as 快捷键

find next           ctrl+=
find previous       ctrl+-
find                ctrl+f
find word at caret  ctrl+e
find in path        alt+f

toggle case         alt+u 

    back                    ctrl+alt+left
    forward                 ctrl+alt+right

select next tab             ctrl+pagedown
select previous tab         ctrl+pageup

toggle full screen          ctrl+alt+m

close                       ctrl+w

split vertically            ctrl+\\
change split orientation    ctrl+alt+\\

increase font size          alt+numpad_substract
decrease font size          alt+numpad_add
reset font size             alt+numpad_0

start new line before current   ctrl+enter
start new line                  ctrl+shift+enter

move line up                    alt+up
move line down                  alt+down

duplicate line or selection     alt+shift+down

join lines                      ctrl+j

delete line                     ctrl+d

soft-wrap all files             alt+z

delete to word start            ctrl+backspace
delete to word end              ctrl+delete

next bookmark       ctrl+alt+l
previous bookmark   ctrl+alt+j
toggle bookmark     ctrl+alt+k
show bookmarks      ctrl+alt+shift+i

    File            ctrl+p
file path ctrl
+k ctrl+r eidt copy paths ctrl+k ctrl+p save all ctrl+alt+s file new file ctrl+n //------------------------------------------------- //注释 //------------------------------------------------- comment with line comment ctrl+k ctrl+l comment with block comment ctrl+k ctrl+b //------------------------------------------------- //基本 //------------------------------------------------- copy ctrl+c cut ctrl+x paste ctrl+v select all ctrl+a undo ctrl+z redo ctrl+y //------------------------------------------------- //选择 //------------------------------------------------- move caret to matching brace ctrl+] add selection to next occurence ctrl+shift+m select line at caret ctrl+i up with selection shift+up down with selection shift+down left with selection shift+left right with selection shift+right move caret to next word with selection alt+shift+right move caret to previous word with selection alt+shift+left move caret to line end with selection shift+end move caret to line start with selection shift+home page down with selection shift+pagedown page up with selection shift+pageup //------------------------------------------------- //cursor //------------------------------------------------- move caret to next word alt+left move caret to previouse word alt+right move caret to line end end move caret to line start home move caret to page top alt+pageup move cart to page bottom alt+pagedown move caret to text end alt+end move caret to text start alt+start page up pageup page down pagedown //------------------------------------------------- //列编辑 //------------------------------------------------- column selection mode ctrl+alt+shift+down add or remove caret alt+button1click add rectangular selection on mouse drag 鼠标中键 //------------------------------------------------- //折叠 //------------------------------------------------- collapse ctrl+alt+f collapse all ctrl+alt+shift+f expand ctrl+alt+u expand all ctrl+alt+shift+u //------------------------------------------------- //缩进 //------------------------------------------------- indent line or selection tab unindent line or selection shift+tab


posted @ 2018-05-31 14:53  fndefbwefsowpvqfx  阅读(298)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报