JS是在浏览器中运行的,浏览器为了运行JS, 必须要编译或解释JS,因为JS是高级语言,计算机不认识,必须把它编译或解释成机器语言,其次,在运行JS的过程,浏览器还要创建堆栈,因为程序是在栈中执行,执行过程中的创建的对象是在堆中。浏览器的JS引擎,比如V8,就是做这些事的。JS引擎负责编译或解释JS,并创建堆栈来运行JS。
function multiply (x, y) {
return x * y
function printSquare (x) {
const s = multiply(x, x)
程序初始化,栈为空;程序开始执行,调用printSquare(5),printSquare函数入栈并执行,它调用了multiply(x, x), multiply函数入栈并执行,执行完毕返回25,multiply函数弹栈,回到printSquare, 执行它后面的代码,也就是console.log , console.log 也是函数,进栈,执行完,弹栈,然后回到printSquare,,执行consoe.log 后面的代码,后面没有代码了,printSquare也就执行完了,弹栈,回到调用printSquare的地方,执行它后面的代码,它后面也没有代码,所有程序执行完毕,栈为空。整个调用栈的情况如下图所示,
在JS中,栈就是记录了程序执行到了什么地方,如果调用一个函数,这个函数就放到栈中,如果从函数中返回,就把该函数弹出栈。每一次的调用,都会创建stack frame。程序执行出错,也可以通过调用栈,追踪到程序在什么地方出错。
function foo() {
throw new Error('SessionStack will help you resolve crashes :)');
function bar() {
function start() {
如果函数一直调用呢? 那就栈溢出了。因为栈在内存中开辟的,内存不可能无限大,内存是有限的,栈也就是有限。递归处理不好,容易栈溢出。
function f () {
return f()
如果仅仅是运行JS,作用也不大,因为JS本身没有输入或输出等与外界交互的能力,因此浏览器除了包含JS引擎,还提供了JS与外界交互的能力。这些能力是通过API提供的,比如document, fetch等等,把它们注入到JS的全局作用域中,在JS运行时,可以直接使用它们。这些API统称为 web API,或外部API,因为它们也不属于JS。运行JS并能和外部交互,这很好,但也会带来一个问题, 比如,fetch() 向服务器请求数据,可能要很长时间,JS是单线程也就意味着,要等到它执行结束,才能执行它后面的代码,如果一直等,那后面的代码就不用执行了,浏览器也就卡死了。如果某件事情执行时间过长,怎么办?异步处理。为了支持异步,浏览器提供了事件循环和事件队列,以及向事件队列中插入事件的功能。因此JS的运行时,也就是浏览器,要包含以下几部分
console.log('js') setTimeout(function cb() { console.log(' awesome!') }, 5000) console.log(' is')
console.log(‘js’),函数入调用栈并执行,控制台输出js, 函数执行完毕,弹栈,
setTimeout()执行,这是一个Web API,是浏览器内部实现的,调用Web API,只是告诉浏览器帮我们做事情,setTimeout是告诉浏览器5s之后执行cb函数,
5s 过后,计时器完成计时,浏览器把回调函数cb放到了事件队列中
回调函数cb执行,console.log(‘awesome’) 进栈,出栈,控制台输出awesome,回调函数执行完了, 出栈。
console.log('script start') const interval = setInterval(() => { console.log('setInterval') }, 0) setTimeout(() => { console.log('setTimeout 1') Promise.resolve() .then(() => console.log('promise 3')) .then(() => console.log('promise 4')) .then(() => { setTimeout(() => { console.log('setTimeout 2') Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log('promise 5')) .then(() => console.log('promise 6')) .then(() => clearInterval(interval)) }, 0) }) }, 0) Promise.resolve() .then(() => console.log('promise 1')) .then(() => console.log('promise 2'))
程序执行,也可以称为第一个tick。console.log(), 进栈,执行,出栈,控制台输出script start。setInterval进栈,告诉浏览器每隔0s,控制台输出setInterval,浏览器设置定时器,setInterval执行完毕,出栈。setTimeout进栈,告诉浏览器0s后,执行一段代码,浏览器设置定时器,setTimeout执行完毕,出栈. Promise.resovle执行,两个then回调函数放入到microtasks队列中。程序执行完毕,第一个tick执行完毕,此时要检查当前tick后面的microtasks队列有没有task。有,就是Promise.resovle的两个回调,依次执行,控制台输出promise 1 和 promise 2。0s肯定过了,浏览器把setInterval和setTimeout放入到macrotask队列中。
每二个tick,从macrotask队列中取出settInterval 的回调函数,控制台输出settInterval ,它没有产生microtask,也就没有microtasks队列,0s过了,浏览器又到macrotask队列中放入settInterval 。此时macrotask队列中 [setTimeout, settInterval]
第三个tick,setTimeout注册的回调函数执行,控制台输出 setTimeout 1,Promise.resovle执行,三个then放入到microtasks,microtasks是放到当前tick后,tick执行完毕,检查它后面的microtasks队列,有。依次执行,控制台输出Promise 3和 Promise 4,另外一个setTimeout放到macrotask队列中,称它为setTimeout2。此时,macrotask队列[settInterval, setTimeout ]
第四个tick,从macrotask队列中取出settInterval 的回调函数,控制台输出settInterval ,它没有产生microtask,也就没有microtasks队列,0s过了,浏览器又到macrotask队列中放入settInterval 。此时macrotask队列中 [setTimeout2, settInterval]
第五个tick,setTimeout2注册的回调函数执行,控制台输出 setTimeout 2,Promise.resovle执行,三个then放入到microtasks,microtasks是放到当前tick后,tick执行完毕,检查它后面的microtasks队列,有。依次执行,控制台输出Promise 5和 Promise 6,同时清除掉了setInterval,此时,macrotask队列[]。
in a single iteration, the event loop first checks
the macrotask queue, and if there’s a macrotask waiting to be executed, starts its exe-
cution. Only after the task is fully processed (or if there were no tasks in the queue),
the event loop moves onto processing the microtask queue. If there’s a task waiting in
that queue, the event loop takes it and executes it to completion. This is performed
for all microtasks in the queue. Note the difference between handling the macrotask
and microtask queues: In a single loop iteration, one macrotask at most is processed
(others are left waiting in the queue), whereas all microtasks are processed.
When the microtask queue is finally empty, the event loop checks whether a UI
render update is required, and if it is, the UI is re-rendered. This ends the current iter-
ation of the event loop, which goes back to the beginning and checks the macrotask
queue again.
Both task queues are placed outside the event loop, to indicate that the act of adding tasks to their matching queues happens outside the event loop the acts of detecting and adding tasks are done separately from the event loop.
All microtasks should be executed before the next rendering, because their goal is to update the application state before rendering occurs.
The browser usually tries to render the page 60 times per second, to achieve 60 frames
per second (60 fps), a frame rate that’s often considered ideal for smooth
motion, such as animations—meaning, the browser tries to render a frame every 16 ms.
Notice how the “Update rendering” action, shown in figure 13.1, happens
inside the event loop, because the page content shouldn’t be modified by
another task while the page is being rendered. This all means that, if we want to
achieve smooth-running applications, we don’t have much time to process tasks
in a single event-loop iteration. A single task and all microtasks generated by that task
should ideally complete within 16 ms.
that it’s important that the event detection and addition to the task queue happens
outside the event loop; the tasks are
added to the task queue even while main-
line JavaScript code is being executed.
当使用setTimeInteval的时候,它每隔一段时间就会向task queue里面添加事件或(事件处理函数),但是,如果前一次添加的事性,没有处理,还是在task队列中,这一次添加的事件就会被丢弃。
The browser won’t queue up more than one instance of a specific interval handler.