题目描述 You are leading a kayaking trip with a mixed group of participants in the Stockholm archipelago, but as you are about to begin your final stretch 阅读全文
数论四大定理: 1.威尔逊定理 2.欧拉定理 3.孙子定理(中国剩余定理) 4.费马小定理 (提示:以后出现(mod p)就表示这个公式是在求余p的条件下成立) 1.威尔逊定理: 当且仅当p为素数时:( p -1 )! ≡ -1 ( mod p ) 或者这么写( p -1 )! ≡ p-1 ( mo 阅读全文
题目描述 Your little sister has been a big help today: she went into town to do all the groceries! During this grand voyage, she was accompanied by her flu 阅读全文
既入世事局,不复平常心。 眼中名利忙,何处快哉风。 虽怀凌云志,难得真洒脱。 回首鉴初心,顿破珍珑局。 阅读全文
题目描述 Alice and Bob have an integer N. Alice and Bob are not happy with their integer. Last night they went to a cocktail party and found that another 阅读全文
题目描述 The Minato Mirai Football Association hosts its annual championship as a single round-robin tournament, in which each team plays a single match a 阅读全文
题目描述 You are playing CSGO.There are n Main Weapons and m Secondary Weapons in CSGO. You can only choose one Main Weapon and one Secondary Weapon. For 阅读全文
题目描述 字母(Trie)树是一个表示一个字符串集合中所有字符串的前缀的数据结构,其有如下特征:1.树的每一条边表示字母表中的一个字母2.树根表示一个空的前缀3.树上所有其他的节点都表示一个非空前缀,每一个节点表示的前缀为树根到该节点的路径上所有字母依次连接而成的字符串。4.一个节点的所有出边(节点 阅读全文
题目描述 AtCoDeer the deer and his friend TopCoDeer is playing a game. The game consists of N turns. In each turn, each player plays one of the two gestur 阅读全文
省赛刚结束,还是来总结一下吧 总的来说,这场省赛的表示实在是不能令人满意啊,自己还是太弱了呀。 首先,在开场之前,我们先看了一下十道题的题目,然后通过题目含义大概猜测了一下每道题的难度,并根据这个分配了一下读题(刚看到G.Game下意识认为是博弈论) 开题我和大佬负责读A因为感觉A题可做,五分钟后, 阅读全文