
1. Flash the following images using XDB flash utility (128MB NAND Flash)
boot_notrust.bin                 0x0

2. Exit XDB and reset board.

3. Ethernet or USB can be used to tftp images to the target platform
At BLOB prompt issue the commands:

burn kernel by:
nanderase -z 0x100000 0x300000
tftp zImage-android
nandwrite -z 0x80800000 0x100000 <zImage-actual-length>

burn system.img by:
nanderase -y 0x400000 0x4000000
tftp system.img
nandwrite -y 0x80800000 0x400000 <system.img actual length>

burn userdata.img by:
nanderase -y 0x4400000 0x2000000
tftp userdata.img
nandwrite -y 0x80800000 0x4400000 <userdata.img actual length>



posted on 2009-04-09 13:53  SeanLin  阅读(2638)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报
