select s.userId, t.interestTime, sum( case when t.interestType = 'A1' then ((s.totalOnInvestedShare*t.yield/100 + s.addshare*s.addyield/100)*t.cycle/365) else ((s.totalOnInvestedShare*t.yield/100 + s.addshare*s.addyield/100)*t.days/365) end) as interest, sum(case when t.interestType = 'A1' then s.totalOnInvestedShare else (if(t.interestTime=t.endDate,s.totalOnInvestedShare,0)) end ) as capital, sum( case when t.interestType = 'A1' then 0 else (if(t.planStatus='ADVANCE',(t.penaltyAmount/t.financedAmount*s.totalOnInvestedShare),0)) end ) as penalty from zx_standard_statistics s left join (select p.bidNo as bidNo,p.interestTime as interestTime,p.status as status,p.planStatus as planStatus, i.yield as yield, i.startDate as startDate, i.endDate as endDate, i.cycle as cycle, i.financedAmount as financedAmount, e.interestType as interestType, a.penaltyAmount as penaltyAmount, ( case when (select count(1) from zx_standard_plan pp where pp.interestTime < p.interestTime and pp.bidNo = p.bidNo order by pp.interestTime desc limit 1) > 0 then (select TO_DAYS(date(from_unixtime(p.interestTime)))-TO_DAYS(date(from_unixtime((select pp.interestTime from zx_standard_plan pp where pp.interestTime < p.interestTime and pp.bidNo = p.bidNo order by pp.interestTime desc limit 1))))) else (select TO_DAYS(date(from_unixtime(p.interestTime)))-TO_DAYS(date(from_unixtime(i.startDate)))) end) as days from zx_standard_plan p left join zx_standard_informations i on p.bidNo = i.bidNo left join zx_standard_extra e on e.bidNo = p.bidNo left join zx_advance_repay a on a.bidNo = p.bidNo where p.planStatus <> 'VOID' and i.bidType <> 'GREEN' and i.bidStatus <> 'FINISHED' order by p.interestTime asc) t on t.bidNo = s.bidNo where t.status = 'INIT' and t.interestTime >= unix_timestamp(now()) group by s.userId,t.interestTime;