AngularJS filter:search 是如何匹配的 ng-repeat filter:search ,filter:{$:search},只取repeat的item的value 不含label

1.  filter可以接收参数,参数用 : 进行分割,如下:

{{ expression | filter:argument1:argument2:... }}

2.   filter参数是 对象 ,匹配属性中含有value的

$scope.childrenArray = [

{{ childrenArray | filter : {name : 'i'} }} //参数是对象,匹配name属性中含有i的


示例angular filter多个字段搜索

<input type="text" ng-model="search ">

<!--<li ng-repeat="user in data.users | filter:{name:search}>  --> 

<li ng-repeat="user in data.users | filter:{name:search}:{account:search}> 
<span ng-bind=""></span>
<span ng-bind="user.account"></span>


3.  没有指定过滤哪个字段的情况下,默认filter会匹配所有字段(name、account)的值,类似 多个字段搜索

ng-repeat="user in data.users | filter:search


4. $ 匹配 对象 所有属性 和  嵌套对象属性

<li ng-repeat="user in data.users | filter:{$:search}> 



5.  bind ng-model to the “value” of selected item  instead of item for ui-select

  <ui-select ng-model="fm.countryCode" id="countryCode">
      <ui-select-match placeholder="Select a country...">{{$select.selected.label}}</ui-select-match>
      <ui-select-choices repeat="item in countries | filter: $" value="{{$select.selected.value}}">
          <div ng-bind-html="item.label | highlight: $"></div>
          <small ng-bind-html="item.value | highlight: $"></small>

Currently it's just setting fm.countryCode to the whole country item.

For example if I select Afghanistan, fm.countryCode will be set to {"value":"AF","label":"Afghanistan"}.

What I want is "AF".


so change  the repeat part

<ui-select-choices repeat="item in countries | filter: $" value="{{$select.selected.value}}">


<ui-select-choices repeat="item.value as item in countries | filter: $" value="{{$select.selected.value}}">



                                            <ui-select ng-model="networkDefaultValue.resourceId" name="networkname" theme="bootstrap" ng-change="setInputDefaultValue(['resource_id'],networkDefaultValue.resourceId,networkDefaultValue.isResourceIdInput)">
                                                <ui-select-match allow-clear="true" placeholder="{{'Select an option'|translate}}">{{$ + ' - ' + $}}</ui-select-match>
                                                <ui-select-choices repeat=" as resource in totalNetworks | filter: { $ : $}">
                                                    <div ng-bind-html=" + ' - ' + | highlight: $"></div>




走进AngularJs(七) 过滤器(filter)

AngularJS filter:search 是如何匹配的 ng-repeat filter:search


posted @ 2017-05-04 13:22  画梦笙箫  Views(6956)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报