卡尔曼滤波 (Kalman Filter)的一个简单实现: 恒定加速度模型


1. scenario:我们想用卡尔曼滤波来追踪3D空间中某个具有恒定加速度的物体,我们有一个位置传感器可以用来观测物体位置,我们想得到物体的3D位置以及速度。

2. Description :








y = Hx




接下来定义系统的状态转移矩阵A,若定义状态间的time stepdt = 1,则此时的A矩阵为:



:系统的加速度扰动 ,那么Q可以用如下表示:


3. Implementation





P = 100.0*np.eye(9)

#define dt = 0.05 rather than dt = 1
dt = 0.05

#define H and A according to what we have discused
#define observation noise covariance R = 100*np.eye(3) #define process noise matrix Q #from the blog we mentioned how to compute Q from G G = ... a = 0.1 Q = G*G.T*a**2
#system initialization px
=0.0 py=0.0 pz=0.0 vx=1 vy=2 vz=3 Xr=[] Yr=[] Zr=[] # #generate position: for i in range(100): # we assume constant acceleratoin for this demo accx = 3 vx += accx * dt px += vx * dt accy = 1 vy += accy * dt py += vy * dt accz = 1 vz += accz * dt pz += vz * dt Xr.append(px) Yr.append(py) Zr.append(pz) # position noise sp = 0.5 Xm = Xr + sp * (np.random.randn(100)) Ym = Yr + sp * (np.random.randn(100)) Zm = Zr + sp * (np.random.randn(100)) #stack measurements measurements = np.vstack((Xm,Ym,Zm)) #define initial state X = np.matrix([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0]).T I = np.eye(9) Xx = [] Xy = [] Xz = [] for each_step in range(100): #prediction step: X = A*X #state covariance propogation P = A*P*A.T + Q #measurement covariance propogation S = H*P*H.T + R #Kalman Gain update K = (P*H.T) * np.linalg.pinv(S) # print(K) Z = measurements[:,each_step].reshape(3,1) #corrected/updated x X = X + K*(Z-(H*X)) #update state covariance P: P = (I - (K * H)) * P #store corrected/updated x Xx.append(float(X[0])) Xy.append(float(X[1])) Xz.append(float(X[2]))




4. Result:



posted @ 2017-09-24 16:32  doodleshr  阅读(4292)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报