es ctags for code on win
# dep: tar, 7z, pwsh, java
# make root
New-Item -Path @($theGrokRoot,$theTomcatRoot) -ItemType Directory
# extract grok
cd $theGrokRoot
New-Item -Path @('src','data','dist','etc','log') -ItemType Directory
cd -
tar -C $theGrokRoot/dist --strip-components=1 -xzf $theGrokFile
# copy log property
Copy-Item -Path $theGrokRoot/dist/doc/ $theGrokRoot/etc/
# extract Tomcat
tar -C $theTomcatRoot/ --strip-components=1 -xzf $theTomcatFile
# extract web page source
New-Item -Path @($webAppSource) -ItemType Directory
$inputSource=$theGrokRoot + "/dist/lib/source.war"
$sourceExtractPathOption="-o" + $webAppSource
7z x $inputSource $sourceExtractPathOption
# edit web.xml
$webConfig=$theTomcatRoot + "/webapps/source/WEB-INF/web.xml"
$toString=$theGrokRoot + "/etc/configuration.xml"
(Get-Content $webConfig).replace($fromString, $toString) | Set-Content $webConfig
Get-Content $theTomcatRoot/webapps/source/WEB-INF/web.xml
start tom
echo $tomcatStartFile
cmd.exe -/c $tomcatStartFile
create index
# universal ctags.exe is in current directory
$CurrentDirectory = Get-Location
$CurrentDirectoryString=Convert-Path -LiteralPath $CurrentDirectory
$absRootToUniversalCtags=$CurrentDirectoryString + "\ctags"
cmd.exe -/c java -jar $theGrokRoot\dist\lib\opengrok.jar -c $absRootToUniversalCtags -s $theGrokRoot\src -d $theGrokRoot\data -P -S -G -W $theGrokRoot\etc\configuration.xml
shut tom
echo $tomcatShutdownFile
cmd.exe -/c $tomcatShutdownFile
missing configuration.xml
create index, the file will be created
window junction
| /j | Creates a Directory Junction. |
cmd /c mklink c:\path\to\symlink c:\target\file
cmd /c mklink /j D:\the\symbol\boost181 F:\the\real\file\boost-1.81.0
suggester bug
The ChronicleMap dependency does not work out of the box with Java 9+; as a result, promoting terms based on the previous searches won't work.
To solve this issue, following parameters are needed to add to java invocation:
--add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-exports java.base/
if (allowMostPopular) {
private void initSearchCountMap() throws IOException {
ChronicleMapAdapter m;
try {
m = new ChronicleMapAdapter(field, conf.getAverageKeySize(), conf.getEntries(), f);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create ChronicleMap for field " + field + " in directory "
+ suggesterDir + " due to invalid key size ("
+ conf.getAverageKeySize() + ") or number of entries: (" + conf.getEntries() + "):", e);
} catch (Throwable t) {
"Could not create ChronicleMap for field " + field + " in directory "
+ suggesterDir + " , most popular completion disabled, if you are using "
+ "JDK9+ make sure to specify: "
+ "--add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED "
+ "--add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED "
+ "--add-exports java.base/", t);
final solution: change opengrok\etc\configuration.xml
to close allowMostPopular
<void id="SuggesterConfig0" property="suggesterConfig">
<void property="allowMostPopular">
pwsh to do this:
$grokConfig=$theGrokRoot + "/etc/configuration.xml"
$fromString='<void id="SuggesterConfig0" property="suggesterConfig">'
$toString = '<void id="SuggesterConfig0" property="suggesterConfig"> <void property="allowMostPopular"> <boolean>false</boolean> </void>'
(Get-Content $grokConfig).replace($fromString, $toString) | Set-Content $grokConfig
powershell sucks!