- Select Tools->Options.
Figure-2.31: Select Options
- Observe that the Options dialog box appears.
- Select Advanced.
- Select Network tab.
- Select Settings.
Figure-2.32: Change Network settings
- Select Manual Proxy configuration.
- For HTTP Proxy field, enter localhost.
- For the Port field, enter 9090.
- Click OK.
Figure-2.33: Set Manual Proxy configuration
- Click OK to close the Options dialog box.
Figure-2.34 Close Options dialog box
return to top of the exercise
(2.4) Access the website
1. In the Firefox browser, enter http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/index.html in the URL field.
Figure-2.41: Access the server
Trouble-shooting: If you encounter the following problem, it is because you have not started the JMeter proxy server as described above.
Figure-2.42: Error case when you have not started the JMeter proxy server
2. Access a few links.
- Click 5. Building a Web Test Plan link.
Figure-2.45: Acdess a few more pages
- Observe that a new page is displayed.
- Feel free to view a few other pages.
Figure-2.46: Access a page
3. Observe that the Thread Group now adds a few samplers.
Figure-2.47: Observe that the HTTP samplers are added
Figure-2.47: Observe that the HTTP samplers are added