Here is a simple intersting letter-moving game. The game starts with 2 strings S and T consist of lower case English letters. S and T contain the same 阅读全文
In many research areas, one important target of analyzing data is to find the best "peak shape" out of a huge amount of raw data full of noises. A "pe 阅读全文
There are some animals in a zoo which can be described as a grid with N rows and M columns. Your task is to place some obstacles so that no pairs of a 阅读全文
There are a lot of tips telling us that some fruits must not be eaten with some other fruits, or we might get ourselves in serious trouble. For exampl 阅读全文
An n-gon is a polygon with n sides. For example, a triangle is a 3-gon. Now you are asked to find the best n-gon in a given convex N-gon. The vertices 阅读全文
Given a string which contains only lower case letters, how many different non-empty strings you can get if you can keep AT MOST 100 characters in the 阅读全文
Larry just studied the algorithm to count number of inversions. He's very interested in it. He's considering another problem: Given a permutation of i 阅读全文
真的没骗你,这道才是简单题 —— 对任意给定的不超过 10 的正整数 n,要求你输出 2n。不难吧? 输入格式: 输入在一行中给出一个不超过 10 的正整数 n。 输出格式: 在一行中按照格式 2^n = 计算结果 输出 2n 的值。 输入样例: 5 输出样例: 2^5 = 32 1 i 阅读全文
这次真的没骗你 —— 这道超级简单的题目没有任何输入。 你只需要在一行中输出事实:This is a simple problem. 就可以了。 输入样例: 无 输出样例: This is a simple problem. 1 print("This is a simple problem.") 阅读全文
这道超级简单的题目没有任何输入。 你只需要把这句很重要的话 —— “I'm gonna WIN!”——连续输出三遍就可以了。 注意每遍占一行,除了每行的回车不能有任何多余字符。 输入样例: 无 输出样例: I'm gonna WIN! I'm gonna WIN! I'm gonna WIN! 1 阅读全文