构造函数:def __init(self,name,age):....
析构函数:def __del__(self):....
私有属性:__life ,则不能通过实例名.__life访问
私有方法:__die() ,则不能通过实例名.__life()调用
# class People: # 经典类 class People(object): # 新式类 def __init__(self, name, age): self.name = name self.age = age self.friends = [] def eat(self): print('%s is eating' % self.name) def sleep(self): print('%s is sleeping ' % self.name) class Relation(object): def makefriends(self, obj): print('%s is making friend with %s' % (self.name, obj.name)) self.friends.append(obj.name) class Man(People, Relation): # def __init__(self, name, age, money): # People.__init__(self, name, age) # 经典类 # Relation.__init__(self) # 经典类 # super(Man, self).__init__(name, age) # 新式类 # self.money = money # def get_money(self): # print('%s was born with %s money' % (self.name, self.money)) pass class Women(People, Relation): pass # m1 = Man('chenronghua', 22, 10) m1 = Man('chenronghu', 22) # m1.get_money() w1 = Women('niuhangyang', 20) m1.makefriends(w1) w1.name = '三炮' print(m1.friends[0])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- class School(object): def __init__(self, name, addr): self.name = name self.addr = addr self.students = [] self.staffs = [] def enroll_stu(self, stu_obj): print('给学员%s办理注册!' % stu_obj.name) self.students.append(stu_obj) def hire_teacher(self, tea_obj): self.staffs.append(tea_obj) print('雇佣新讲师%s' % tea_obj.name) class SchoolMenber(object): def __init__(self, name, age, sex): self.name = name self.age = age self.sex = sex def tell(self): pass class Teacher(SchoolMenber): def __init__(self, name, age, sex, salary, course): super(Teacher, self).__init__(name, age, sex) self.salary = salary self.course = course def tell(self): print(''' ------ info of Teacher : %s ----- Name : %s Age : %s Sex : %s Salary : %s Course : %s ''' % (self.name, self.name, self.age, self.sex, self.salary, self.course)) def teach(self): print('%s is teaching course [%s]' % (self.name, self.course)) class Student(SchoolMenber): def __init__(self, name, age, sex, stu_id, grade): super(Student, self).__init__(name, age, sex) self.stu_id = stu_id self.grade = grade def tell(self): print(''' ------- info of student :%s ------ Name : %s Age : %s Sex : %s stu_id : %s grade : %s ''' % (self.name, self.name, self.age, self.sex, self.stu_id, self.grade)) def pay_tuition(self, money): print('%s is paying %s money' % (self.name, money)) sch1 = School('old boy ', '沙河') t1 = Teacher('alex_py', 22, 'F', 10000, 'python') t2 = Teacher('alex_linux', 32, 'MF', 3000, 'linux') s1 = Student('chenronghua', '16', 'F', '00001', 'py') s2 = Student('xuliangwei', '19', 'M', '00002', 'go') t1.tell() s1.tell() sch1.hire_teacher(t1) sch1.enroll_stu(s1) sch1.enroll_stu(s2) print(sch1.students) print(sch1.staffs) sch1.staffs[0].teach() for stu in sch1.students: stu.pay_tuition(2000)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- class Stu(object): count = 0 def __init__(self, name, age): self.name = name self.age = age Stu.count += 1 s1 = Stu('alex', 24) s2 = Stu('eric', 22) print(s1.count) print(s2.count) print(Stu.count) print(s1.__dict__) # 没有s1自己的属性,是类的属性 print(s2.__dict__)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import abc class Animal(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): # 同一类事物:动物 @abc.abstractmethod def talk(self): pass class People(Animal): # 动物的形态之一:人 def talk(self): print('say hello') class Dog(Animal): # 动物的形态之二:狗 def talk(self): print('say wangwang') class Pig(Animal): # 动物的形态之三:猪 def talk(self): print('say aoao') def func(Animal): Animal.talk() per1 = People() pig1 = Pig() d1 = Dog() func(per1) func(pig1) func(d1)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- class People(object): def __init__(self, name, weight, height): self.name = name self.weight = weight self.height = height @property def bmi(self): return self.weight / (self.height ** 2) p1 = People('alex', 75, 1.81) print(p1.name) print(p1.bmi)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- class People(object): def __init__(self, name): self.__name = name @property def name(self): print('getter') return self.__name @name.setter def name(self, val): print('setter') if not isinstance(val, str): print('名字必须是字符串类型') return self.__name = val @name.deleter def name(self): print('deleter') print('不允许删除!')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' 在类内部定义的函数,分为两大类: 一:绑定方法:绑定给谁,就应该由谁来调用,谁来调用就回把调用者当作第一个参数自动传入 绑定到对象的方法:在类内定义的没有被任何装饰器修饰的 绑定到类的方法:在类内定义的被装饰器classmethod修饰的方法 二:非绑定方法:没有自动传值这么一说了,就类中定义的一个普通工具,对象和类都可以使用 非绑定方法:不与类或者对象绑定 在类的内部定义了一个跟类无关的函数 ''' class Foo: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def tell(self): print('名字是%s' % self.name) @classmethod def func(cls): # cls=Foo print(cls) @staticmethod def func1(x, y): print(x + y) f = Foo('egon') print(Foo.tell) Foo.tell(f) # 类用这个方法的话,必须把实例名传入 print(f.tell) f.tell() # tell就是绑定到对象的方法让实例去用的 # print(Foo.func) # Foo.func() # print(Foo.func1) # print(f.func1)
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