BZOJ 2331 [SCOI2011]地板 ——插头DP
switch 套 switch 代码瞬间清爽了。
#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; #define F(i,j,k) for (int i=j;i<=k;++i) #define D(i,j,k) for (int i=j;i>=k;--i) #define maxn 400005 const int md=20110520; int dp[2][maxn],a[101][101],n,m,fac[15],tot,b[15]; char s[105]; void print(int x){F(i,0,m) printf("%d",(x%fac[i+1])/fac[i]);} int main() { scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); F(i,0,n-1){scanf("%s",s);F(j,0,m-1)a[i][j]=s[j]=='*'?1:0;} if (m>n){F(i,0,m-1)F(j,i+1,m-1)swap(a[i][j],a[j][i]);swap(m,n);} // F(i,0,n-1){F(j,0,m-1)printf("%d ",a[i][j]);printf("\n");} fac[0]=1;F(i,1,13)fac[i]=fac[i-1]*3;tot=fac[m+1]-1; int now=1,pre=0; memset(dp[now],0,sizeof dp[now]); dp[now][0]=1; F(i,0,n-1) F(j,0,m-1) { if (a[i][j]) { now^=1;pre^=1; memset(dp[now],0,sizeof dp[now]); F(s,0,tot) if (dp[pre][s]) { // printf("now is "); print(s); printf(" \n"); int tmp1=(s%fac[j+1])/fac[j],tmp2=(s%fac[j+2])/fac[j+1],tmp=s; if (!tmp1&&!tmp2) { (dp[now][s]+=dp[pre][s])%=md; // printf(" to "); print(s); printf("\n"); } } } else { now^=1;pre^=1; memset(dp[now],0,sizeof dp[now]); F(s,0,tot) if (dp[pre][s]) { // printf("now is "); print(s); printf(" \n"); int tmp1=(s%fac[j+1])/fac[j],tmp2=(s%fac[j+2])/fac[j+1],tmp=s; switch(tmp1) { case 0: switch(tmp2) { case 0: tmp-=tmp1*fac[j]; tmp-=tmp2*fac[j+1]; // printf(" to "); print(tmp+2*fac[j]+2*fac[j+1]); printf("\n"); (dp[now][tmp+2*fac[j]+2*fac[j+1]]+=dp[pre][s])%=md; // printf(" to "); print(tmp+fac[j]); printf("\n"); (dp[now][tmp+fac[j]]+=dp[pre][s])%=md; // printf(" to "); print(tmp+fac[j+1]); printf("\n"); (dp[now][tmp+fac[j+1]]+=dp[pre][s])%=md; break; case 1: tmp-=tmp1*fac[j]; tmp-=tmp2*fac[j+1]; // printf(" to "); print(tmp+fac[j]); printf("\n"); (dp[now][tmp+fac[j]]+=dp[pre][s])%=md; // printf(" to "); print(tmp+2*fac[j+1]); printf("\n"); (dp[now][tmp+2*fac[j+1]]+=dp[pre][s])%=md; break; case 2: tmp-=tmp1*fac[j]; tmp-=tmp2*fac[j+1]; // printf(" to "); print(tmp); printf("\n"); (dp[now][tmp]+=dp[pre][s])%=md; // printf(" to "); print(tmp+2*fac[j]); printf("\n"); (dp[now][tmp+2*fac[j]]+=dp[pre][s])%=md; break; } break; case 1: switch(tmp2) { case 0: tmp-=tmp1*fac[j]; tmp-=tmp2*fac[j+1]; // printf(" to "); print(tmp+2*fac[j]); printf("\n"); (dp[now][tmp+2*fac[j]]+=dp[pre][s])%=md; // printf(" to "); print(tmp+fac[j+1]); printf("\n"); (dp[now][tmp+fac[j+1]]+=dp[pre][s])%=md; break; case 1: tmp-=tmp1*fac[j]; tmp-=tmp2*fac[j+1]; // printf(" to "); print(tmp); printf("\n"); (dp[now][tmp]+=dp[pre][s])%=md; break; case 2: break; } break; case 2: switch(tmp2) { case 0: tmp-=tmp1*fac[j]; tmp-=tmp2*fac[j+1]; // printf(" to "); print(tmp+2*fac[j]); printf("\n"); (dp[now][tmp+2*fac[j+1]]+=dp[pre][s])%=md; // printf(" to "); print(tmp); printf("\n"); (dp[now][tmp]+=dp[pre][s])%=md; break; case 1: break; case 2: break; } break; } } } if (j==m-1) { // printf("On The last of road\n"); now^=1;pre^=1; memset(dp[now],0,sizeof dp[now]); F(s,0,tot) if (dp[pre][s]) { // printf("End with "); print(s); int tmp=s,tmp1=(s%fac[m+1])/fac[m]; if (tmp1) {continue;} tmp*=3; // printf(" can become "); print(tmp); printf("\n"); (dp[now][tmp]+=dp[pre][s])%=md; } } } printf("%d\n",dp[now][0]); }