


步驟 Detail 注意事項 Remark
1.Open eReport      
2.Create a data source query a. View-->Library Brower-->mroComponents.rol    
b. Ctrl + "SQLQuerySource999" -->DataSource 用mouse拖動的同時要按住Ctrl鍵.  
3.Create a SQL statement a. View-->DataSource    
b. UserName="Maximo"    
c. Password="Maximo"    
4.Choose the tables and fields which needed   a. 在寫條件時,等號"="后面應加space鍵 ;                             b. " SiteID = : mroSite" must be added to every report,for each table! If the selected table has no SiteID, then the query must have the following condition instead " [].OrgID= : mroOrg."                                                                                   3. 當要刪除某個已經選擇的Field時,按"shift"+"delete".                                                                         
5.Create a Data Source Query Join( Most often , a report will consist of data from more than one table.)      
6.Linking to anther report      
7.Create subReport      
8.注冊報表.   注冊后要設置此報表的讀取權限. 此部分未能完成.
      運行報表時的參數:                       mroOrg : EAGLENA                    mroSite : BEDFORD                     schema : maximo

posted on 2010-11-03 09:23  Snowfun  阅读(206)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报