An IP Address Blocking HttpModule for ASP.NET

I'm sure this has been done before, but it was faster to write it than to google for it. There's some IP Addresses that have been bothering me and I don't have access to a firewall or IIS at my ISP, so...

I can upload a text file called blockedips.txt to my site and the changes happen immediately.

    9 namespace YourModuleNameHere
   10 {
   11     public class IPBlackList : IHttpModule
   12     {
   13         private EventHandler onBeginRequest;
   15         public IPBlackList()
   16         {
   17             onBeginRequest = new EventHandler(this.HandleBeginRequest);
   18         }
   20         void IHttpModule.Dispose()
   21         {
   22         }
   24         void IHttpModule.Init(HttpApplication context)
   25         {
   26             context.BeginRequest += onBeginRequest;
   27         }
   29         const string BLOCKEDIPSKEY = "blockedips";
   30         const string BLOCKEDIPSFILE = "SiteConfig/blockedips.config";
   32         public static StringDictionary GetBlockedIPs(HttpContext context)
   33         {
   34             StringDictionary ips = (StringDictionary)context.Cache[BLOCKEDIPSKEY ];
   35             if (ips == null)
   36             {
   37                 ips = GetBlockedIPs(GetBlockedIPsFilePathFromCurrentContext(context));
   38                 context.Cache.Insert(BLOCKEDIPSKEY , ips, new CacheDependency(GetBlockedIPsFilePathFromCurrentContext(context)));
   39             }
   40             return ips;
   41         }
   43         private static string BlockedIPFileName = null;
   44         private static object blockedIPFileNameObject = new object();
   45         public static string GetBlockedIPsFilePathFromCurrentContext(HttpContext context)
   46         {
   47             if (BlockedIPFileName != null)
   48                 return BlockedIPFileName;
   49             lock(blockedIPFileNameObject)
   50             {
   51                 if (BlockedIPFileName == null)
   52                 {
   53                     BlockedIPFileName = context.Server.MapPath(BLOCKEDIPSFILE);
   54                 }
   55             }
   56             return BlockedIPFileName;
   57         }
   59         public static StringDictionary GetBlockedIPs(string configPath)
   60         {
   61             StringDictionary retval = new StringDictionary();
   62             using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(configPath))
   63             {
   64                 String line;
   65                 while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
   66                 {
   67                     line = line.Trim();
   68                     if (line.Length != 0)
   69                     {
   70                         retval.Add(line, null);
   71                     }
   72                 }
   73             }
   74             return retval;
   75         }
   77         private void HandleBeginRequest( object sender, EventArgs evargs )
   78         {
   79             HttpApplication app = sender as HttpApplication;
   81             if ( app != null )
   82             {
   83                 string IPAddr = app.Context.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
   84                 if (IPAddr == null || IPAddr.Length == 0)
   85                 {
   86                     return;
   87                 }
   89                 StringDictionary badIPs = GetBlockedIPs(app.Context);
   90                 if (badIPs != null && badIPs.ContainsKey(IPAddr))
   91                 {
   92                     app.Context.Response.StatusCode = 404;
   93                     app.Context.Response.SuppressContent = true;
   94                     app.Context.Response.End();
   95                     return;
   96                 }
   97             }
   98         }
   99     }
  100 }

And in your web.config:

   42 <system.web>
   43    <httpModules>
   44         <add type="YourModuleNameHere.IPBlackList, YourAssemblyNameHere"
   45             name="IPBlackList" />
   46    </httpModules>
   47 </system.web>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.SessionState;

namespace StateWall
public class StateShield : IHttpModule
  public void Init(HttpApplication ctx)
ctx.PreRequestHandlerExecute += new EventHandler(RunSessionRules);

  public void Dispose(){}

  private void RunSessionRules(object sender, EventArgs e)
   HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current;
   HttpSessionState session = ctx.Session;
   if (ctx.Request.Url.LocalPath == "/logout.aspx")
     ctx.Response.Write("All session variables are flushed out!");
   if (ctx.Request.Url.LocalPath != "/login.aspx")
     int flag = 0;
     foreach (string key in session.Keys)
      if (key.ToString() == "login")
       if (session[key].ToString() == "successful")
         flag = 1;
     if (flag == 0)
      ctx.Response.Write("Unauthorized access without session.");
posted @ 2009-05-23 10:07  有安科技  阅读(341)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报