
选择一块 : Ctrl+-
选择一行 : Shift+F6
到下一个函数 : 小键盘 +
上一个函数 : 小键盘 -
高亮当前单词 : Shift+F8
回退、前进 alt + , alt + .
最后一个窗口 : Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab
替换 : Ctrl+H
同步文件 : Alt+Shift+S
替换文件 : Ctrl+Shift+H
在多个文件中搜索 : Ctrl+Shift+F
向后搜索 : F3
向前搜索 : F4
复制一行 : Ctrl+K
剪切一行 : Ctrl+U
转到行 : F5, Ctrl+G
回到该行的开始 : Home
到一行的尾部 : End
从当前位置选择到行结束 : Shift+End
从当前位置选择到行的开始 : Shift+Home
从当前行其开始向下选择 : Shift+Down
从当前行其开始向上选择 : Shift+Up
到块的下面 : Ctrl+Shift+]
到块的上面 : Ctrl+Shift+[
左边缩进 : F9
右边缩进 : F10
从当前位置选择到文件顶部 : Ctrl+Shift+Home
从当前位置选择到文件结束 : Ctrl+Shift+End
书签 : Ctrl+M


退出程序 : Alt+F4
重画屏幕 : Ctrl+Alt+Space
完成语法 : Ctrl+E
复制一行 : Ctrl+K
恰好复制该位置右边的该行的字符 : Ctrl+Shift+K
复制到剪贴板 : Ctrl+Del
剪切一行 : Ctrl+U
剪切该位置右边的该行的字符 : Ctrl+;
剪切到剪贴板 : Ctrl+Shift+X
剪切一个字 : Ctrl+,
左边缩进 : F9
右边缩进 : F10
插入一行 : Ctrl+I
插入新行 : Ctrl+Enter
加入一行 : Ctrl+J
从剪切板粘贴 : Ctrl+Ins
粘贴一行 : Ctrl+P
重复上一个动作 : Ctrl+Y
重新编号 : Ctrl+R
重复输入 : Ctrl+\
替换 : Ctrl+H
智能重命名 : Ctrl+'
关闭文件 : Ctrl+W
关闭所有文件 : Ctrl+Shift+W
新建 : Ctrl+N
转到下一个文件 : Ctrl+Shift+N
打开 : Ctrl+O
重新装载文件 : Ctrl+Shift+O
另存为 : Ctrl+Shift+S
显示文件状态 : Shift+F10
激活语法窗口 : Alt+L
回到该行的开始 : Home
回到选择的开始 : Ctrl+Alt+[
到块的下面 : Ctrl+Shift+]
到块的上面 : Ctrl+Shift+[
书签 : Ctrl+M
到文件底部 : Ctrl+End, Ctrl+(KeyPad) End
到窗口底部 : (KeyPad) End (小键盘的END)
到一行的尾部 : End
到选择部分的尾部 : Ctrl+Alt+]
到下一个函数 : 小键盘 +
上一个函数 : 小键盘 -
后退 : Alt+,, Thumb 1 Click
后退到索引 : Alt+M
向前 : Alt+., Thumb 2 Click
转到行 : F5, Ctrl+G
转到下一个修改 : Alt+(KeyPad) +
转到下一个链接 : Shift+F9, Ctrl+Shift+L
回到前一个修改 : Alt+(KeyPad) -
检查引用 : Ctrl+/

跳到连接(就是语法串口列表的地方) : Ctrl+L
跳到匹配 : Alt+]
下一页 : PgDn, (KeyPad) PgDn
上一页 : PgUp, (KeyPad) PgUp
向上滚动半屏 : Ctrl+PgDn, Ctrl+(KeyPad) PgDn, (KeyPad) *
向下滚动半屏 : Ctrl+PgUp, Ctrl+(KeyPad) PgUp, (KeyPad) /
左滚 : Alt+Left
向上滚动一行 : Alt+Down
向下滚动一行 : Alt+Up
右滚 : Alt+Right
选择一块 : Ctrl+-
选择当前位置的左边一个字符 : Shift+Left
选择当前位置右边一个字符 : Shift+Right
选择一行 : Shift+F6
从当前行其开始向下选择 : Shift+Down
从当前行其开始向上选择 : Shift+Up
选择上页 : Shift+PgDn, Shift+(KeyPad) PgDn
选择下页 : Shift+PgUp, Shift+(KeyPad) PgUp
选择句子(直到遇到一个 . 为止) : Shift+F7, Ctrl+.
从当前位置选择到文件结束 : Ctrl+Shift+End
从当前位置选择到行结束 : Shift+End
从当前位置选择到行的开始 : Shift+Home
从当前位置选择到文件顶部 : Ctrl+Shift+Home
选择一个单词 : Shift+F5
选择左边单词 : Ctrl+Shift+Left
选择右边单词 : Ctrl+Shift+Right
到文件顶部 : Ctrl+Home, Ctrl+(KeyPad) Home
到窗口顶部 : (KeyPad) Home
到单词左边(也就是到一个单词的开始) : Ctrl+Left
到单词右边(到该单词的结束) : Ctrl+Right
排列语法窗口(有三种排列方式分别按1,2,3次) : Alt+F7
移除文件 : Alt+Shift+R
同步文件 : Alt+Shift+S
增量搜索(当用Ctrl + F 搜索,然后按F12就会转到下一个匹配) : F12
替换文件 : Ctrl+Shift+H
向后搜索 : F3
在多个文件中搜索 : Ctrl+Shift+F
向前搜索 : F4
搜索选择的(比如选择了一个单词,shift+F4将搜索下一个) : Shift+F4
搜索 : Ctrl+F
浏览本地语法(弹出该文件语法列表窗口,如果你光标放到一个变量/函数等,那么列出本文件该变量/函数等的信息) : F8
浏览工程语法 : F7, Alt+G
跳到基本类型(即跳到原型) : Alt+0
跳到定义出(也就是声明) : Ctrl+=, Ctrl+L Click (select), Ctrl+Double L Click
检查引用 : Ctrl+/
语法信息(弹出该语法的信息) : Alt+/, Ctrl+R Click (select)
高亮当前单词 : Shift+F8
语法窗口(隐藏/显示语法窗口) : Alt+F8
关闭窗口 : Alt+F6, Ctrl+F4
最后一个窗口 : Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab



  1 Commands                                  :  Key Assignments
  3 Application: About Source Insight...      :  
  4 Application: Check for Updates...         :  
  5 Application: Create Bookmarks from Relat  :  
  6 Application: Deactivate License...        :  
  7 Application: Exit                         :  Alt+F4
  8 Application: Exit and Suspend             :  
  9 Application: Exit Windows                 :  
 10 Application: Lock Context Window          :  
 11 Application: Lock File Compare Window     :  
 12 Application: Lock Relation Window         :  
 13 Application: Manage License...            :  
 14 Application: Mono Font View               :  Alt+F12
 15 Application: Ordering Information...      :  
 16 Application: Print Relation Window...     :  
 17 Application: Redraw Screen                :  Ctrl+Alt+Space
 18 Application: Refresh Relation Window      :  
 19 Application: Restart Windows              :  
 20 Application: Run Macro                    :  
 21 Application: Setup Common Projects...     :  
 22 Application: Show in Relation Window      :  
 23 Application: Source Insight Website       :  
 24 Application: Touch All Files in Relation  :  
 25 Application: Unimplemented Command        :  
 26 Build: Build Project                      :  
 27 Build: Clean Build                        :  
 28 Build: Compile File                       :  
 29 Build: Run Project                        :  
 30 Custom Cmd: Build Project                 :  
 31 Custom Cmd: Check In                      :  
 32 Custom Cmd: Check Out                     :  
 33 Custom Cmd: Clean Build                   :  
 34 Custom Cmd: Command Shell                 :  
 35 Custom Cmd: Compile File                  :  
 36 Custom Cmd: Explore Project Folder        :  
 37 Custom Cmd: Preview in Web Browser        :  
 38 Custom Cmd: Run Project                   :  
 39 Custom Cmd: Search In Folder              :  
 40 Custom Cmd: Sort File                     :  
 41 Custom Cmd: Sort Selection                :  
 42 Custom Cmd: Sync File to Source Control   :  
 43 Custom Cmd: Sync to Source Control Proje  :  
 44 Custom Cmd: Undo Check Out                :  
 45 Custom Cmd: Windows Explorer              :  
 46 Edit: Back Tab                            :  Shift+Tab
 47 Edit: Backspace                           :  Shift+BackSpace, BackSpace
 48 Edit: Browser Mode                        :  
 49 Edit: Calculate                           :  
 50 Edit: Clip Window Options...              :  
 51 Edit: Comment Lines                       :  
 52 Edit: Complete Snippet                    :  Ctrl+E
 53 Edit: Complete Symbol                     :  Ctrl+8
 54 Edit: Copy                                :  L+R Click, Ctrl+C
 55 Edit: Copy Line                           :  Ctrl+K
 56 Edit: Copy Line Right                     :  Ctrl+Shift+K
 57 Edit: Copy To Clip...                     :  Ctrl+Del
 58 Edit: Cut                                 :  Shift+Del, Ctrl+X
 59 Edit: Cut Line                            :  Ctrl+U
 60 Edit: Cut Line Left                       :  
 61 Edit: Cut Line Right                      :  Ctrl+;
 62 Edit: Cut Selection or Paste              :  
 63 Edit: Cut To Clip...                      :  Ctrl+Shift+X
 64 Edit: Cut Word                            :  Ctrl+,
 65 Edit: Cut Word Left                       :  
 66 Edit: Delete All Clips                    :  
 67 Edit: Delete Character                    :  (KeyPad) Del, Del
 68 Edit: Delete Line                         :  
 69 Edit: Drag Line Down                      :  Ctrl+Down
 70 Edit: Drag Line Down More                 :  
 71 Edit: Drag Line Up                        :  Ctrl+Up
 72 Edit: Drag Line Up More                   :  
 73 Edit: Duplicate                           :  
 74 Edit: Enter                               :  (KeyPad) Enter, Enter, Enter
 75 Edit: Expand Text Variables               :  
 76 Edit: Indent Left                         :  F9
 77 Edit: Indent Right                        :  F10
 78 Edit: Insert ASCII...                     :  
 79 Edit: Insert Class Function Prototypes    :  
 80 Edit: Insert File...                      :  
 81 Edit: Insert GUID                         :  
 82 Edit: Insert Line                         :  Ctrl+I
 83 Edit: Insert Line Before Next             :  Ctrl+Space
 84 Edit: Insert New Line                     :  Ctrl+Enter
 85 Edit: Join Lines                          :  Ctrl+J
 86 Edit: Lowercase                           :  
 87 Edit: New Clip...                         :  
 88 Edit: Paste                               :  Shift+Ins, Ctrl+V
 89 Edit: Paste From Clip...                  :  Ctrl+Ins
 90 Edit: Paste Line                          :  Ctrl+P
 91 Edit: Play Recording                      :  Ctrl+F3
 92 Edit: Redo                                :  Ctrl+Y
 93 Edit: Redo All                            :  
 94 Edit: Reform Paragraph                    :  
 95 Edit: Rename or Move...                   :  
 96 Edit: Renumber...                         :  Ctrl+R
 97 Edit: Repeat Typing                       :  Ctrl+\
 98 Edit: Replace...                          :  
 99 Edit: Restore Lines                       :  Alt+D
100 Edit: Simple Tab                          :  Ctrl+Alt+Tab
101 Edit: Slide In Text...                    :  
102 Edit: Smart Rename...                     :  Ctrl+'
103 Edit: Smart Tab                           :  
104 Edit: Spaces To Tabs                      :  
105 Edit: Start Recording                     :  Ctrl+F1
106 Edit: Stop Recording                      :  Ctrl+F2
107 Edit: Tab                                 :  Tab
108 Edit: Tabs To Spaces                      :  
109 Edit: Toggle Case                         :  
110 Edit: Toggle Insert Mode                  :  Ins
111 Edit: Trim Whitespace                     :  
112 Edit: Un-Comment Lines                    :  
113 Edit: Undo                                :  Alt+BackSpace, Ctrl+Z
114 Edit: Undo All                            :  
115 Edit: Uppercase                           :  
116 File: Browse Files...                     :  
117 File: Checkpoint                          :  
118 File: Checkpoint All                      :  
119 File: Close                               :  Ctrl+W
120 File: Close All                           :  Ctrl+Shift+W
121 File: Close Other Windows                 :  
122 File: Copy File Path                      :  
123 File: Delete File...                      :  
124 File: Export File As HTML...              :  
125 File: Load File...                        :  
126 File: Load Workspace...                   :  
127 File: New                                 :  Ctrl+N
128 File: Next File...                        :  Ctrl+Shift+N
129 File: Open As Encoding...                 :  
130 File: Open Backup File...                 :  
131 File: Open Last                           :  
132 File: Open...                             :  Ctrl+O
133 File: Print...                            :  
134 File: Reload As Encoding...               :  
135 File: Reload File                         :  Ctrl+Shift+O
136 File: Reload Modified Files               :  
137 File: Restore File                        :  
138 File: Save                                :  Ctrl+S
139 File: Save A Copy...                      :  
140 File: Save All                            :  Ctrl+Alt+A
141 File: Save All Quietly                    :  
142 File: Save As Encoding...                 :  
143 File: Save As...                          :  Ctrl+Shift+S
144 File: Save New Backup File                :  
145 File: Save Selection...                   :  
146 File: Save Workspace...                   :  
147 File: Show File in Explorer...            :  
148 File: Show File Status                    :  Shift+F10
149 FTP: FTP Browser Options                  :  
150 Help: Help Mode                           :  
151 Help: Help...                             :  F1
152 Help: HTML Help...                        :  
153 Help: SDK Help...                         :  Alt+F1
154 Help: Setup HTML Help                     :  
155 Help: Setup WinHelp File                  :  
156 Macro: IfdefBogus                         :  
157 Macro: IfdefNever                         :  
158 Macro: IfdefReview                        :  
159 Macro: InsertCPlusPlus                    :  
160 Macro: InsertFileHeader                   :  
161 Macro: InsertHeader                       :  
162 Macro: InsertIfdef                        :  
163 Macro: JumpAnywhere                       :  
164 Macro: KillLine                           :  
165 Macro: OutputSiblingSymbols               :  
166 Macro: PasteKillLine                      :  
167 Macro: ReturnTrueOrFalse                  :  
168 Menu: Activate Context Menu               :  
169 Menu: Activate Edit Menu                  :  Alt+E
170 Menu: Activate File Menu                  :  
171 Menu: Activate Help Menu                  :  Alt+H
172 Menu: Activate Menu Bar                   :  
173 Menu: Activate Options Menu               :  Alt+O
174 Menu: Activate Project Menu               :  Alt+P
175 Menu: Activate Search Menu                :  Alt+S
176 Menu: Activate System Doc Menu            :  Alt+-
177 Menu: Activate System Menu                :  Alt+Space
178 Menu: Activate Tools Menu                 :  Alt+T
179 Menu: Activate View Menu                  :  Alt+V
180 Menu: Activate Window Menu                :  Alt+W
181 Menu: Activate Work Menu                  :  Alt+K
182 Menu: Arrange Windows                     :  
183 Menu: File Type and Language              :  
184 Menu: Insert Snippet                      :  
185 Menu: Outlining                           :  
186 Menu: Panels                              :  
187 Menu: Recent Files                        :  
188 Menu: Special Edit                        :  
189 Menu: Toolbars                            :  
190 Menu: Visual Theme                        :  
191 Navigation: Activate Bookmark Window      :  
192 Navigation: Beginning Of Line             :  Home
193 Navigation: Beginning Of Selection        :  Ctrl+Alt+[
194 Navigation: Blank Line Down               :  
195 Navigation: Blank Line Up                 :  
196 Navigation: Block Down                    :  Ctrl+Shift+]
197 Navigation: Block Up                      :  Ctrl+Shift+[
198 Navigation: Bookmark...                   :  Ctrl+M
199 Navigation: Bottom Of File                :  Ctrl+(KeyPad) End, Ctrl+End
200 Navigation: Bottom Of Window              :  (KeyPad) End
201 Navigation: Cursor Down                   :  (KeyPad) Down, Down
202 Navigation: Cursor Left                   :  (KeyPad) Left, Left
203 Navigation: Cursor Right                  :  (KeyPad) Right, Right
204 Navigation: Cursor Up                     :  (KeyPad) Up, Up
205 Navigation: End Of Line                   :  End
206 Navigation: End Of Selection              :  Ctrl+Alt+]
207 Navigation: Function Down                 :  (KeyPad) +
208 Navigation: Function Up                   :  (KeyPad) -
209 Navigation: Go Back                       :  Ctrl+Alt+,, Thumb 1 Click, Alt+,
210 Navigation: Go Back Toggle                :  Alt+M
211 Navigation: Go Forward                    :  Ctrl+Alt+., Thumb 2 Click, Alt+.
212 Navigation: Go To First Link              :  Ctrl+Shift+L
213 Navigation: Go To Line...                 :  Ctrl+G, F5
214 Navigation: Go To Next Change             :  Alt+(KeyPad) +
215 Navigation: Go To Next Link               :  Shift+F9
216 Navigation: Go To Next Reference Highlig  :  
217 Navigation: Go To Previous Change         :  Alt+(KeyPad) -
218 Navigation: Go To Previous Link           :  
219 Navigation: Go To Previous Reference Hig  :  
220 Navigation: Highlight References          :  
221 Navigation: Jump To Link                  :  Ctrl+L
222 Navigation: Jump To Match                 :  Alt+]
223 Navigation: Make Column Selection         :  Alt+L Click
224 Navigation: Page Down                     :  (KeyPad) PgDn, PgDn
225 Navigation: Page Up                       :  (KeyPad) PgUp, PgUp
226 Navigation: Paren Left                    :  Ctrl+9
227 Navigation: Paren Right                   :  Ctrl+0
228 Navigation: Parse Source Links...         :  
229 Navigation: Scroll Half Page Down         :  (KeyPad) *, Ctrl+(KeyPad) PgDn, Ctrl+PgDn
230 Navigation: Scroll Half Page Up           :  (KeyPad) /, Ctrl+(KeyPad) PgUp, Ctrl+PgUp
231 Navigation: Scroll Left                   :  Alt+Left
232 Navigation: Scroll Line Down              :  Alt+Down
233 Navigation: Scroll Line Up                :  Alt+Up
234 Navigation: Scroll Right                  :  Alt+Right
235 Navigation: Select All                    :  Ctrl+A
236 Navigation: Select Block                  :  
237 Navigation: Select Char Left              :  Shift+Left
238 Navigation: Select Char Right             :  Shift+Right
239 Navigation: Select Function or Symbol     :  
240 Navigation: Select Line                   :  Shift+F6
241 Navigation: Select Line Down              :  Shift+Down
242 Navigation: Select Line Up                :  Shift+Up
243 Navigation: Select Match                  :  Alt+=
244 Navigation: Select Next Snippet Placehol  :  Ctrl+Shift+;
245 Navigation: Select Page Down              :  Shift+(KeyPad) PgDn, Shift+PgDn
246 Navigation: Select Page Up                :  Shift+(KeyPad) PgUp, Shift+PgUp
247 Navigation: Select Paragraph              :  
248 Navigation: Select Sentence               :  Ctrl+., Shift+F7
249 Navigation: Select To                     :  Shift+L Click
250 Navigation: Select To End Of File         :  Ctrl+Shift+End
251 Navigation: Select To End Of Line         :  Shift+End
252 Navigation: Select To Start Of Line       :  Shift+Home
253 Navigation: Select To Top Of File         :  Ctrl+Shift+Home
254 Navigation: Select Word                   :  Shift+F5
255 Navigation: Select Word Left              :  Ctrl+Shift+Left
256 Navigation: Select Word Right             :  Ctrl+Shift+Right
257 Navigation: Selection History...          :  Ctrl+Shift+M
258 Navigation: Smart Beginning Of Line       :  
259 Navigation: Smart End Of Line             :  
260 Navigation: Toggle Extend Mode            :  
261 Navigation: Top Of File                   :  Ctrl+(KeyPad) Home, Ctrl+Home
262 Navigation: Top Of Window                 :  (KeyPad) Home
263 Navigation: Word Fragment Left            :  
264 Navigation: Word Fragment Right           :  
265 Navigation: Word Left                     :  Ctrl+Left
266 Navigation: Word Right                    :  Ctrl+Right
267 Options: Advanced Options...              :  
268 Options: Color Options...                 :  
269 Options: Context Window Options...        :  
270 Options: Create Command List              :  
271 Options: Create Key List                  :  
272 Options: Directory Compare Options        :  
273 Options: Display Options...               :  
274 Options: Edit Condition...                :  
275 Options: Enable Event Handlers            :  
276 Options: File Compare Window Options...   :  
277 Options: File Options...                  :  
278 Options: File Type Options...             :  Alt+Y
279 Options: Folder Options...                :  
280 Options: General Options...               :  
281 Options: Key Assignments...               :  
282 Options: Language Options...              :  
283 Options: Language Properties...           :  
284 Options: Load Configuration...            :  
285 Options: Manage Visual Themes...          :  
286 Options: Menu Assignments...              :  
287 Options: New Relation Window              :  
288 Options: Next Relation Window View        :  
289 Options: Outlining Options...             :  
290 Options: Page Setup...                    :  
291 Options: Preferences...                   :  
292 Options: Project File List Options...     :  
293 Options: Project File Type Window Option  :  
294 Options: Project Folder Browser Options.  :  
295 Options: Project Settings...              :  
296 Options: Project Symbol Category Window   :  
297 Options: Project Symbol List Options...   :  
298 Options: Relation Window Graph Options..  :  
299 Options: Relation Window Options...       :  
300 Options: Remote Options...                :  
301 Options: Reset Scaling                    :  
302 Options: Save Configuration...            :  
303 Options: Scroll Bar Options...            :  
304 Options: Searching Options...             :  
305 Options: Sort Symbol Window               :  Alt+F7
306 Options: Sort Symbols By Line             :  
307 Options: Sort Symbols By Name             :  
308 Options: Sort Symbols By Type             :  
309 Options: Style Properties...              :  
310 Options: Symbol Lookup Options...         :  
311 Options: Symbol Window Options...         :  
312 Options: Syntax Color...                  :  
313 Options: Syntax Decorations...            :  
314 Options: Syntax Formatting...             :  
315 Options: Syntax Keyword List...           :  
316 Options: Typing Options...                :  
317 Options: Window List Options...           :  
318 Options: Window Options...                :  
319 Options: Window Tab Options...            :  
320 Outline: Collapse                         :  
321 Outline: Collapse All                     :  
322 Outline: Expand                           :  
323 Outline: Expand All                       :  
324 Outline: Show Outlining                   :  
325 Outline: Toggle Expansions                :  
326 Project: Add and Remove Project Files...  :  
327 Project: Add File List...                 :  
328 Project: Add File...                      :  Alt+Shift+A
329 Project: Close Project                    :  Alt+Shift+W
330 Project: Copy Project...                  :  
331 Project: Export Project File List...      :  
332 Project: Export Project to HTML...        :  
333 Project: New Project...                   :  Alt+Shift+N
334 Project: Open Project Master File List..  :  
335 Project: Open Project...                  :  Alt+Shift+P
336 Project: Parsing Test                     :  
337 Project: Project Report...                :  
338 Project: Rebuild Project...               :  
339 Project: Remove File...                   :  Alt+Shift+R
340 Project: Remove Project...                :  
341 Project: Rename Project...                :  
342 Project: Synchronize Files...             :  Alt+Shift+S
343 Search: Incremental Search Backward...    :  
344 Search: Incremental Search...             :  Ctrl+,, F12
345 Search: Load Search String                :  
346 Search: Replace Files...                  :  
347 Search: Search Backward                   :  Ctrl+-, F3
348 Search: Search Backward for Selection     :  Ctrl+Shift+-, Shift+F3
349 Search: Search Engines...                 :  
350 Search: Search Files...                   :  Ctrl+Shift+F
351 Search: Search Forward                    :  Ctrl+=, F4
352 Search: Search Forward for Selection      :  Ctrl+Shift+=, Shift+F4
353 Search: Search Project...                 :  
354 Search: Search Results Options...         :  
355 Search: Search Web...                     :  Ctrl+Alt+W
356 Search: Search...                         :  Ctrl+F
357 Source Control: Check In                  :  
358 Source Control: Check Out                 :  
359 Source Control: Sync File to Source Cont  :  
360 Source Control: Sync to Source Control P  :  
361 Source Control: Undo Check Out            :  
362 Symbol: Browse Local File Symbols...      :  
363 Symbol: Browse Project Symbols...         :  
364 Symbol: Generate Call Tree...             :  
365 Symbol: Import External Symbols for Curr  :  
366 Symbol: Import External Symbols...        :  
367 Symbol: Jump To Base Type                 :  Alt+0
368 Symbol: Jump To Caller                    :  Ctrl+Alt+C
369 Symbol: Jump To Definition                :  
370 Symbol: Jump To Prototype...              :  Alt+-
371 Symbol: Lookup References...              :  Alt+F
372 Symbol: Parse File Now                    :  
373 Symbol: Project Symbols Dialog...         :  
374 Symbol: Symbol Info...                    :  Ctrl+R Click (select), Alt+/
375 Toolbar: Arrangement Toolbar              :  
376 Toolbar: Browse Toolbar                   :  
377 Toolbar: Build Toolbar                    :  
378 Toolbar: Edit Toolbar                     :  
379 Toolbar: File Toolbar                     :  
380 Toolbar: Help Toolbar                     :  
381 Toolbar: Layout Toolbar                   :  
382 Toolbar: Main Toolbar                     :  
383 Toolbar: Navigation Toolbar               :  
384 Toolbar: Outline Toolbar                  :  
385 Toolbar: Search Toolbar                   :  
386 Toolbar: Source Control Toolbar           :  
387 Toolbar: Symbols Toolbar                  :  
388 Toolbar: View Toolbar                     :  
389 Tools: Compare Files...                   :  
390 Tools: Compare with Backup File...        :  
391 Tools: Custom Commands...                 :  
392 Tools: Reformat Source Code               :  
393 Tools: Reformat Source Code Options...    :  
394 Tools: Save Declaration File              :  
395 View: Activate Clip Window                :  
396 View: Activate FTP Browser                :  
397 View: Activate Project File List          :  
398 View: Activate Project Search Bar         :  Alt+Shift+P
399 View: Activate Project Symbol List        :  Alt+G, F7
400 View: Activate Project Window             :  
401 View: Activate Relation Window            :  
402 View: Activate Search Bar                 :  Alt+Shift+F
403 View: Activate Search Results             :  
404 View: Activate Snippet Window             :  Ctrl+Alt+S
405 View: Activate Symbol Window              :  Alt+L
406 View: Activate Window List                :  
407 View: Bookmark Window                     :  
408 View: Clear Highlights                    :  Ctrl+Shift+H
409 View: Clip Window                         :  
410 View: Context Window                      :  
411 View: Directory Compare                   :  
412 View: File Compare                        :  
413 View: File Search Bar                     :  
414 View: FTP Browser                         :  
415 View: Full Screen                         :  F11
416 View: Highlight Word                      :  Ctrl+H, F8
417 View: Horizontal Scroll Bar               :  
418 View: Line Numbers                        :  
419 View: Load Layout A                       :  Ctrl+Shift+F1
420 View: Load Layout B                       :  Ctrl+Shift+F2
421 View: Load Layout C                       :  Ctrl+Shift+F3
422 View: Load Layout D                       :  Ctrl+Shift+F4
423 View: Load Layout...                      :  
424 View: Overview                            :  
425 View: Overview                            :  
426 View: Overview                            :  
427 View: Overview Options...                 :  
428 View: Project File List                   :  
429 View: Project File Types                  :  
430 View: Project Folder Browser              :  
431 View: Project Search Bar                  :  
432 View: Project Symbol Categories           :  
433 View: Project Symbol List                 :  
434 View: Project Window                      :  
435 View: Relation Window                     :  
436 View: Reset Layout...                     :  
437 View: Save Layout...                      :  
438 View: Show Nesting Lines                  :  
439 View: Show Relations                      :  
440 View: Snippet Window                      :  
441 View: Status Bar                          :  
442 View: Symbol Window                       :  Alt+F8
443 View: Tab Tray                            :  
444 View: Vertical Enhanced Scroll Bar        :  
445 View: Vertical Scroll Bar                 :  
446 View: Vertical Scroll Bar                 :  
447 View: View Relation Horizontal Graph      :  
448 View: View Relation Outline               :  
449 View: View Relation Vertical Graph        :  
450 View: Visible Spaces                      :  
451 View: Visible Tabs                        :  
452 View: Visible Tabs and Spaces             :  
453 View: Window List                         :  
454 View: Window Tabs                         :  
455 Windows: Cascade Windows                  :  
456 Windows: Close Window                     :  Ctrl+F4, Alt+F6
457 Windows: Last Window                      :  Ctrl+Shift+Tab, Ctrl+Tab
458 Windows: Link All Windows                 :  
459 Windows: Link Window...                   :  
460 Windows: New Window                       :  Alt+F5
461 Windows: Pick Window...                   :  
462 Windows: Remove Special Window Color      :  
463 Windows: Select Next Window               :  Ctrl+F6, Shift+F2, F2
464 Windows: Select Previous Window           :  Shift+F1
465 Windows: Show Clipboard                   :  
466 Windows: Special Window Color...          :  
467 Windows: Split Window                     :  
468 Windows: Sync File Windows                :  
469 Windows: Tile Horizontal                  :  
470 Windows: Tile One Window                  :  
471 Windows: Tile Two Windows                 :  F6
472 Windows: Tile Vertical                    :  
473 Windows: Zoom Window                      :  Ctrl+F10, Alt+F10


posted @ 2018-05-02 17:30  SaraMorning  阅读(430)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报