1.Left and Right joins
''' A right outer join will include all of the rows of the table to the right of the RIGHT JOIN clause. ''' %%sql SELECT r.dog_guid AS rDogID, d.dog_guid AS dDogID, r.user_guid AS rUserID, d.user_guid AS dUserID, AVG(r.rating) AS AvgRating, COUNT(r.rating) AS NumRatings, d.breed, d.breed_group, d.breed_type FROM dogs d RIGHT JOIN reviews r ON r.dog_guid=d.dog_guid AND r.user_guid=d.user_guid WHERE r.dog_guid IS NOT NULL GROUP BY r.dog_guid HAVING NumRatings >= 10 ORDER BY AvgRating DESC LIMIT 10;
%%sql SELECT DISTINCT u.user_guid AS UserID, COUNT(d.dog_guid) AS Numberdogs FROM users u LEFT JOIN dogs d ON u.user_guid = d.user_guid GROUP BY UserID ORDER BY Numberdogs DESC LIMIT 10;
''' Question 10: How would you write a query that used a left join to return the number of distinct user_guids that were in the users table, but not the dogs table (your query should return a value of 2226)? ''' %%sql SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT u.user_guid) AS Number FROM users u LEFT JOIN dogs d ON u.user_guid = d.user_guid WHERE d.user_guid IS NULL;
''' That's because COUNT DISTINCT does NOT count NULL values,
while SELECT/GROUP BY clauses roll up NULL values into one group.
If you want to infer the number of distinct entries from the results of a query using joins and GROUP BY clauses,
remember to include an "IS NOT NULL" clause to ensure you are not counting NULL values '''
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