SAP R/3 Material Master Record

In the R/3 Logistic Module, master data is very important can affect many different field.

1. Industry Sector,  have control functions, for example it's a factor which can determine the screen sequence and field selection.

2.Material Type. when we try to create the Material Type.

  • Whether the material is intended for a specific purpose, for example, as a configurable material or process material
  • Whether the material number can be assigned internally or externally
  • The number range from which the material number is taken
  • Which screens appear and in what sequence
  • Which departmental data you may enter
  • What procurement type the material has; that is, whether it is manufactured in-house or procured externally, or both

Now you can create a variant to testify the result , go to SE38 , enter the program name :  MMCHACTV , and choose execute with variant.

3.BTW, there are 2 way can change the material --- immediately & scheduling the change. in both case , you can refer your change to a change number.

4.How can I delete the specific material ----

It must be flagged for deletion. You can set deletion flags at different organizational levels, for example, at plant level or at sales organization level. The material master record is then deleted at this level and at all lower levels.

Now you will find out that you have understand the data flow & relationship between material master data. it's a foundation knowledgement for MM. we will go to next section:

Main Area:
   since serveral dept of a company code work with one material & each dept use different information for the material .So SAP provide different view for one single material master record:( However , not each material master data has all view , it depends on many factor-- material type etc.)

posted @ 2006-12-22 11:16  Slashout  阅读(831)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报