- 将毫秒转换为时分秒毫秒表示
using namespace std; using namespace std::chrono; milliseconds ms(7255042); // split into hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds hours hh = duration_cast<hours>(ms); minutes mm = duration_cast<minutes>(ms % chrono::hours(1)); seconds ss = duration_cast<seconds>(ms % chrono::minutes(1)); milliseconds msec = duration_cast<milliseconds>(ms % chrono::seconds(1)); // and print durations and values: cout << "raw: " << hh << "::" << mm << "::" << ss << "::" << msec << endl; cout << " " << setfill(’0’) << setw(2) << hh.count() << "::" << setw(2) << mm.count() << "::" << setw(2) << ss.count() << "::" << setw(3) << msec.count() << endl;
raw: [2 of 3600/1]::[0 of 60/1]::[55 of 1/1]::[42 of 1/1000] 02::00::55::042