AppleScript wiki example

display dialog "Hello, world!" -- a modal window with "OK" and "Cancel" buttons
-- or
display alert "Hello, world!" -- a modal window with a single "OK" button and an icon representing the app displaying the alert
-- or
say "Hello, world!" -- an audio message using a synthesized computer voice
-- Dialog
set dialogReply to display dialog "Dialog Text" ¬
	default answer "Text Answer" ¬
	hidden answer false ¬
	buttons {"Skip", "Okay", "Cancel"} ¬
	default button "Okay" ¬
	cancel button "Skip" ¬
	with title "Dialog Window Title" ¬
	with icon note ¬
	giving up after 15
-- Choose from list
set chosenListItem to choose from list {"A", "B", "3"} ¬
	with title "List Title" ¬
	with prompt "Prompt Text" ¬
	default items "B" ¬
	OK button name "Looks Good!" ¬
	cancel button name "Nope, try again" ¬
	multiple selections allowed false ¬
	with empty selection allowed
-- Alert
set resultAlertReply to display alert "Alert Text" ¬
	as warning ¬
	buttons {"Skip", "Okay", "Cancel"} ¬
	default button 2 ¬
	cancel button 1 ¬
	giving up after 2
display alert "Hello, world!" buttons {"Rudely decline", "Happily accept"}
set theAnswer to button returned of the result
if theAnswer is "Happily accept" then
	beep 5
	say "Piffle!"
end if
tell application "Microsoft Word"
end tell

tell application "Microsoft Word" to quit

quit application "Microsoft Word"

tell application "QuarkXPress"
  tell document 1
    tell page 2
      tell text box 1
        set word 5 to "Apple"
      end tell
    end tell
  end tell
end tell
tell application "Finder"
	-- Set variables
	set the1 to text returned of (display dialog "1st" default answer "Number here" buttons {"Continue"} default button 1)
	set the2 to text returned of (display dialog "2nd" default answer "Number here" buttons {"Continue"} default button 1)
		set the1 to the1 as integer
		set the2 to the2 as integer
	on error
		display dialog "You may only input numbers into a calculator." with title "ERROR" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
	end try
	-- Add?
	if the button returned of (display dialog "Add?" buttons {"No", "Yes"} default button 2) is "Yes" then
		set ans to (the1 + the2)
		display dialog ans with title "Answer" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
		say ans
	-- Subtract?	
	else if the button returned of (display dialog "Subtract?" buttons {"No", "Yes"} default button 2) is "Yes" then
		set ans to (the1 - the2)
		display dialog ans with title "Answer" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
		say ans
	-- Multiply?	
	else if the button returned of (display dialog "Multiply?" buttons {"No", "Yes"} default button 2) is "Yes" then
		set ans to (the1 * the2)
		display dialog ans with title "Answer" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
		say ans
	-- Divide?	
	else if the button returned of (display dialog "Divide?" buttons {"No", "Yes"} default button 2) is "Yes" then
		set ans to (the1 / the2)
		display dialog ans with title "Answer" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
		say ans
		delay 1
		say "You haven't selected a function. The operation has cancelled."
	end if
end tell
tell application "Finder"
	set passAns to "app123"
	set userAns to "John"
	if the text returned of (display dialog "Username" default answer "") is userAns then
		display dialog "Correct" buttons {"Continue"} default button 1
		if the text returned of (display dialog "Username : John" & return & "Password" default answer "" buttons {"Continue"} default button 1 with hidden answer) is passAns then
			display dialog "Access granted" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
			display dialog "Incorrect password" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
		end if
		display dialog "Incorrect username" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
	end if
end tell


-- Simple conditional
if x < 1000 then set x to x + 1

-- Compound conditional
if x is greater than 3 then
     -- commands
     -- other commands
end if

# loop
     -- commands to be repeated
end repeat

repeat 10 times
     -- commands to be repeated
end repeat
set x to 5
repeat while x > 0
     set x to x - 1
end repeat

set x to 5
repeat until x ≤ 0
     set x to x - 1
end repeat
-- repeat the block 2000 times, i gets all values from 1 to 2000
repeat with i from 1 to 2000
     -- commands to be repeated
end repeat

-- repeat the block 4 times, i gets values 100, 75, 50 and 25
repeat with i from 100 to 25 by -25
    -- commands to be repeated 
end repeat
set total to 0
repeat with loopVariable in {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
	set total to total + loopVariable
end repeat


-- Simple form
tell application "Safari" to activate

-- Compound
tell application "MyApp"
     -- commands for app
end tell


     -- commands to be tested
on error
     -- error commands 
end try


on myFunction(parameters...)
     -- subroutine commands 
end myFunction


set variable1 to 1 -- create an integer variable called variable1
set variable2 to "Hello" -- create a text variable called variable2
copy {17, "doubleday"} to variable3 -- create a list variable called variable3
set {variable4, variable5} to variable3 -- copy the list items of variable3 into separate variables variable4 and variable5
set variable6 to script myScript -- set a variable to an instance of a script
tell application "Finder"
    set x to my myHandler()
    -- or
    set x to myHandler() of me
end tell

on myHandler()
end myHandler
tell application "Finder"
	set anyNumber to my (random number from 5 to 50)
end tell
posted @ 2023-04-07 15:55  fndefbwefsowpvqfx  阅读(18)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报