SAP CARR for retails solution SAP零售集成方案

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Retail Value Map:

Customer-Centric Marketing and Merchandising

Build personalized shopping experiences with your customers. Develop targeted promotions and pricing strategies that give a high return on investment, while lowering inventory costs

Sourcing, Buying and Private Label

Efficiently source, buy, or produce products by collaborating with a global network of business partners




Supply Chain

Optimize customer service and profitability by balancing supply and inventory to meet dynamic demand at optimum cost

Omnicommerce Customer Experience

Truly understand customer needs to increase brand awareness, improve interaction, and utilize customer interaction channels that are consistent, personalized, and enjoyable


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SAP Merchandising for Retail

SAP Merchandising for Retail is a real-time integrated solution for merchandise management that enables head office, stores as well as trading partners access to information and transactions that support best practice business processes across the entire retail merchandise lifecycle. It is based on SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning).

SAP Merchandising helps retailers execute the intelligent merchandising decisions that will set them apart from the competition. By understanding their customers and anticipating new trends, retailers can respond rapidly to consumer demands in ways that inspire customers to return to their stores, Website or call center - again and again. And with all the insight they need to make the best merchandising decisions, retailers can grow their business profitably.

Key Functions and Features

Key function

Target in SAP Library

Business Scenario

Key function

Target in SAP Library

Business Scenario

Operational Buying


Supply Chain Management → Operational Buying

Processing Purchase Orders in ERP

•  Source of Supply

Supply Source Determination

Supply Chain Management → Operational Buying

Processing Purchase Orders in ERP

•  Purchase Orders


Supply Chain Management → Operational Buying

Processing Purchase Orders in ERP

◊  Collective Purchase Orders

Collective Purchase Order

Supply Chain Management → Operational Buying

Collective Purchase Orders with Subitems

◊  Requirements Processing for Request for Quotations

RFQ and Quotation

Supply Chain Management → Operational Buying

Processing Purchase Orders in ERP

◊  Processing Purchase Orders for Subcontracting

Subcontracting in Purchasing

Supply Chain Management → Operational Buying

Procurement of Subcontracted Production

◊  Seasonal Procurement

Seasonal Procurement

Supply Chain Management → Operational Buying

◊  Perishables Procurement

Perishables Procurement

Supply Chain Management → Operational Buying


•  Order Optimization

Order Optimizing

Supply Chain Management → Operational Buying

Order Optimizing

•  Open to Buy

Open-To-Buy (OTB)

Supply Chain Management → Operational Buying


•  Invoicing

Invoice Verification

Supply Chain Management → Operational Buying

Verifying Logistics Invoices (Online/In Background) - Retail

•  Vendor Rebate Arrangements

Subsequent Settlement

Supply Chain Management → Operational Buying


•  Consignment

Vendor Consignment

Supply Chain Management → Operational Buying


•  Retail Price Management & Execution


Merchandise Lifecycle → Retail Price Management

Retail Pricing

•  Promotion Management & Execution


Merchandise Lifecycle → Promotion Management


•  Markdown Management & Execution

Slow Seller Management

Merchandise Lifecycle → Markdown Management

Price Planning


Merchandise Distribution

Supply Chain Management → Replenishment and Inventory Opt.


•  Allocation


Supply Chain Management -> Replenishment and Inventory Opt. -> Allocation

•  Basic Replenishment


Supply Chain Management -> Replenishment and Inventory Opt. -> Requirements Planning and Replenishment


•  Stock Relocation

Goods movement



Inventory Management

Inventory Management

Supply Chain Management -> Replenishment and Inventory Opt. -> Chain Wide Inventory Management


•  Stock Management

Inventory Management



•  Inventory Valuation




•  Retail Method of Accounting (RMA)

Retail Method of Accounting


•  Stock Ledger (Cost, Retail, Hybrid)

Stock Ledger Analytics



•   Stock Relocation

Inventory Management: Transactions



•  Returns Management

Return Delivery



•   Physical Inventory

Physical Inventory




Getting started with SAP Merchandising for Retail

  • SAP Retail Technology Facts of SAP Retail configuration (SMP credentials required): The objective of this document is to provide a solid understanding of the SAP Retail technology facts in the current release SAP ERP 6.0: activitation of SAP Retail with corresponding business function set, the enterprise extension Retail and the provision of innovations with Retail-related enterprise business function in enhancement packages. The document adresses business consultants and SAP customers to acquire deeper understanding of SAP Retail. Thus specialized knowledge about system installation or programming is not a prerequisite for reading this document.

 (1) Access point:  Access points in retails industry are where consumer touch to vendor or retailer. Now a day, access point can be POS (Point of Sales), E-Commerce website, Mobile Application, Telephone, Social Media, Facebook, … etc.
(2) Convertor: in first point (1), sales data can from many sources. SAP CAR provide standard EDI document format to help partners system can follow and provide data consistently. Conversion happened in partner’s system before send data to SAP CAR. There are two meaning of conversion, first convert and mapping master data, second convert from source structure to SAP CAR’s structure.
(3) IDOCs: IDOCs is one of the inbound methodology SAP CAR supported, partner’s system can supply data such as SAP CAR’s IDOC requirements without any deep knowledge about POS DTA processing.
(4) BAPI: BAPI is Business Application Programming Interface was provided by SAP. BAPI support SAP’s developer or technical consultant send transaction data to SAP CAR correctly.
(5) Master Data Loading: SAP CAR based on HANA technology, master data will be replicated from SAP S4 HANA to CAR through SAP SLT (System Landscape Transformation).
(6) Inbound Processing: Inbound processing is the first step in process sequence of POS DTA. Inbound processing help collect raw sales transaction data and put into queue. CAR Administrator can monitor queue (manual process / period process / Delete Queue).
(7) Sales Audit: When sales data came to inbound processing queue. Data audition will perform: master data validation, sales data logic validation. SAP CAR provided monitoring tools help operator can control sales data status. Operator can re-process error data after fixed issue.
(8) Aggregation: Aggregation is strongly recommend in Retails Industry, this procedure help system reduce amount of waste information. In retails landscape, SAP ERP system only need key objects. Example: In the supper market, hundred thousand of receipts send to SAP CAR, some key information in receipt will pass to ERP, some for reporting purpose only. Aggregation perform combine sales data as defined parameters help minimum number of inventory transaction to SAP ERP.
(9) Outbound Processing: After raw data aggregated, Outbound processing engine will performed to distribute aggregated transaction to destination system.
(10) Synchronize Transaction Data with SAP S4 HANA: invoke to retails landscape, it isn’t only sales transaction. Inventory, promotion campaign, Customer Relationship Management, Pricing, replenishment.. etc managed in SAP ERP, some objects need to be syn between CAR and SAP S4 HANA.
Example: Sales transaction happened on SAP CAR, Inventory movement happened on SAP ERP. Stock availability should be consistent between both system then all partners system can see near real-time. SAP BW reporting, reporting app can access inventory in SAP CAR also consistent.
(11) Outbound to SAP ERP: SAP ERP receive sales aggregated and Payment Aggregated data from SAP CAR.
(12) Outbound raw data to SAP BW: SAP BW receive sales raw data from SAP CAR to do detail reporting.
(13) (14) (15) outbound data to third-party systems as business requirements.


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