elasticsearch 备份和恢复

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 During snapshot initialization, information about all previous snapshots is loaded into the memory, which means that in large repositories it may take several seconds (or even minutes) for this command to return even if the wait_for_completion parameter is set to false.


The index snapshot process is incremental. In the process of making the index snapshot Elasticsearch analyses the list of the index files that are already stored in the repository and copies only files that were created or changed since the last snapshot. That allows multiple snapshots to be preserved in the repository in a compact form. Snapshotting process is executed in non-blocking fashion.



All indexing and searching operation can continue to be executed against the index that is being snapshotted. However, a snapshot represents the point-in-time view of the index at the moment when snapshot was created, so no records that were added to the index after the snapshot process was started will be present in the snapshot.



The snapshot process starts immediately for the primary shards that has been started and are not relocating at the moment. Elasticsearch waits for relocation or initialization of shards to complete before snapshotting them.


Besides creating a copy of each index the snapshot process can also store global cluster metadata, which includes persistent cluster settings and templates. The transient settings and registered snapshot repositories are not stored as part of the snapshot.



[root@datanode3 elasticsearch]# cd test/
[root@datanode3 test]# ll
总计 174092
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    183796 03-04 21:48 123.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 177894546 03-04 17:15 1.tgz
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root      4096 03-04 21:45 repo
[root@datanode3 test]# cd repo/
[root@datanode3 repo]# ll
总计 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   32 03-04 21:45 index
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 03-04 21:45 indices
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  252 03-04 21:45 metadata-snapshot_test5
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  202 03-04 21:45 snapshot-snapshot_test5
[root@datanode3 repo]# cat metadata-snapshot_test5 









Only one snapshot process can be executed in the cluster at any time. While snapshot of a particular shard is being created this shard cannot be moved to another node, which can interfere with rebalancing process and allocation filtering. Elasticsearch will only be able to move a shard to another node (according to the current allocation filtering settings and rebalancing algorithm) once the snapshot is finished.




However, while replication can protect a cluster from hardware failures, it doesn’t help when someone accidentally deletes an index. Anyone that relies on an Elasticsearch cluster needs to perform regular backups.



The snapshot/restore mechanism can be also used to synchronize data between a “hot” cluster and a remote, “cold” backup cluster in a different geographic region for fast disaster recovery.




Java api 


posted on 2015-03-02 16:20  迷茫中寻找方向  阅读(2504)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
