
using System;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Security.Policy;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

namespace Asm.STJ.MIS.WebControls
 /// <summary>
 /// CollapablePanel 的摘要描述。
 /// </summary>
 ToolboxData("<{0}:CollapablePanel runat=server></{0}:CollapablePanel>")]
 public class CollapablePanel : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl,IPostBackEventHandler,INamingContainer
  #region Event definition

  public event ItemClickEventHandler ItemClick;


  #region private variable definition.

  private string _titleText;
  private string _titleHeadImg;
  private string _titleEndImgOpen;
  private string _titleEndImgClose;
  private Unit _titleHeight;
  private string _titleBackImg;
  private Unit _width;
  private Unit _prefix;
  private string _itemBackImg;
  private Unit _itemHeight;
  private PanelItems _items;

  private bool _opened;
  private Style _titleStyle;
  private Style _itemStyle;

  #region attribute definition.

  DefaultValue("Title Text"),
  Description("Set or get the text of title.")
  public string TitleText
    return (this._titleText == null)? "Title Text" : this._titleText;

    this._titleText = value;

  Description("Set or get the head image of title.")
  public string TitleHeadImage
    if ( this._titleHeadImg == null )
     this._titleHeadImg = String.Empty;
    return this._titleHeadImg;

    this._titleHeadImg = value;

  Description("Set or get the end image of title.")
  public string EndImageOpen
    if ( this._titleEndImgOpen == null )
     this._titleEndImgOpen = String.Empty;
    return this._titleEndImgOpen;

    this._titleEndImgOpen = value;

  Description("Set or get the end image of title.")
  public string EndImageClose
    if ( this._titleEndImgClose == null )
     this._titleEndImgClose = String.Empty;
    return this._titleEndImgClose;

    this._titleEndImgClose = value;

  Description("Set or get the end image of title.")
  public string TitleBackImage
    if ( this._titleBackImg == null )
     this._titleBackImg = String.Empty;
    return this._titleBackImg;

    this._titleBackImg = value;

  Description("Set or get the end background image of title.")
  public string ItemBackImage
    if ( this._itemBackImg == null )
     this._itemBackImg = String.Empty;
    return this._itemBackImg;

    this._itemBackImg = value;

  Description("Set or get the end image of title.")
  public   Unit PrefixWidth
    return (this._prefix == Unit.Empty)? Unit.Pixel(25) : this._prefix;

    this._prefix = value;

  Description("Set or get the height of title.")
  public   Unit TitleHeight
    return this._titleHeight;

    this._titleHeight = value;

  Description("Set or get the height of Items.")
  public   Unit ItemHeight
    return this._itemHeight;

    this._itemHeight = value;

  public bool Opened
    return this._opened;

    this._opened = value;

  public override  Unit Width
    return this._width;

    this._width = value;

  public override  Unit Height
    return base.Height;

  Description("Item List"),
  public PanelItems Items
    if ( this._items == null )
     this._items = new  PanelItems();
    return this._items;

  Description("Title Style"),
  public virtual Style TitleStyle
    if ( this._titleStyle == null )
     this._titleStyle = new Style();
     if ( this.IsTrackingViewState )
    return this._titleStyle;

  Description("Items Style"),
  public virtual Style ItemStyle
    if ( this._itemStyle == null )
     this._itemStyle = new Style();
     if ( this.IsTrackingViewState )

    return this._itemStyle;


  #region render filed
  protected override void AddAttributesToRender(HtmlTextWriter writer)
   base.AddAttributesToRender (writer);

  protected override void RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter writer)

   if ( this.Page.IsPostBack == true )
    if ( this.Page.Request.Form[this.ClientID+"Opened"] == "True" )
     this.Opened = true;
     this.Opened = false;



  private void RenderItems( HtmlTextWriter writer )
   if ( this.Opened == false )

   //write Items.
   foreach ( PanelItem itm in this.Items )
    if ( this.Enabled )

    //Item Prefix.
    //Item Image.
    if ( itm.ImageUrl != String.Empty )

    //Item Text.



  private void RenderTitle( HtmlTextWriter writer )
   //write title.


   StringBuilder js = new StringBuilder();
   js.Append("var child = document.getElementById('"+this.ClientID+"child');");
   js.Append(" if (child.style.display == 'none' ) ");
   js.Append("{ child.style.display = 'block';");
   js.Append(" document.getElementById('"+this.ClientID+"Opened').value = 'True';");
   if ( this.EndImageOpen != String.Empty )
    js.Append("var endImg = document.getElementById('"+this.ClientID+"titleEnd');");
    js.Append("if ( endImg  != null ) endImg.src = '"+this.EndImageOpen + "';");

   js.Append(" else { child.style.display = 'none';");
   js.Append(" document.getElementById('"+this.ClientID+"Opened').value = 'False';");
   if ( this.EndImageClose != String.Empty )
    js.Append("var endImg = document.getElementById('"+this.ClientID+"titleEnd');");
    js.Append("if ( endImg  != null ) endImg.src = '"+this.EndImageClose + "';");


   if ( this.TitleHeadImage != String.Empty )


   if ( this.Opened )
    if ( this.EndImageOpen != String.Empty )

    if ( this.EndImageClose != String.Empty )



  #region IPostBackEventHandler 成員

  public void RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument)
   ItemClickEventArgs e = new ItemClickEventArgs(eventArgument);


  #region Event Field

  private void OnItemClick(object sender,ItemClickEventArgs e )
   if ( this.ItemClick != null )


 #region Event Args

 public delegate void ItemClickEventHandler(Object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e);

 public class ItemClickEventArgs : EventArgs
  private string _itemText;
  public string ItemText
    return this._itemText;

  public ItemClickEventArgs(string text)
   this._itemText = text;


using System;

namespace Asm.STJ.MIS.WebControls
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public class ItemConverter : System.ComponentModel.ExpandableObjectConverter
  public ItemConverter()
   // TODO: 在此加入建構函式的程式碼

  public override bool CanConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type sourceType)
   if ( sourceType == typeof(string ) )
    return true;
   return base.CanConvertFrom (context, sourceType);

  public override object ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value)
   if ( value is string )
    PanelItem it = new PanelItem();
    it.Text = value.ToString();
//    it.ImageUrl = "String.Empty";
    return it;
   return base.ConvertFrom (context, culture, value);

  public override object ConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType)
   if ( destinationType == typeof (string ) )
    return ((PanelItem)value).Text;
   return base.ConvertTo (context, culture, value, destinationType);


using System;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections;
using System.Security.Policy;

namespace Asm.STJ.MIS.WebControls
 public class PanelItem
  private string _text;
  private string _imgUrl;
  Description("Item Text"),
  public string Text
    return this._text == null? String.Empty:this._text;
    this._text = value;

  Description("Item image Url"),
  public string ImageUrl
    return this._imgUrl == null? "String.Empty":this._imgUrl;
    this._imgUrl = value;

 public class PanelItems : System.Collections.CollectionBase
  private ArrayList _itemArrayList;

  public PanelItems()
   this._itemArrayList = new ArrayList();

  public int Add( PanelItem _item )
   return this.List.Add( _item );

  public void Remove( PanelItem _item )
   this.List.Remove( _item );

  public int Cout
    return this.List.Count;

  public PanelItem this[int index]
    return (PanelItem) this._itemArrayList[index];
    this._itemArrayList[index] = value;



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