
之前在做的时候,会考虑将处理后还不满足的数据,写入到单独的 Topic 中重新消费处理

今天发现 Flink Iterate 算子,发现也能满足需求

官网介绍: https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.11/dev/stream/operators/

Creates a "feedback" loop in the flow, by redirecting the output of one operator to some previous operator. This is especially useful for defining algorithms that continuously update a model. The following code starts with a stream and applies the iteration body continuously. Elements that are greater than 0 are sent back to the feedback channel, and the rest of the elements are forwarded downstream.

通过将一个算子的输出重定向到某个先前的算子,在流中创建“feedback”循环。 这对于定义不断更新模型的算法特别有用。 以下代码从流开始,并连续应用迭代主体。 大于0的元素将被发送回反馈通道,其余元素将被转发到下游。

官网 Demo

// 创建 IterativeStream
IterativeStream<Long> iteration = initialStream.iterate();
// 迭代操作
DataStream<Long> iterationBody = iteration.map (/*do something*/);
// filter 过滤需要返回的内容
DataStream<Long> feedback = iterationBody.filter(new FilterFunction<Long>(){
    public boolean filter(Long value) throws Exception {
      // 满足条件的反馈
        return value > 0;
// 将 feedback 流 反馈到 iteration 流中
// 输出部分
DataStream<Long> output = iterationBody.filter(new FilterFunction<Long>(){
    public boolean filter(Long value) throws Exception {
      // 满足条件的输出
        return value <= 0;

Scala Demo

业务场景:基于 Key 的窗口求和,如果窗口结果不满足条件,就重新进入窗口,再求和

object FeedbackStreamDemo {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    // environment
    val env: StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment

    val source = env.addSource(new SimpleStringSource)

    val mapStream = source.map(str => {
      val arr = str.split(",")
      println("map : " + str)
      (arr(0), arr(1).toLong)

    val itStrema = mapStream.iterate(ds => {
      // 迭代过程
      val dsMap = ds.map(str => {
        (str._1, str._2 + 1)
        .process(new ProcessWindowFunction[(String, Long), (String, Long), String, TimeWindow] {
          override def process(key: String, context: Context, elements: Iterable[(String, Long)], out: Collector[(String, Long)]): Unit = {
            // process 简单的窗口求和
            val it = elements.toIterator
            var sum = 0l
            while (it.hasNext) {
              val current = it.next()
              sum = sum + current._2
            out.collect(key, sum)

      // 反馈分支:窗口输出数据小于 500,反馈到 mapStream,重新窗口求和
      (dsMap.filter(s => {
        s._2 < 500
        // 输出分支:大于等于 500 的就处理完了,直接输出
        dsMap.filter(s => {
          s._2 >= 500




posted on 2020-10-22 11:05  Flink菜鸟  阅读(673)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报