latex font

The styles are categorized into family, series, and shape. The typestyle in the output is composed of these three characteristics.

The table for the styles is given below:

Roman \textrm{roman}
Typewriter \texttt{typewriter}
Sans serif \textsf{sans serif}

The table for the series is given below:

boldface \textbf{boldface}
medium \textmd{medium}

The table for the shape is given below:

italic \textit{italic}
slanted \textsl{slanted}
upright \textup{upright}
SMALL CAP \textsc{small cap]


The common font families are listed below:

Font FamiliesFull Form
cmm Computer Modern Italic
cmsy Computer Modern Symbols
cmex Computer Modern Extensions
cmr Computer Modern Roman
cmss Computer Modern Sans
cmtt Computer Modern Typewriter
ptm Adobe Times
phv Adobe Helvetica
pcr Adobe Courier

The standard supported for the weights and width for the font series are listed in the table below:

sb- Semi Bold

ub- Ultra Bold

b- Bold

eb- Extra Bold

ul- Ultra Light

el- Extra Light

l- Light

sl- Semi Light

m- Medium (normal)

StandardFull-form% Percentage
uc Ultra Condensed 50%
ec Extra Condensed 62.5%
c Condensed 75%
sc Semi Condensed 87.5%
x Expanded 125%
ex Extra Expanded 150%
ux Ultra Expanded 200%
m Medium 100%
sx Semi Expanded 112.5%


Font sizes

\tiny F-tiny.png
\scriptsize F-scriptsize.png
\footnotesize F-footnotesize.png
\small F-small.png
\normalsize F-normalsize.png
\large F-large.png
\Large F-large2.png
\LARGE F-large3.png
\huge F-huge.png
\Huge F-huge2.png

Default font families

typeface = familycommandswitch commandoutput
serif (roman) \textrm{Sample Text 0123} \rmfamily F-textrm.png
sans serif \textsf{Sample Text 0123} \sffamily F-textsf.png
typewriter (monospace) \texttt{Sample Text 0123} \ttfamily F-texttt.png

Font styles

stylecommandswitch commandoutput
medium \textmd{Sample Text 0123} \mdseries F-textmd.png
bold \textbf{Sample Text 0123} \bfseries F-textbf.png
upright \textup{Sample Text 0123} \upshape F-textrm.png
italic \textit{Sample Text 0123} \itshape F-textit2.png
slanted \textsl{Sample Text 0123} \slshape F-textsl.png
small caps \textsc{Sample Text 0123} \scshape F-textsc.png
posted @ 2020-12-27 13:21  fndefbwefsowpvqfx  阅读(90)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报