002 -- Circle LinkList_Josephus Story

Circle List puzzle

Josephus Story:

there is 41 people , 39 of them have the agreement that: all these 41 people stand as a circle, and one of them count from 1, and the one count to 3, suicide ! and the people next to him count from 1 again, untill all 41 people are dead. But Josephus and his friend don't want to die, so they have their location arranged, and become the last 2 person for counting. 


// give a number m, n people as a circle and start say a number with 1, the one with number m to say, get out of the circle 

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct node
    int data;
    struct node *next;

node *create(int n)
    node *p = NULL, *head;
    head = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
    p = head;
    node *s;
    int i = 1;
            s = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
            s->data=i++; //initiate the circle list, the first node is 1; the secode node is 2
            p->next = s;
        s->next = head->next;
    return s->next;

int main()
    int n = 41; //total 41 people_initiate a list with 41 nodes 
    int m = 3; //who count to 3, out of circle _delete the node 
    int i;
    node *p = create(n);
    node *temp;
    m = n%m; //m=2
    while(p!=p->next) //if p = p->next, means only 1 node left in the list 
        for (i=1;i<m-1;i++)
            p=p->next; //now p come to the node before the deleting node, only run 1 time
        printf("%d", p->next->data); //print the value of the node who going to be deleted
        temp = p->next;
        p->next = temp->next;
        p=p->next; // now p point to the node who will start count with 1
    printf("%d\n",p->data);  //print the last node of the list 
    return 0;



Advanced history

N people with a code (max M) and stand as a circle, with the first people's code such as 6,  as the counter , the one counting 6 , out of the circle and his code is 9, and the next round will count with the code 9...untill all the people out. 


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_NODE_NUM 100
#define TRUE 1U
#define FALSE 0U

typedef struct NodeType
    int id;
    int cipher;
    struct NodeType *next;
} NodeType;

/*create circle Linklist*/
static void CreateList(NodeType **, const int);

/*run Jehus puzzel*/
static void StatGame(NodeType **,int);

/*print the circle link list*/
static void PrntList(const NodeType *);

/*get a Node*/
static NodeType *GetNode(const int, const int);

/*test if the link list is empty, if it's empty, return True, else, False*/
static unsigned EmptyList(const NodeType *);

int main(void)
    int n,m;
    NodeType *phead = NULL;
        printf("please enter the amount of people(maximize %d): ", MAX_NODE_NUM);
        scanf("%d", &n);
        printf("and the initiate code: ");
        scanf("%d", &m);
            printf("Too many people, please re-enter: \n");
    printf("the original circle LinkList to print \n");
    printf("The status of deleting Nodes to print... \n");

static void CreateList(NodeType **ppHead, const int n)
    int i, iCipher;
    NodeType *pNew, *pCur;
        printf("please input %d people's code: ", i);
        pNew = GetNode(i,iCipher);
            *ppHead = pCur = pNew;
            pCur->next = *ppHead;
            pNew->next = pCur->next;
            pCur->next = pNew;
            pCur = pNew;
    printf("Finish the circle LinkList creation! \n");

static void StatGame(NodeType **ppHead, int iCipher)
    int iCounter, iFlag = 1;
    NodeType *pPrv, *pCur, *pDel;
    pPrv = pCur = *ppHead; 
    while(pPrv->next != *ppHead)
        pPrv = pPrv->next; // set pPrv points to the last node, prepare for deleting
        for(iCounter = 1; iCounter < iCipher; iCounter++)
            pPrv = pCur;
            pCur = pCur->next;
        if(pPrv == pCur)
            iFlag = 0;
        pDel = pCur; //delete the node which pCur points to.
        pPrv->next = pCur->next;
        pCur = pCur->next;
        iCipher = pDel->cipher;
        printf("The %d man is out, code: %d \n", pDel->id,pDel->cipher);
    **ppHead = NULL;

static void PrntList(const NodeType *pHead)
    const NodeType *pCur = pHead;
        printf("The %d man, his code is: %d \n", pCur->id, pCur->cipher);
        pCur = pCur->next;

static NodeType *GetNode(const int iId, const int iCipher)
    NodeType *pNew;
    pNew = (NodeType *)malloc(sizeof(NodeType));
        printf("Error, the memory is not enough! \n");
    pNew->id = iId;
    pNew->cipher = iCipher;
    pNew->next = NULL;
    return pNew;

static unsigned EmptyList(const NodeType *pHead)
        printf("The list is empty!\n");
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE 


posted @ 2017-09-14 22:41  ReedyLi  阅读(201)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报