行为型模式 Observer观察者模式

Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically.

   UML class diagram

   The classes and/or objects participating in this pattern are:

  • Subject  (Stock)
    • knows its observers. Any number of Observer objects may observe a subject
    • provides an interface for attaching and detaching Observer objects.
  • ConcreteSubject  (IBM)
    • stores state of interest to ConcreteObserver
    • sends a notification to its observers when its state changes
  • Observer  (IInvestor)
    • defines an updating interface for objects that should be notified of changes in a subject.
  • ConcreteObserver  (Investor)
    • maintains a reference to a ConcreteSubject object
    • stores state that should stay consistent with the subject's
    • implements the Observer updating interface to keep its state consistent with the subject's

Sample code in C#

This structural code demonstrates the Observer pattern in which registered objects are notified of and updated with a state change.

// Observer pattern -- Structural example

using System;
using System.Collections;

// "Subject"

class Subject

  // Fields
  private ArrayList observers = new ArrayList();

// Methods
  public void Attach( Observer observer )
    observers.Add( observer );

void Detach( Observer observer )

    observers.Remove( observer );

void Notify()

    foreach( Observer o in observers )

// "ConcreteSubject"

ConcreteSubject : Subject

  // Fields
  private string subjectState;

// Properties
  public string SubjectState
    get{ return subjectState; }
    set{ subjectState = value; }

// "Observer"

class Observer

  // Methods
  abstract public void Update();

// "ConcreteObserver"

ConcreteObserver : Observer

  // Fields
  private string name;
  private string observerState;
  private ConcreteSubject subject;

// Constructors
  public ConcreteObserver( ConcreteSubject subject, 
name )

    this.subject = subject; = name;

// Methods
  override public void Update()
    observerState = subject.SubjectState;
    Console.WriteLine( "Observer {0}'s new state is {1}",
                                  name, observerState );

// Properties
  public ConcreteSubject Subject
    get { return subject; }
    set { subject = value; }


/// Client test
/// </summary>
public class Client
  public static void Main( string[] args )
    // Configure Observer structure
    ConcreteSubject s = new ConcreteSubject();
    s.Attach( new ConcreteObserver( s, "X" ) );
    s.Attach( new ConcreteObserver( s, "Y" ) );
    s.Attach( new ConcreteObserver( s, "Z" ) );

// Change subject and notify observers
    s.SubjectState = "ABC";

Observer X's new state is ABC
Observer Y's new state is ABC
Observer Z's new state is ABC

This real-world code demonstrates the Observer pattern in which registered investors are notified every time a stock changes value.

Hide code

// Observer pattern -- Real World example

using System;
using System.Collections;

// "Subject"

class Stock

  // Fields
  protected string symbol;
  protected double price;
  private ArrayList investors = new ArrayList();

// Constructor
  public Stock( string symbol, double price )
    this.symbol = symbol;
    this.price = price;

// Methods
  public void Attach( Investor investor )
    investors.Add( investor );

void Detach( Investor investor )

    investors.Remove( investor );

void Notify()

    foreach( Investor i in investors )
      i.Update( this );

// Properties
  public double Price
    get{ return price; }
    set{ price = value;
          Notify(); }

string Symbol

    get{ return symbol; }
    set{ symbol = value; }

// "ConcreteSubject"

IBM : Stock

  // Constructor
  public IBM( string symbol, double price )
                  : base( symbol, price ) {}

// "Observer"


  // Methods
  void Update( Stock stock );

// "ConcreteObserver"

Investor : IInvestor

  // Fields
  private string name;
  private string observerState;
  private Stock stock;

// Constructors
  public Investor( string name )
  { = name;

// Methods
  public void Update( Stock stock )
    Console.WriteLine( "Notified investor {0} of {1}'s " +
      change to {2:C}", name, stock.Symbol, stock.Price );

// Properties
  public Stock Stock
    get{ return stock; }
    set{ stock = value; }


/// ObserverApp test
/// </summary>
public class ObserverApp
  public static void Main( string[] args )
    // Create investors
    Investor s = new Investor( "Sorros" );
    Investor b = new Investor( "Berkshire" );

// Create IBM stock and attach investors
    IBM ibm = new IBM( "IBM", 120.00 );
    ibm.Attach( s );
    ibm.Attach( b );

// Change price, which notifies investors
    ibm.Price = 120.10;
    ibm.Price = 121.00;
    ibm.Price = 120.50;
    ibm.Price = 120.75;

Notified investor Sorros of IBM's change to $120.10
Notified investor Berkshire of IBM's change to $120.10
Notified investor Sorros of IBM's change to $121.00
Notified investor Berkshire of IBM's change to $121.00
Notified investor Sorros of IBM's change to $120.50
Notified investor Berkshire of IBM's change to $120.50
Notified investor Sorros of IBM's change to $120.75
Notified investor Berkshire of IBM's change to $120.75

posted on 2007-03-08 15:44  灵魂边缘  阅读(255)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报