Ext Js简单容器常用布局的创建使用

在布局页面的时候,对于Ext Js提供了几种常用的布局方式,在一个容器中使用适当的布局方式进行适当的布局,对于继承自Ext.Container类的容器都可以使用这些布局,可以有很不错的效果。在上篇文章对于面板Panel的扩展练习Viewport容器中,使用了border和accordion两种布局方式结合做的效果。


function fitLayout() {
    var myFitLayout = new Ext.Panel({
        title: "Fit Layout",
        layout: "fit",
        width: 300,
        height: 300,
        style: {
            width: '95%',
            marginBottom: '10px',
            color: "red",
            background: "blue"
        items: [
                    title: 'InnerPanelOne',
                    style: { background: "yellow", height: "100px" },
                    html: '<p>The Inner Panel ContentOne</p>',
                    border: true
                    title: "InnerPanelTwo",
                    style: { background: "Orange" },
                    html: "<p>The Inner Panel ContentTwo</p>",
                    border: true


function borderLayOut() {
    var myBorderLayout = new Ext.Panel({
        renderTo: document.body, width: 800, height: 600, title: "Border Layout", layout: "border",
        style: { marginTop: "10px", marginLeft: "50px", background: "Red" },
        items: [
                { title: "Border East", region: "east", width: 150, split: true, collapsible: true, layout: "fit",
                    style: { background: "Orange" }, html: "<h1>East模块!</h1>"
                { title: "Border West", region: "west", width: 150, split: true, collapsible: true, layout: "fit",
                    style: { background: "Purple" }, html: "<h1>West模块<h1>"
                { title: "Border South", region: "south", height: 80, split: true, minSize: 75, maxSize: 150,
                    style: { color: "Blue" }, html: "<h1>South模块</h1>"
                { title: "Border North", region: "north", height: 100, split: true, minSize: 75, maxSize: 150,
                    style: { color: "Orange" }, html: "<h1>North模块</h1>"
                { title: "Border Center", region: "center", layout: "fit",
                    style: { color: "orange" }, html: "<h1>Center模块,信息提示!</h1>"


function cardLayOut() {
    var cardLayout = new Ext.Panel({
        title: "CardLayOut-Wizard", renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
        bodyStyle: "padding:15px", width: 300, defaults: { border: false }, //border应用于每个面板上
        layout: "card", activeItem: 0,
        bbar: [
                { id: "move-prev", text: "上一步", disabled: true,
                    handler: function () {
                        var id = cardLayout.layout.activeItem.id;
                        var tempArray = id.split('-');
                        if (tempArray[1] == 1) {
                        var newID;
                        if (tempArray[1] != 0) {
                            newID = tempArray[0] + "-" + (parseInt(tempArray[1]) - 1);
                "->", //贪婪分隔符,这样按钮就被对齐到边界处
                id: "move-next", text: "下一步",
                handler: function () {
                    var id = cardLayout.layout.activeItem.id;
                    var tempArray = id.split('-');
                    if (tempArray[1] == 1) {


                    var newID;
                    if (tempArray[1] != 2) {
                        newID = tempArray[0] + "-" + (parseInt(tempArray[1]) + 1);
        items: [
            { id: "card-0", html: "<h1>Welcome To The Wizard!</h1><p>Step 1 Of 3</p>" },
            { id: "card-1", html: "<h1>Welcome To The Wizard!</h1><p>Step 2 Of 3</p>" },
            { id: "card-2", html: "<h1>Welcome To The Wizard!</h1><p>Step 3 Of 3</p>" }


function accordinLayOut() {
    var accordionLayout = new Ext.Panel({
        title: "Accordion Layout", layout: "accordion", width: 260, height: 500, renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
        style: { marginTop: "10px", marginLeft: "100px" },
        defaults: { bodyStyle: { pandding: "15px", color: "Red", background: "Purple" }, border: false }, //应用每一个Panel
        layoutConfig: { titleCollapse: true, animate: true, activeTop: true }, //布局的相关配置
        items: [
                { title: "Panel One", html: "<p>我是Panel One!</p>" },
                { title: "Panel Two", html: "<p>我是Panel Two!</p>" },
                { title: "Panel Three", html: "<p>我是Panel Three!</p>" }


function tableLayOut() {
    var tableLayout = new Ext.Panel({
        title: "Table LayOut", renderTo: Ext.getBody(), width: 500, height: 300, layout: "table",
        defaults: { bodyStyle: { padding: "20px"} }, layoutConfig: { columns: 3 },
        items: [
                { title: "Cell A", html: "<p>Cell A Content</p>", rowspan: 2, width: 100, height: 300, style: { color: "red" }, bodyStyle: { background: "purple", height: "100px"} },
                { title: "Cell B", html: "<p>Cell B Content</p>", colspan: 2 },
                { title: "Cell C", html: "<p>Cell C Content</p>", cellCls: "highlight" },
                { title: "Cell D", html: "<p>Cell D Content</p>" }


function columnLayOut() {
    var columnLayout = new Ext.Panel({
        title: "Column Layout-Mixed", width: 800, heiht: 300, renderTo: Ext.getBody(), layout: "column",
        items: [
                    { title: "Column One", width: 200, html: "Column One Content " },
                    { title: "Column Two", columnWidth: .8, html: "Column Two Content" }, //百分比 0.8
                    {title: "Column Three", columnWidth: .2, html: "Column Three Content " }


function anchorLayOut() {
    var anchorLayout = new Ext.Panel({
        title: "锚点布局", width: 500, height: 300, frame: true, autoScroll: true, layout: "anchor", renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
        defaults: { bodyStyle: 'background-color:Purple;padding:0px' }, style: { marginLeft: "100px" },
        items: [
        // { anchor: "30% 30%", title: "Panel One", html: "百分比(Percentage定位)", frame: true }, //百分比定位
                {anchor: "-30 0", title: "Panel Two", html: "偏移量(Offsets)定位", frame: true}  //偏移量定位
        //{anchor: "r b", title: "Panel Three", html: "参考边(side)定位", frame: true}         //参数边定位(右边和底部)


function formLayOut() {
    var formLayout = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
        title: "Form Layout", renderTo: Ext.getBody(), width: 500, hidLables: false, labelAlign: "left", //'right'or 'top'
        labelWidth: 65, labelPad: 8, bodyStyle: "padding:15px", defaultType: "textfield",
        defaults: { width: 230, msgTarget: 'side' }, layoutConfig: { labelSeparator: '~' },
        labelSeparator: ":", //field的label显示分隔符,不需要使用""
        items: [
                        { fieldLabel: "First Name", name: "first", allowBlank: false, labelSeparator: ":" },
                        { fieldLabel: "Last Name", name: "last" },
                        { fieldLabel: "Email", name: "email", vtype: "email" },
                        { xtype: "textarea", fieldLabel: "Message", hideLabel: true, name: "msg", achor: "100% -53" }
        buttons: [
                { text: "Save" }, { text: "Cancel" }


以下是所有的布局字符串和类的对应关系,所有的布局类均继承自 Ext.layout.ContainerLayout类 

字符串            类                           中文名称
-------------    ------------------           ------------------
absolute         Ext.layout.absolute           绝对定位
accordion        Ext.layout.Accordion         手风琴式
anchor           Ext.layout.AnchorLayout       锚定
(新)auto         Ext.layout.auto               自动
border           Ext.layout.BorderLayout      边界式
card             Ext.layout.CardLayout        卡片式
column           Ext.layout.ColumnLayout        列式
fit              Ext.layout.FitLayout          自适应
form             Ext.layout.FormLayout          表单式
(新)hbox         Ext.layout.hbox               水平
(新)menu         Ext.layout.menu               菜单式
table            Ext.layout.TableLayout      表格式
(新)toolbar      Ext.layout.toolbar           工具条式
(新)vbox         Ext.layout.vbox                垂直


posted @ 2013-01-26 12:46  SanMaoSpace  阅读(2067)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报