PowerDesigner 使用详解
PowerDesigner 表格导出为excel
ctrl + A选中所有表
ctrl + shift +x 然后运行脚本

'****************************************************************************** Option Explicit Dim rowsNum rowsNum = 0 '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Main function '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get the current active model Dim Model Set Model = ActiveModel If (Model Is Nothing) Or (Not Model.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model)) Then MsgBox "The current model is not an PDM model." Else ' Get the tables collection '创建EXCEL APP dim beginrow DIM EXCEL, SHEET, SHEETLIST set EXCEL = CREATEOBJECT("Excel.Application") EXCEL.workbooks.add(-4167)'添加工作表 EXCEL.workbooks(1).sheets(1).name ="表结构" set SHEET = EXCEL.workbooks(1).sheets("表结构") EXCEL.workbooks(1).sheets.add EXCEL.workbooks(1).sheets(1).name ="目录" set SHEETLIST = EXCEL.workbooks(1).sheets("目录") ShowTableList Model,SHEETLIST ShowProperties Model, SHEET,SHEETLIST EXCEL.workbooks(1).Sheets(2).Select EXCEL.visible = true '设置列宽和自动换行 sheet.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 20 sheet.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 20 sheet.Columns(3).ColumnWidth = 20 sheet.Columns(4).ColumnWidth = 40 sheet.Columns(5).ColumnWidth = 10 sheet.Columns(6).ColumnWidth = 10 sheet.Columns(1).WrapText =true sheet.Columns(2).WrapText =true sheet.Columns(4).WrapText =true '不显示网格线 EXCEL.ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False End If '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Show properties of tables '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub ShowProperties(mdl, sheet,SheetList) ' Show tables of the current model/package rowsNum=0 beginrow = rowsNum+1 Dim rowIndex rowIndex=3 ' For each table output "begin" Dim tab For Each tab In mdl.tables ShowTable tab,sheet,rowIndex,sheetList rowIndex = rowIndex +1 Next if mdl.tables.count > 0 then sheet.Range("A" & beginrow + 1 & ":A" & rowsNum).Rows.Group end if output "end" End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Show table properties '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub ShowTable(tab, sheet,rowIndex,sheetList) If IsObject(tab) Then Dim rangFlag rowsNum = rowsNum + 1 ' Show properties Output "================================" sheet.cells(rowsNum, 1) =tab.name sheet.cells(rowsNum, 1).HorizontalAlignment=3 sheet.cells(rowsNum, 2) = tab.code 'sheet.cells(rowsNum, 5).HorizontalAlignment=3 'sheet.cells(rowsNum, 6) = "" 'sheet.cells(rowsNum, 7) = "表说明" sheet.cells(rowsNum, 3) = tab.comment 'sheet.cells(rowsNum, 8).HorizontalAlignment=3 sheet.Range(sheet.cells(rowsNum, 3),sheet.cells(rowsNum, 7)).Merge '设置超链接,从目录点击表名去查看表结构 '字段中文名 字段英文名 字段类型 注释 是否主键 是否非空 默认值 sheetList.Hyperlinks.Add sheetList.cells(rowIndex,2), "","表结构"&"!B"&rowsNum rowsNum = rowsNum + 1 sheet.cells(rowsNum, 1) = "字段中文名" sheet.cells(rowsNum, 2) = "字段英文名" sheet.cells(rowsNum, 3) = "字段类型" sheet.cells(rowsNum, 4) = "注释" sheet.cells(rowsNum, 5) = "是否主键" sheet.cells(rowsNum, 6) = "是否非空" sheet.cells(rowsNum, 7) = "默认值" '设置边框 sheet.Range(sheet.cells(rowsNum-1, 1),sheet.cells(rowsNum, 7)).Borders.LineStyle = "1" 'sheet.Range(sheet.cells(rowsNum-1, 4),sheet.cells(rowsNum, 9)).Borders.LineStyle = "1" '字体为10号 sheet.Range(sheet.cells(rowsNum-1, 1),sheet.cells(rowsNum, 7)).Font.Size=10 Dim col ' running column Dim colsNum colsNum = 0 for each col in tab.columns rowsNum = rowsNum + 1 colsNum = colsNum + 1 sheet.cells(rowsNum, 1) = col.name 'sheet.cells(rowsNum, 3) = "" 'sheet.cells(rowsNum, 4) = col.name sheet.cells(rowsNum, 2) = col.code sheet.cells(rowsNum, 3) = col.datatype sheet.cells(rowsNum, 4) = col.comment If col.Primary = true Then sheet.cells(rowsNum, 5) = "Y" Else sheet.cells(rowsNum, 5) = " " End If If col.Mandatory = true Then sheet.cells(rowsNum, 6) = "Y" Else sheet.cells(rowsNum, 6) = " " End If sheet.cells(rowsNum, 7) = col.defaultvalue next sheet.Range(sheet.cells(rowsNum-colsNum+1,1),sheet.cells(rowsNum,7)).Borders.LineStyle = "3" 'sheet.Range(sheet.cells(rowsNum-colsNum+1,4),sheet.cells(rowsNum,9)).Borders.LineStyle = "3" sheet.Range(sheet.cells(rowsNum-colsNum+1,1),sheet.cells(rowsNum,7)).Font.Size = 10 rowsNum = rowsNum + 2 Output "FullDescription: " + tab.Name End If End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Show List Of Table '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub ShowTableList(mdl, SheetList) ' Show tables of the current model/package Dim rowsNo rowsNo=1 ' For each table output "begin" SheetList.cells(rowsNo, 1) = "主题" SheetList.cells(rowsNo, 2) = "表中文名" SheetList.cells(rowsNo, 3) = "表英文名" SheetList.cells(rowsNo, 4) = "表说明" rowsNo = rowsNo + 1 SheetList.cells(rowsNo, 1) = mdl.name Dim tab For Each tab In mdl.tables If IsObject(tab) Then rowsNo = rowsNo + 1 SheetList.cells(rowsNo, 1) = "" SheetList.cells(rowsNo, 2) = tab.name SheetList.cells(rowsNo, 3) = tab.code SheetList.cells(rowsNo, 4) = tab.comment End If Next SheetList.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 20 SheetList.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 20 SheetList.Columns(3).ColumnWidth = 30 SheetList.Columns(4).ColumnWidth = 60 output "end" End Sub
PowerDesigner创建索引的方式: https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/b907e627bfa2b946e7891c0a.html
一些使用 参考: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42179326/article/details/80399400
下载安装参考: https://www.fujieace.com/software/powerdesigner.html