自动化脚本 AHK
#C:: while(1) { Sleep, 10 Click GetKeyState, state, Shift if state = D break }
#C:: MouseGetPos, mousex,mousey,windowhandle,controlhandle,2 WinGetTitle,title,ahk_id, %windowhandle% while(1) { ControlClick, x%mousex% y%mousey%, ahk_id %windowhandle% ToolTip, %title%`n x%mousex% y%mousey% GetKetState, state ,Shift if state == D break }
; 在鼠标处弹出菜单 Win-Z . ; , 菜单名, ,菜单项文字,回调函数 Menu, MyMenu, Add, D disk, MenuHandlerD Menu, MyMenu, Add, E disk, MenuHandlerE Menu, MyMenu, Add ; 分割线 ; 创建菜单,将被作为子菜单 Menu, Submenu1, Add, Item1, MenuHandler Menu, Submenu1, Add, Item2, MenuHandler ; 加入子菜单 Menu, MyMenu, Add, My Submenu, :Submenu1 Menu, MyMenu, Add ; Add a separator line below the submenu. Menu, MyMenu, Add, Item3, MenuHandler ; Add another menu item beneath the submenu. return ; End of script's auto-execute section. ;call back MenuHandler: MsgBox You selected %A_ThisMenuItem% from the menu %A_ThisMenu%. return MenuHandlerD: Run, explore D:\\ return MenuHandlerE: Run, explore E:\\ return ; hot key #z::Menu, MyMenu, Show ; i.e. press the Win-Z hotkey to show the menu.