vim hehe


Hard Way

You can call vim functions in command mode.
The command below will write yanked lines to /tmp/myFile.

:call writefile(split(getreg('"'), '\n'), '/tmp/myFile')

Note: Yanked lines are in unnamed register ("", type :help registers for help).

Easy Way

Why not do it visually. Just 3 basic commands everyone can understand:

  • :tabe -- open new tab
  • p -- paste to buffer
  • :w /tmp/myFile.txt -- save file

I had issue because my vim was not supporting clipboard: vim
--version | grep clip -clipboard +insert_expand +path_extra +user_commands +emacs_tags -mouseshape +startuptime -xterm_clipboard I installed vim-gnome (which support clipboard) and then checked again: vim --version | grep clipboard +clipboard +insert_expand +path_extra +user_commands +emacs_tags +mouseshape +startuptime +xterm_clipboard Now I am able to copy and paste using "+y and "+p respectively. As suggested, I also installed vim-gtk and put set clipboard=unnamedplus in my .vimrc and everything works fine On Mac OSX copy selected part: visually select text(type v or V in normal mode) and type :w !pbcopy copy the whole file :%w !pbcopy paste from the clipboard :r !pbpaste On most Linux Distros, you can substitute: pbcopy above with xclip -i -sel c or xsel -i -b pbpaste using xclip -o -sel -c or xsel -o -b -- Note: In case neither of these tools (xsel and xclip) are preinstalled on your distro, you can probably find them in the repos

sudo apt-get install vim vim-scripts vim-gtk vim-gnome


First, try loading vim with no plugins or vimrc:

vim -u NONE gargantuan.txt

If this is substantially faster, then you probably have syntax highlighting, folding, plugins, or something else going on that's taking up most of the time. Try turning stuff off in your vimrc (and disabling your plugins) until you find the culprit.

Also make sure to set ft= syn= and syntax off.

If this doesn't help, it's probably the case that you have very long lines that are causing the problem. Try set nowrap to turn line wrapping off.


posted @ 2019-09-08 16:27  fndefbwefsowpvqfx  阅读(157)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报