flink1.11.1 从源码看table api以及表达式的问题

想玩一下flink1.11全新的table api,发觉全是坑啊,不知道是因为我新手哪里使用不对,还是flink开发者的疏忽导致的BUG。

table api新特性


     * Performs a selection operation. Similar to a SQL SELECT statement. The field expressions
     * can contain complex expressions and aggregations.
     * <p>Example:
     * <pre>
     * {@code
     *   tab.select("key, value.avg + ' The average' as average")
     * }
     * </pre>
     * @deprecated use {@link #select(Expression...)}
    Table select(String fields);

     * Performs a selection operation. Similar to a SQL SELECT statement. The field expressions
     * can contain complex expressions and aggregations.
     * <p>Scala Example:
     * <pre>
     * {@code
     *   tab.select($("key"), $("value").avg().plus(" The average").as("average"));
     * }
     * </pre>
     * <p>Scala Example:
     * <pre>
     * {@code
     *   tab.select($"key", $"value".avg + " The average" as "average")
     * }
     * </pre>
    Table select(Expression... fields);

这里是通过select 举例,之外还有where、filter、groupBy等。


     * Creates an unresolved reference to a table's field.
     * <p>Example:
     * <pre>{@code
     *   tab.select($("key"), $("value"))
     * }
     * </pre>
    //CHECKSTYLE.OFF: MethodName
    public static ApiExpression $(String name) {
        return new ApiExpression(unresolvedRef(name));



  • TableEnviroment接口并没有提供流输入





  • StreamTableEnvironment新方法有问题


    public <T> Table fromDataStream(DataStream<T> dataStream, String fields) {
        List<Expression> expressions = ExpressionParser.parseExpressionList(fields);
        return fromDataStream(dataStream, expressions.toArray(new Expression[0]));

    public <T> Table fromDataStream(DataStream<T> dataStream, Expression... fields) {
        JavaDataStreamQueryOperation<T> queryOperation = asQueryOperation(

        return createTable(queryOperation);


     * Converts the given {@link DataStream} into a {@link Table} with specified field names.
     * <p>There are two modes for mapping original fields to the fields of the {@link Table}:
     * <p>1. Reference input fields by name:
     * All fields in the schema definition are referenced by name
     * (and possibly renamed using an alias (as). Moreover, we can define proctime and rowtime
     * attributes at arbitrary positions using arbitrary names (except those that exist in the
     * result schema). In this mode, fields can be reordered and projected out. This mode can
     * be used for any input type, including POJOs.
     * <p>Example:
     * <pre>
     * {@code
     *   DataStream<Tuple2<String, Long>> stream = ...
     *   Table table = tableEnv.fromDataStream(
     *      stream,
     *      $("f1"), // reorder and use the original field
     *      $("rowtime").rowtime(), // extract the internally attached timestamp into an event-time
     *                              // attribute named 'rowtime'
     *      $("f0").as("name") // reorder and give the original field a better name
     *   );
     * }
     * </pre>
     * <p>2. Reference input fields by position:
     * In this mode, fields are simply renamed. Event-time attributes can
     * replace the field on their position in the input data (if it is of correct type) or be
     * appended at the end. Proctime attributes must be appended at the end. This mode can only be
     * used if the input type has a defined field order (tuple, case class, Row) and none of
     * the {@code fields} references a field of the input type.
     * <p>Example:
     * <pre>
     * {@code
     *   DataStream<Tuple2<String, Long>> stream = ...
     *   Table table = tableEnv.fromDataStream(
     *      stream,
     *      $("a"), // rename the first field to 'a'
     *      $("b"), // rename the second field to 'b'
     *      $("rowtime").rowtime() // extract the internally attached timestamp into an event-time
     *                             // attribute named 'rowtime'
     *   );
     * }
     * </pre>
     * @param dataStream The {@link DataStream} to be converted.
     * @param fields The fields expressions to map original fields of the DataStream to the fields of the {@code Table}.
     * @param <T> The type of the {@link DataStream}.
     * @return The converted {@link Table}.
    <T> Table fromDataStream(DataStream<T> dataStream, Expression... fields);


Table words = tblEnv.fromDataStream(dataStream
, row("f0").as("word"));


org.apache.flink.table.api.ValidationException: Alias 'word' is not allowed if other fields are referenced by position.

at org.apache.flink.table.typeutils.FieldInfoUtils$IndexedExprToFieldInfo.visitAlias(FieldInfoUtils.java:500)

at org.apache.flink.table.typeutils.FieldInfoUtils$IndexedExprToFieldInfo.visit(FieldInfoUtils.java:478)


 1         @Override
 2         public FieldInfo visit(UnresolvedCallExpression unresolvedCall) {
 3             if (unresolvedCall.getFunctionDefinition() == BuiltInFunctionDefinitions.AS) {
 4                 return visitAlias(unresolvedCall);
 5             } else if (isRowTimeExpression(unresolvedCall)) {
 6                 validateRowtimeReplacesCompatibleType(unresolvedCall);
 7                 return createTimeAttributeField(getChildAsReference(unresolvedCall), TimestampKind.ROWTIME, null);
 8             } else if (isProcTimeExpression(unresolvedCall)) {
 9                 validateProcTimeAttributeAppended(unresolvedCall);
10                 return createTimeAttributeField(getChildAsReference(unresolvedCall), TimestampKind.PROCTIME, null);
11             }
13             return defaultMethod(unresolvedCall);
14         }
16         private FieldInfo visitAlias(UnresolvedCallExpression unresolvedCall) {
17             List<Expression> children = unresolvedCall.getChildren();
18             String newName = extractAlias(children.get(1));
20             Expression child = children.get(0);
21             if (isProcTimeExpression(child)) {
22                 validateProcTimeAttributeAppended(unresolvedCall);
23                 return createTimeAttributeField(getChildAsReference(child), TimestampKind.PROCTIME, newName);
24             } else {
25                 throw new ValidationException(
26                     format("Alias '%s' is not allowed if other fields are referenced by position.", newName));
27             }
28         }
30         @Override
31         protected FieldInfo defaultMethod(Expression expression) {
32             throw new ValidationException("Field reference expression or alias on field expression expected.");
33         }




    public <T> Table fromDataStream(DataStream<T> dataStream) {
        JavaDataStreamQueryOperation<T> queryOperation = asQueryOperation(

        return createTable(queryOperation);



因为table api几乎所有算子都换了新的表达式入参,还有很多问题,待续。


posted on 2020-09-13 11:20  SaltFishYe  阅读(691)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
