER, 其他直接抱错 switch (rankType) { case ROW_NUMBER: break; case RANK: LOG.error(RANK_UNSUPPORTED_MSG); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(RANK_UNSUPPORTED_MSG); case DENSE_RANK: LOG.error(DENSE_RANK_UNSUPPORTED_MSG); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(DENSE_RANK_UNSUPPORTED_MSG); default: LOG.error("Streaming tables do not support {}", rankType.name()); throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Streaming tables do not support " + rankType.toString()); } if (rankRange instanceof ConstantRankRange) { // rank 的 start 和 end 是常量 ConstantRankRange constantRankRange = (ConstantRankRange) rankRange; isConstantRankEnd = true; rankStart = constantRankRange.getRankStart(); rankEnd = constantRankRange.getRankEnd(); rankEndIndex = -1; } else if (rankRange instanceof VariableRankRange) { // rank 的 end 是变量,没有 start VariableRankRange variableRankRange = (VariableRankRange) rankRange; rankEndIndex = variableRankRange.getRankEndIndex(); isConstantRankEnd = false; rankStart = -1; rankEnd = -1; } else { // 其他的都不支持 LOG.error(WITHOUT_RANK_END_UNSUPPORTED_MSG); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(WITHOUT_RANK_END_UNSUPPORTED_MSG); } this.generatedSortKeyComparator = generatedSortKeyComparator; this.generateUpdateBefore = generateUpdateBefore; this.inputRowType = inputRowType; // 是否输出 行号,这个涉及到无行号输出优化 this.outputRankNumber = outputRankNumber; this.sortKeySelector = sortKeySelector; } ```java @Override public void open(Configuration parameters) throws Exception { super.open(parameters); initCleanupTimeState("RankFunctionCleanupTime"); outputRow = new JoinedRowData(); if (!isConstantRankEnd) { // rank end 值状态,没有 ttl 即 rank end 值,一直不变 ValueStateDescriptor<Long> rankStateDesc = new ValueStateDescriptor<>( "rankEnd", Types.LONG); rankEndState = getRuntimeContext().getState(rankStateDesc); } // compile comparator sortKeyComparator = generatedSortKeyComparator.newInstance(getRuntimeContext().getUserCodeClassLoader()); generatedSortKeyComparator = null; invalidCounter = getRuntimeContext().getMetricGroup().counter("topn.invalidTopSize"); // initialize rankEndFetcher if (!isConstantRankEnd) { // rank end 不是常量的,即是变量值做为 rank end, 获取 rank end 值的函数 LogicalType rankEndIdxType = inputRowType.toRowFieldTypes()[rankEndIndex]; switch (rankEndIdxType.getTypeRoot()) { case BIGINT: rankEndFetcher = (RowData row) -> row.getLong(rankEndIndex); break; case INTEGER: rankEndFetcher = (RowData row) -> (long) row.getInt(rankEndIndex); break; case SMALLINT: rankEndFetcher = (RowData row) -> (long) row.getShort(rankEndIndex); break; default: LOG.error( "variable rank index column must be long, short or int type, while input type is {}", rankEndIdxType.getClass().getName()); throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "variable rank index column must be long type, while input type is " + rankEndIdxType.getClass().getName()); } } } /** * Initialize rank end. * * @param row input record * * @return rank end * * @throws Exception */ protected long initRankEnd(RowData row) throws Exception { if (isConstantRankEnd) { // 常量 rank end,直接返回 return rankEnd; } else { // 变量 rank end 从输入数据中提取 Long rankEndValue = rankEndState.value(); long curRankEnd = rankEndFetcher.apply(row); // 状态为空时 if (rankEndValue == null) { rankEnd = curRankEnd; // 初始化去重 rownum 的最大 rankEndState.update(rankEnd); return rankEnd; } else { rankEnd = rankEndValue; if (rankEnd != curRankEnd) { // increment the invalid counter when the current rank end not equal to previous rank end // metrics + 1 invalidCounter.inc(); } return rankEnd; } } } protected boolean checkSortKeyInBufferRange(RowData sortKey, TopNBuffer buffer) { // 获取 比较器 Comparator<RowData> comparator = buffer.getSortKeyComparator(); // 获取 buffer 的最后一个值 Map.Entry<RowData, Collection<RowData>> worstEntry = buffer.lastEntry(); if (worstEntry == null) { // 最后一个值为 null,说明没数据,就在范围以内 // return true if the buffer is empty. return true; } else { // 获取最后一行的 row 的 排序字段值 RowData worstKey = worstEntry.getKey(); // 比较 当前值和缓存值 int compare = comparator.compare(sortKey, worstKey); // 如果当前值小于 缓存值,输出,不然要判断是否超过了 rank end,没有超过也可以输出 if (compare < 0) { return true; } else { return buffer.getCurrentTopNum() < getDefaultTopNSize(); } } }
## AppendOnlyTopNFunction 只插入的 topN 处理方法
AppendOnlyTopNFunction 就是个 Process function, 数据处理的方法是 processElement,数据的处理工作,还包含一些初始化的操作(keyed 的process 方法,状态的初始化是不能在 open 函数中做的)
1、先调用了状态清楚的定时器,如果超过状态保留时间,定时删除对应 key 的状态,使 Top N 重新计数
2、初始化 Top N 在 heap 内存中的缓存对象 buffer
3、初始化 Top N 的 rank end 值(非常量做 rank end 的需要从数据中提取)
4、再是判断数据是否在 Top N 的范围内
6、再根据是否输出 rownum,具体数量输入数据的排名和数据输出(其中 rownum > 3, 逻辑的处理,是在 父类的数据输出的部分判断, 如: AbstractTopNFunction.collectInsert)
public void processElement(RowData input, Context context, Collector<RowData> out) throws Exception { long currentTime = context.timerService().currentProcessingTime(); // register state-cleanup timer // 注册清理状态的定时器 registerProcessingCleanupTimer(context, currentTime); // 初始化状态 topn heap 状态 (就是 buffer, 异常恢复的时候会将状态中的数据写到 buffer 中) initHeapStates(); // 初始化 rank end 值 initRankEnd(input); // 获取行中排序列的值 RowData sortKey = sortKeySelector.getKey(input); // check whether the sortKey is in the topN range // 判断当前数据的 排序字段内容,是否在 top n 范围 if (checkSortKeyInBufferRange(sortKey, buffer)) { // insert sort key into buffer // 满足条件的数据,将当前值放入 buffer 缓存中 buffer.put(sortKey, inputRowSer.copy(input)); // 获取当前 key 对应的 集合 Collection<RowData> inputs = buffer.get(sortKey); // update data state // copy a new collection to avoid mutating state values, see CopyOnWriteStateMap, // otherwise, the result might be corrupt. // don't need to perform a deep copy, because RowData elements will not be updated // 将 当前 key 的数据放到 状态中 dataState.put(sortKey, new ArrayList<>(inputs)); if (outputRankNumber || hasOffset()) { // 要输出 rank number 或 指定了 rownum > n // the without-number-algorithm can't handle topN with offset, // so use the with-number-algorithm to handle offset processElementWithRowNumber(sortKey, input, out); } else { // 不输出 rank number processElementWithoutRowNumber(input, out); } } } // 初始化状态 topn heap 状态 (就是 buffer, 异常恢复的时候会将状态中的数据写到 buffer 中) private void initHeapStates() throws Exception { requestCount += 1; // 获取 key RowData currentKey = (RowData) keyContext.getCurrentKey(); // 获取 key 对应的 buffer buffer = kvSortedMap.get(currentKey); if (buffer == null) { // 创建 TopNBuffer,指定 排序的 comparator 和 存元素的 ArrayList buffer = new TopNBuffer(sortKeyComparator, ArrayList::new); // 将 buffer 放入 LRUMap 中, 默认存放 1000 个 key kvSortedMap.put(currentKey, buffer); // restore buffer // 将 dataState 中的数据到 buffer中(失败恢复的时候, 将状态中的数据,放到 buffer 里, buffer 是 heap 的,失败的时候就丢失了) Iterator<Map.Entry<RowData, List<RowData>>> iter = dataState.iterator(); if (iter != null) { while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<RowData, List<RowData>> entry = iter.next(); RowData sortKey = entry.getKey(); List<RowData> values = entry.getValue(); // the order is preserved buffer.putAll(sortKey, values); } } } else { hitCount += 1; } } // 处理输出到 rownum 的 private void processElementWithRowNumber(RowData sortKey, RowData input, Collector<RowData> out) throws Exception { // 当前 buff 的迭代器 Iterator<Map.Entry<RowData, Collection<RowData>>> iterator = buffer.entrySet().iterator(); long currentRank = 0L; boolean findsSortKey = false; RowData currentRow = null; // 由于 buffer 的数据本来是排序的,所以从 0 开始读 rank end 个数据,就是排序的 top n // 当前输入数据是 currentRow // 将 buffer 的第一个数据设为 prevRow ,输出更新 prevRow, 输出 currentRow // 将 buffer 的第二个数据设为 currentRow, 第一个设为 prevRow ,输出更新 prevRow, 输出 currentRow // 依次处理下去 while (iterator.hasNext() && isInRankEnd(currentRank)) { Map.Entry<RowData, Collection<RowData>> entry = iterator.next(); Collection<RowData> records = entry.getValue(); // meet its own sort key if (!findsSortKey && entry.getKey().equals(sortKey)) { currentRank += records.size(); currentRow = input; findsSortKey = true; } else if (findsSortKey) { Iterator<RowData> recordsIter = records.iterator(); while (recordsIter.hasNext() && isInRankEnd(currentRank)) { RowData prevRow = recordsIter.next(); // 输出更新之前的 currentRand 的数据 collectUpdateBefore(out, prevRow, currentRank); // 输出当前数据 rownum = currentRand collectUpdateAfter(out, currentRow, currentRank); currentRow = prevRow; currentRank += 1; } } else { currentRank += records.size(); } } // 如果 buffer 数据是空的,输出当前数据做为 currentRank(即 0) if (isInRankEnd(currentRank)) { // there is no enough elements in Top-N, emit INSERT message for the new record. collectInsert(out, currentRow, currentRank); } // remove the records associated to the sort key which is out of topN // 继续遍历,将 buffer 中超过 rank end 的数据删掉 , 将 dataState 中多的数据删掉 List<RowData> toDeleteSortKeys = new ArrayList<>(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<RowData, Collection<RowData>> entry = iterator.next(); RowData key = entry.getKey(); dataState.remove(key); toDeleteSortKeys.add(key); } for (RowData toDeleteKey : toDeleteSortKeys) { buffer.removeAll(toDeleteKey); } } // 处理 不带 row number 的 // 如果 buffer 中数据条数 > rank end,将最后一个元素从缓存和状态删掉(最后一个 top n 中 rownum 最大的一个) // 如果 buffer 中最后一个 entry 集合不为空,且不等于当前输入数据,就对最后一个元素输出一条删除信息 // 输出当前数据 private void processElementWithoutRowNumber(RowData input, Collector<RowData> out) throws Exception { // remove retired element if (buffer.getCurrentTopNum() > rankEnd) { Map.Entry<RowData, Collection<RowData>> lastEntry = buffer.lastEntry(); RowData lastKey = lastEntry.getKey(); Collection<RowData> lastList = lastEntry.getValue(); RowData lastElement = buffer.lastElement(); int size = lastList.size(); // remove last one if (size <= 1) { buffer.removeAll(lastKey); dataState.remove(lastKey); } else { buffer.removeLast(); // last element has been removed from lastList, we have to copy a new collection // for lastList to avoid mutating state values, see CopyOnWriteStateMap, // otherwise, the result might be corrupt. // don't need to perform a deep copy, because RowData elements will not be updated dataState.put(lastKey, new ArrayList<>(lastList)); } if (size == 0 || input.equals(lastElement)) { return; } else { // lastElement shouldn't be null collectDelete(out, lastElement); } } // it first appears in the TopN, send INSERT message // 只输出当前数据 collectInsert(out, input); }
## CleanupState 清除 top n 的状态
top n 的缓存数据是存放在 MapState 中的,如果一个 key 超过 maxRetentionTime 没有数据,会清理当前状态,top n 就重新计算
minRetentionTime 就是配置的参数 “table.exec.state.ttl” 的值, maxRetentionTime 是 minRetentionTime * 3 / 2 , 默认值 minRetentionTime=10h
default void registerProcessingCleanupTimer( ValueState<Long> cleanupTimeState, long currentTime, long minRetentionTime, long maxRetentionTime, TimerService timerService) throws Exception { // last registered timer Long curCleanupTime = cleanupTimeState.value(); // check if a cleanup timer is registered and // that the current cleanup timer won't delete state we need to keep // 当前清理时间状态为空 或者 当前时间 + 状态最小保留时间 > 当前清理时间是,注册新的清理时间状态 if (curCleanupTime == null || (currentTime + minRetentionTime) > curCleanupTime) { // we need to register a new (later) timer long cleanupTime = currentTime + maxRetentionTime; // register timer and remember clean-up time timerService.registerProcessingTimeTimer(cleanupTime); // delete expired timer,删除过期的 timer,持续有数的 key ,状态永远不会清理,必须要超过 maxRetentionTime 无数据,才会清理过期状态 // 类似于: 清理最近 maxRetentionTime 时间没有使用的状态 if (curCleanupTime != null) { timerService.deleteProcessingTimeTimer(curCleanupTime); } cleanupTimeState.update(cleanupTime); } }
## kafka sink
在 sink 到 upsert kafka 时,会基于输出数据的 RowKind (INSERT, UPSATE_BEFORE,UPDATE_AFTER, DELETE) 判断, DELETE 和 UPDATE_BEFORE 消息会直接置空
null {"user_id":"user_id_8160","item_id":"item_id_1","category_id":"category_id_1","behavior":1,"sales":15.0,"sort_col":45,"ts":"2021-03-19 17:15:25"} null {"user_id":"user_id_8161","item_id":"item_id_1","category_id":"category_id_1","behavior":1,"sales":45.0,"sort_col":15,"ts":"2021-03-19 17:15:26"} null {"user_id":"user_id_8162","item_id":"item_id_1","category_id":"category_id_1","behavior":1,"sales":5.0,"sort_col":25,"ts":"2021-03-19 17:15:27"} null {"user_id":"user_id_8163","item_id":"item_id_1","category_id":"category_id_1","behavior":1,"sales":25.0,"sort_col":35,"ts":"2021-03-19 17:15:28"}
注: 之前以为是个bug,没想到是这样设计的(为什么不直接屏蔽呢)
@Override public ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> serialize(RowData consumedRow, @Nullable Long timestamp) { // shortcut in case no input projection is required if (keySerialization == null && !hasMetadata) { final byte[] valueSerialized = valueSerialization.serialize(consumedRow); return new ProducerRecord<>( topic, extractPartition(consumedRow, null, valueSerialized), null, valueSerialized); } final byte[] keySerialized; if (keySerialization == null) { keySerialized = null; } else { final RowData keyRow = createProjectedRow(consumedRow, RowKind.INSERT, keyFieldGetters); keySerialized = keySerialization.serialize(keyRow); } final byte[] valueSerialized; final RowKind kind = consumedRow.getRowKind(); final RowData valueRow = createProjectedRow(consumedRow, kind, valueFieldGetters); // upsert kafka 不能修改已发送的数据,所以 DELETE 和 UPDATE_BEFORE 消息会置 null,其他消息都改成 INSERT 的 if (upsertMode) { if (kind == RowKind.DELETE || kind == RowKind.UPDATE_BEFORE) { // transform the message as the tombstone message valueSerialized = null; } else { // make the message to be INSERT to be compliant with the INSERT-ONLY format valueRow.setRowKind(RowKind.INSERT); valueSerialized = valueSerialization.serialize(valueRow); } } else { valueSerialized = valueSerialization.serialize(valueRow); } return new ProducerRecord<>( topic, extractPartition(consumedRow, keySerialized, valueSerialized), readMetadata(consumedRow, KafkaDynamicSink.WritableMetadata.TIMESTAMP), keySerialized, valueSerialized, readMetadata(consumedRow, KafkaDynamicSink.WritableMetadata.HEADERS)); }